Episode 12

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Time After Time

Sam: I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I hope you're watching cartoon smut, because reading Dick Roman crap over and over again is just self punishment.

Dean: It's called anime. And it's an art form.

Sam: What, you going to look at more anime or are you strictly into Dick now?

Dean: Does this mean that I'm an Untouchable now?

Sam: What's the plan here?

Dean: Don't die.

Eliot: Why do you think I went after Capone in the first place? Guy made the best hooch in Chicago.

Eliot: Let's go kill that bastard. Because that-

Dean: Is the Chicago way.

Ezra: Chicago way?

Eliot: Who the hell talks like that?

Dean: Sean Connery.

Eliot: Boo hoo, cry me a river, ya nancy! Tell me, are all hunters as soft as you in the future?

Eliot: So enjoy it while it lasts, kid, 'cause hunting's the only clarity you're gonna find in this life. And that makes you the luckier than most.

Chronos: You want to know your future? I know your future. It's covered in thick black ooze. It's everywhere. They're everywhere. Enjoy oblivion.

Dean: How does paper beat a rock? It's stupid.

Dean: I gotta tell you Untouchables is like one of my favourite movies ever. I must've seen it like 50 times.

Ness: I'm gonna stay here and keep my peepers on the Sheik and the Sheba.

Erza: So what bucket of syrup did you two idjits step into?

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