Part 30 - An Unknown Face

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-Elliana's POV-

Ugh, spring cleaning, my least favorite part of the year. Grayson and Ethan had this rule that by April 1st, all rooms had to be spotless. Rose and I had been working slowly on it for the past week or so, but today we had to finish our job.

The reason why Ethan and Grayson had us do this was because on April 2nd, there would be a lot of new girls arriving. Most of them getting sold, but some would be fortunate enough to stay.

I was cleaning off my vanity when I found a stack of pictures that I had taken when I went to Miami with Grayson. I decided this would be the perfect time to actually put them in my scrap book.

My scrapbook was one of the only things I had left of my family. There were lots of family photos in it, but I had never looked at them, as I always got to sad and couldn't handle it. Today, I decided to look through them. I had nothing better to do than clean, and I think I needed a little break from that anyway.

As I was flipping through several of my old family photos, I noticed something strange. In literally all of the old family photos, there was a little boy that I had never seen before in them. He had dirty blonde hair and eyes so blue, they almost looked purple. They were exactly like mine.

I walked over to Rose, who was working on cleaning the bathroom.

"Hey Rose check this out."

"Oh that's such a cute family photo! I didn't know you had a brother" She said, pointing to the little boy. "What's his name?"

"See that's the problem, I don't know."

She looked confused, "What do you mean? Did you forget your own brother's name?"

I shook my head, "No, I mean, I've literally never seen this boy in my life."

She looked at the picture more closely, "Well obviously you have, since he's in this picture with you."

"Well yeah, but I don't remember him whatsoever. I mean, if he was my brother, than wouldn't I remember him?"

"I don't know El, maybe there's a name somewhere on the back on one of the pictures or something."

I took the picture out of the little slot it was in, and flipped it over.

"It just says "Rivers family 2002"

Rose grabbed the picture out of my hand, "2002? This picture looks a lot older."

"He looks older than you too

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"He looks older than you too." Rose added.

I nodded, "yeah he does."

Rose and I looked through all the pictures, and discovered that the little was in every single one of them. We then took all of them out of the book and sorted through them, looking for annotations or some sort of clue to who the boy was on the backs of the photos.

"Found it! It says here his name was Camryn."

As soon as Rose said that, we heard a knock on our door.

"I'll get it" I said

I opened the door to reveal the new girl. Emma I think her name was.

I smiled, "Hi Emma!"

She fake smiled at me, "I'm sorry, but I can't keep from overhearing. My room is right on the other side of your guys' bathroom."

I nodded, "You're fine, did you have something to say?"

"Ya actually, about the little boy."

"oh! Come in, come in, Rose! she knows something about the boy!"

Rose came hurrying out of the bathroom with the scrapbook in hand.

Emma continues, "I think I knew him. Here, can I see the picture?"

Rose smiles, "of course!"

Emma studies the picture, "It's hard to say it's him since he's so young in this picture, but one thing is for sure, he has the same eyes as the Camryn I knew. The eyes so blue they almost looked purple."

I nodded, "That's the only reason I know he's related to me, I have the same exact eyes."

Emma looked up into my eyes, "oh yeah you do."

I continued, "So what do you know about him."

I could tell Emma was a little uncomfortable answering this question, but I really needed to know.

"um, I met him in my junior year of high school. We instantly connected, and dated for about a year, and then some very unfortunate things happened that I legally can't talk about, but I don't really know much about his past before I met him."

I raised an eyebrow, "Did he ever say anything about it? Anything at all?"

She nodded, "He did say something about being adopted but I didn't really get that many details."

I looked over at Rose who was equally as confused as I was.

"What are you going to do El?" She asked

I thought about it for a few minutes, and then came to a conclusion.

I needed to find this boy.

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