Part 10- Wake up

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-Graysons POV-
All I could feel was sadness. The one person I thought I could trust, stole the one person I thought loved me.
I saw her walking down the hallway away with Ethan and I felt the tears streaming down my face. She left me for Ethan, my heart was broken.
"ELLIANA!!" I called after her, hoping she would come back to me. It was no use.
When I woke up, I had tears trickling down my cheeks. I decided I needed to go see Ellie to make me feel better, so I got up out of bed and threw on some clothes.
As I was heading down the hallway, Ethan came up behind me.
He had a very irritated look on his face "Dude you can't do this"
"What the fuck are you talking about E?"
"You know what I'm talking about. I know you haven't forgotten about the first Elliana, just the fact that I have to clarify which one I'm talking about because you named her the same thing proves my point even more."
Grayson huffed, "fuck off Ethan, maybe I wouldn't have happened in the first place if you didn't steal the first one from me!!"
Ethan raised his voice, "You know damn well I didn't steal her. We both had feelings for her, she chose me over you and that's the end of it Grayson."
Ethan was cut off by a door opening behind them. Grayson's expression dropped after he realized who stepped out.

-Ellianna's POV-
I awoke to one of the twins' voice shouting in the hallway. I wasn't sure exactly who's it was, since they were twins and talked almost exactly the same.

"You know what I'm talking about. I know you haven't forgotten about the first Elliana, just the fact that I have to clarify which one I'm talking about because you named her the same thing proves my point even more." I could tell it was Ethan now, and I could also tell that Gray was pissed.
"fuck off Ethan, maybe I wouldn't have happened in the first place if you didn't steal the first one from me!!"
I was majorly confused at this point, there was another Elliana? And Grayson loved her?
I had to find out what was going on, I needed answers.
I stepped outside my door, interrupting Ethan's speech or whatever. Grayson looked up at me, his face blank now, and continued looking at the ground beneath him.
Ethan turned to face me "oh uh hey Elliana, good morning"
I was furious, "what is going on out here Gray!"
Ethan's eyebrows went up "oh so you have her calling you Gray now too?! This just proves my point even more Grayson."
"Fuck off E, I can have her call me whatever tf I want right? She has to obey me. You know the rules. For Christ sake, you came up with them."
"Guys just stop!! Gray, I suggest you tell Ethan what's going on so this can be resolved, and then, you need to tell me who the other Elliana is and your story with her."

Grayson seemed mad, he wasn't used to getting orders from his girls, but he understood how she felt, and she needed an explanation.

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