Part 34 - I Worry I Won't Be the Same, But I Guess That That's the Point

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*I know I already put this song on a chapter, but I just love it so much, like wow. Play at any time btw. Thanks for listening to this PSA lol*


-Grayson's POV-

Dr. Pierce took Elliana and I back into a fairly large meeting room. I didn't like being here, I didn't like hospitals in general, it brings back to many memories with my dad, and now it's even worse because I will have memories with Ethan here too.

Elliana and I sat down at the table with Dr. Pierce and the two others.

Dr. Pierce shuffled the papers in front of her, and spoke very calmly, just like before.

"Mr. Dolan, I'm sure you're aware that the drugs that Ethan took put him into a medically induced coma, which is why we were unable to wake him up for so long. His heart soon stopped beating because the medications he took spread to his Sinoatrial node, and his Medulla oblongata. These are parts of the brain that effect the heart and how it beats. Dr. Shepherd and Dr. Koracic were able to strip away some of the tissue that had been infected with the drug, but were not able to get rid of all of it without permanently damaging the brain. Because Ethan still had some of that damaged tissue, I had to put a pace maker on his heart to keep it beating without the full guidance of the Sinoatrial node, and the Medulla oblongata. He is now in recovery, but his blood pressure and white blood cell counts are extremely low. We are really hoping he will wake up, but because of the open brain surgery we preformed, there's always a chance he won't. He is unresponsive at this time, but you two are welcome to go sit by him and talk to him. Who knows, he might be able to hear you." She said the last sentence with a wink and then got up and walked away.

As we got up to walk out of the room, Dr. Shepherd stopped us.

"Hey uh can I have a minute?" She spoke calmly, but sounded nervous.

"of course" Elliana replied.

We sat back down and Dr. Shepherd continued,

"First off, I am extremely sorry about what happened to your brother, but also, I am extremely sorry I wasn't able to get all the damaged tissue out. If I would've, he would have definitely had some brain damage and loss of movement, but we shouldn't have let it spread that far in the first place. Your brother is the first case I've ever seen where a drug like a benzodiazepine spread to the brain like it did, and especially not to the specific parts of his brain like it did. I would like to do further testing on why exactly this happened, so we can use it for further research and use it for advancement in medical history. Is that okay?"

Elliana looked over at me, expecting me to answer.

I stuttered, "y-ya I guess so, If it's for the greater good, but will it hurt Ethan in anyway?"

Dr. Shepherd shook her head, "Not at all, Dr. Koracic and I will work with the infected tissue we've collected from him already, and might just have to take a few more blood samples over the next few days."

I nodded, "Ya, I'm sure he would want to help whoever he could anyway."

She looked down, "I only have one more question for you Mr. Dolan"

I nodded.

"Um, I know this is probably really hard to hear right now, but is Ethan an organ donor? We are still not sure if he will ever wake up, more or less make it through the night, so we need to know as there are many patients in this hospital awaiting organ transplants."

A tear rolled down Elliana's cheek when Dr. Shepherd explained this, as she knew that Ethan most likely wasn't going to make it.

"I'm sure he would be okay with that as well." My voice cracked as I said that, as I knew Ethan most likely wouldn't make it either.

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