Chapter Two

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I feel like I've just awoken from a year long sleep....I am soaking wet in the cold of the snow, but I am not cold. Even if I'm standing in the middle of a frozen pond. I feel nothing.
"Elsa, you are a spirit, in a body that was once yours. You can only be seen if you are believed in, my Guardian," a strange voice echoes. I jump as I hear it, for there is no one near me. I shiver, but I don't feel the cold. It's a strange feeling.
I walk around the pond and realize that my ice dress has frost patterns all over it. It's strange. This entire place is strange. I have to make sure that the one place that is my home is still the same, so I walk back to Arendelle.
When I get there, the whole town is down in sorrow. Perhaps someone has been deceased? Oh dear God, I hope not.
"Excuse me sir, do you happen to know wh-" I try to ask a man, but in mid sentence, he walks straight through me. I stumble back, shocked and afraid. That's impossible....I can't just be walked through! Physics can't just be broken like that!
I clutched my head as I continued up and down the snowy hills, and eventually I arrive in front of the castle. Inside, I can see candles lit everywhere and hear sad music flowing throughout the halls. So it is a funeral. The worst possible thought suddenly hit me: what if it was Anna's?
I then found myself running, however I hit something hard on the way, making me fall to the ground. I look up to see a little boy gasping, his brown hair is messed up all over his face. He looks up at his mother in shock, wondering if she had seen me too.
"Mama! The...the queen is alive! She's over here!!" he said, and his mother slapped the back of his head.
"Damian, don't you ever say nonsense like that again," she scowled. Jeez, that lady needs to jump in a frozen pond herself.
I get back up and smile at the little boy looking back at me. I wave, and he waves back at me. Damian. The first boy who believed in me. I turn around, and rush into the castle gates. I quickly open the castle doors and marvel at all of the candles; they're beautiful. They are on the walls, the ceiling, and even on the floor. There must be thousands of them. I smile slightly at the beauty but then rush to Anna's room. I knock five times in the rhythm of how she used to knock on my door as a child when I had shut her out. I hear a gasp and a sniffle inside, and the door slowly opens. There she is, a teary faced Anna in black clothing. She opens her eyes so wide that they look like they could pop out of her head. She almost looks scared.
"E-E-E-Els-sa?" she says. Anna believes in me, would you look at that. I smile, and she hugs me, very tight. "Oh my god, everyone thinks that you're d-dead!! I knew you weren't! Oh Elsa, I'm so sorry that I shut you out!" Tears roll down our eyes.
"Anna-I....I am dead." She lets me go and gives me a look of confusion with a side of furiation.
"What do you mean? Y-you're just part of my imagination?" More tears fall.
"No, I'm a spirit, and you can see me because you believe in me." Anna looks a little happy but sad at the same time. I smile and she hugs me once again.

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