I sit down by the lake
the lake that our car fell down in
A night I can remember so...... water marks appear on my shirt
I miss you honey
But now your dead gone and no able to come back
Maybe I'll meet you again someday
In some other life time
A life time where our fate isn't doomed by one of us dying
A hurricane we're evacuating from to a place where we would be safer
But yet....
You're still gone away to a place where I can't be just yet
How many more years how many more life times till I see you again
The words you says were both dying
Someone willl come save us
We'll be safe
We'll forget all about this tomorrow
We'll all be home safe worrying about the next day our house and all the storm brings but we'll be safe
I like to think you were talking about us me and our daughter
That right our daughter
Just what you wanted a girl right
A mini you
...... why is she so much like you
I named her after your mom just like you wanted too
And not the name I wanted
Well maybe it's the middle name
Mary Ann cooper
She about 3 now a little dork and a tiny bit of sassy for you i think you know where she gets the dork ness from
Maybe you'll get to meet her in another life time if you haven't already
Here some pictures of her
See she has your smile and your dark blue eyes that you wished were light blue
Because in your words the lighter the eyes are the better
So why did even like me
My eyes are darker then black
I would've brought her to talk to you too but she would jump in the water
She gonna be a littler swimmer just like you and I
Maybe she'll win a gold medal just like her mother
Remember the day we meet
Both of our first olympics opening ceremony butterflies will my stomach both from your beautiful and the ceremony
How did you ever stay so clam
Would you be clam if you were to live and I was die
Do you think Mary Ann would be the same
Maybe with you she would have more sass then being a dork
Maybe you be able to handle her better than I can
Maybe you would be stronger than me in taking care of Mary Ann and dealing with my death
I am sorry it took me 3 years to come and 3 years to make the decisions..........
Dear Mary I am sorry