Part 1- How it All Began

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It all happened so fast. One minute they were here, and the next, I was standing over them in a coffin. I knew I was gonna have to stay with my grandma for a while before I got put into foster care. I didn't mind though.
The next few weeks were really hectic. My grandma still let me go to school, surprisingly. School was a lot different then I remembered it though, even though I still went to the same exact place, with the same exact people and teachers, everything was different. It was all so...dark. I guess that was just me though.
I refused to tell anyone about what had happened, even my close friends, for even I didn't want to except it still.
My grades dropped instantly, for I had been gone for two weeks and didn't bother to do the makeup work. The teachers pretended not to notice a change in my behavior, but I knew they did, for I had been a straight A student before I came back.
The only teacher who cared was my leadership teacher, Mrs. Lee, who had been through tick and thin with me over a span of three years.
She pulled me out of class, noticing my blank expression that I had portrayed since I came back. She cared, I could tell. I trusted her, so I started from the beginning. I started by explaining how it happened, already in tears at this point.
I had been babysitting for my aunt, my cousin was only four. My mom and dad had gone out grocery shopping, mind you grocery shopping for them usually took 2-3 hours. With this in mind, I didn't notice when they were gone for a little longer then usual. I started to get worried when they had been gone for more than 5 hours though.
All I could feel was fear at this point. There were blue and red flashing lights outside my window suddenly, which immediately made my eyes tear up, for I had an idea of what had happened. When the officer came to my door, all I heard over the voices in my head were the words "both found dead" and "sorry."
I had so many questions, but yet, had no words to speak. Everything was blank, numb, dark. I was confused and delirious. I couldn't believe it, and I was far from excepting it.

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