Episode 8

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Season Seven, Time for a Wedding!

Dean: It's a freaking miracle... except when it happens during their sacred annual pilgrimage to Vegas and he goes off on some granola munching hike in the desert by himself.

Dean: It's a waffle iron. Nonstick. You just... I actually don't know how to use it. We good?

Becky: The only place people understood me was on the message boards. They were grumpy and overly literal but at least we shared a common passion.

Garth: He said you'd be all surly and premenstrual working with me.

Sam: What's with the scrawny guy?

Dean: Temp.

Garth: Now, you'll be living with a triracial paraplegic sniper til this all blows over, okay?

Becky: And then Chuck dumped me. I think I intimidated him with my vibrant sexuality.

Garth: ... hopefully fix this and everybody's home in time for America's Got Talent.

Guy: Dean Winchester. This is really thrilling. May I have your autograph?

Dean: Sure, how about I carve it into your spleen.

Guy: Rules of the road. Can't lay a hair on any of my clients.

Dean: How are you cheating it?

Guy: I'm not a cheater, I'm an innovator. It's called a loophole, you moron! Yes, when a person bargains away his soul, he gets a decade, technically. But accidents happen. 

Sam: So you're arranging accidents, collecting early?

Guy: Please! White gloves... I don't get my hands dirty. That's why it's important to have a capable intern.

Crowley: I have one rule, make a deal, keep it.

Guy: Well technically, I didn't...

Crowley: There's a reason we don't call our chits in early, consumer confidence. This isn't Wall Street, this is Hell! We have a little something called integrity. If this gets out, who'll deal with us? Nobody! Then, where are we?

Guy: I don't know.

Crowley: That's right, you don't, because you are stupid, short-sighted little prat. Now, hand the jackass over, I'll cancel every deal he's made.

Dean: What are you going to do with him?

Crowley: Make an example of him.

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