Chapter Twenty

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I rise higher and higher into the air. The sparkles below me penetrate the darkness that is trying to slay my friends and the world. I am the Snow Queen. This will not happen.

"Ah, so, it's just you and me. No nightmares, no tricks. Just our powers," Pitch sneers. He shoots a black sand blast at my chest, and I shield it with my ice magic. He acts as if he's pulling back a bow string, and shoots some kind of crazy arrow of darkness at me. When it gets inches away from me, it splits into millions of tiny peices. They spread out, surrounding me in a circle, and then shoot towards me. I raise my hands, and a circle of ice surrounds me like a cylinder. When the pieces fall and explode, I lower my arms.

Pitch pushes the air, and the black sand surrounds him like a tornado. It blows faster and faster, and my hair blows all around me. I freeze the bottom, and push the air myself. I act like I'm punching the air, and a powerful, strong blast shoots out of my palms. It hits the center of the tornado, and I hear a moan. The tornado gets stronger and stronger, and it hits me. I get thrown into the air, and a thousand daggers of black sand surround me. I scream as they scrape through my clothes, and my blue blood pours out. One leaves a deep cut on my cheek, and one stabs into my side. I scream as I feel darkness take over me, and I fall to the ground. The contact knocked the breath out of me, and the tornado got stronger. Pitch came out of the tornado, and lowered himself down to me. I notice that the Guardians start running to my aid, but Pitch makes a big cylinder of see-through black sand. They can't get through.

Pitch's feet touch the floor, and he clicks his tongue at me.

"Oh Elsa. Look at how pathetic you are. I honestly thought that a queen like you would've just accepted my offer, but no. Look what happened because you didn't listen." He barks out a laugh, and I stand up. I stand up straight, and walk like a poised queen. I circle around Pitch, who's gawking at the tears in Jack's hoodie and the pants I made. They have a long slit from the middle of my thigh and down. The hoodie is slit right under my chest and sleeves. I keep circling him, and start to sing. I know his weakness: me. There's only one way to stop this son of a bitch.

"The snow glows white on the mountain tonight

Not a footprint to be seen.

A kingdom of isolation

And it looks like I'm the queen"

"What is this?" Pitch looks surprised. I keep circling and sing louder.

"The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside

Couldn't keep it in, heaven know I tried."

"This is pathetic! This is all you've got??!"

"Don't let them in, don't let them see

He the good girl you always have to be

Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know"

"Elsa, what're you-" I interrupted him by putting my finger under his chin, lifting it up. I song loud and strong.

"Well now they know!

Let it go! Let it go!

Can't hold it back anymore

Let it go! let it go!

Turn away and slam the door

I don't care what they're going to say

Let the storm rage on"

I remove my finger intensely, turn away. As I start to walk around again, I look over my shoulder to allure him in.

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