Chapter Fourteen

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Anna's P.O.V.

"So what's this all about? When can I see my sister?" I ask them. These people are very strange. One looks like Santa, one looks like a hummingbird, one looks like a kangaroo, and another looks like he's been at the beach all day. Strange.

"Anna, your sister, Queen Elsa, is a very busy woman at the moment. Do you know why?" the Santa guy asks.

"Uhm...because she was kidnapped by the moon?"

"No. She was chosen by the moon."

"What's the difference? It still took her!"

"He," the hummingbird says. I raise an eyebrow.

"Excuse me?"

"The moon isn't an actual person. We aren't exactly talking about the moon. We're talking about the Man in the Moon. We call him Manny," the kangaroo says. I frown.

"First of all, who are you? Why did you bring me in here?"

"This may be hard to take in, but we are Guardians. I am North, also known as Santa Claus. This is Toothiana, also known as the Tooth Fairy. This is Bunnymund, also known as the Easter Bunny. And this is Sandman." I want to scream in joy. I'm in the same room with Santa. OMG. OMG. OMG.

"Oooohhh am I on the nice list???" I shriek. They look at me weird. I cough.


"We are discussing your sister, not my nice lists," Santa says. I frown.

" when can I see her??" I ask desperately.

"That can be worried about later. What we really need to worry about is Elsa's fate." What does he mean? Is there something wrong? What if Elsa is in trouble!?

"What about her...fate?"

"Your sister is in danger. A man, well more like a shadow, plans to take Elsa's powers, and her, to kill the world and universes."

"What?!? Why?"

"He lives off of fear."

"What can I do to help? You know what, no, I need to see my sister right now."

"Anna, dear, you can't. She's training her powers in Mannys presence she must not be disturbed, for she must focus. For now, we must train ourselves for the war. You will be trained in the art of combat. Emma will not be included in this war. Nanny will protect her, and Elsa." I look at them all, and nod. If it's war we're having, I'm going to be ready.

"When is the war?" I ask. Santa look up at me and scowls.

"In seven months."


Elsa's P.O.V.

"No, Elsa, you must truly feel it," Manny says. I sigh, and raise my hands once again. My arms are sore from raising them so much. I don't know how long I've been doing this, but it feels like I've been doing this for ages. "Try again," Manny barks, and I do as told. I blast all the 240 targets as required. My goal here is to hit them ALL and make them ALL blow up. The first time that I had tried, I couldn't hit all of them, and the ones that I did hit merely fell over. The second time I tried, I finally learned how to divide my ice blasts into hundreds of blasts. Now, I take one more deep breath, and shoot. One big blast of ice shoots from my palms, and explodes into hundreds of blasts. The targets blow up like dominoes. One after another burst into wooden shards and ice glitter. It's actually quite beautiful. Once all of the targets blow up, Manny claps.

"Very very well done Elsa. You need rest." I nod, and walk into the moon castle. I walk up the stairs, turn right, and open up the big snowflake doors. I crawl in bed, but I know I won't sleep without Jack. I never do.

I wave my hand, and a circular image, like a T.V., appears in mid air in front of me. I wave my hand again, and it shows Jack. What he's doing. Right now. I watch him hug Emma. So, Jack finally found his memories. I'm so proud of him. I love him. I really do, but I can't see him until next year, during the war. Sigh.

Then, Anna comes in the room with Jack and Emma. I smile at her strong figure. She looks so courageous.

"What's going on?" Emma asks. I listen to the conversation of the war approaching, and how Emma must come and stay with me until the war ends. She starts to cry, and Anna and Jack hug her.

"It's okay, Elsa will take care of you. I know it," Jack says. I smile. I love you Jack.

"Yea, Elsa's the nicest person ever. She's even nicer than me!" Anna exclaims. Oh Anna, the lies you tell the children are sickening. I am not that nice to people.

"Okay..." Emma sniffles.

"A bonus is that you'll be staying with the most important queen in history!!" Jack smirks. I laugh. Oh Jack.

"It's time to sleep. You'll leave tomorrow," North says. I nod. I do need sleep, but I can't.

When everyone leaves, Jack walks outside and flies onto the rooftop. He looks up at me, and says, "I wish you were here Elsa." It pains me to remember that he's not really talking to me. He's talking to the moon. I sigh, and whisper, "me too." Jack's head jerks up, and he looks around. Can he hear me? Let's see.

"Goodnight Jack," I say. Jack keeps looking around, but eventually looks back at me, the moon. His facial expression lightens, and he smiles.

"Goodnight Elsa."

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