Chapter Eleven

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Jack's P.O.V.

Ugh. These tasks are ridiculous. Why do I have to bring winter to the world right now? I think the clouds and temperature can do that on it's own! Ugh. Why can't I just go to the moon and get Elsa!! I'm beginning to get worried about her. What if he isn't treating her right? What if she's suffering!? What if he's pushing her too hard! What if she hurts herself!?! No, I can't let that happen. I love her too much to- WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME?!!! WHAT DID I JUST SAY??!??!? I DO NOT LOVE HER!!!

Oh, but you do.


Jack, stop denying it. You love her. You love her eyes, her smile, her skin, her hair, her freckles, her-

"ENOUGH!!!!" I scream. I fly back to North's workshop. So yeah, my kidnappers introduced themselves, and I despise them all, except for the girl, Tooth. She's pretty nice, so I don't think that she meant to kidnap me.

When I get there, I slam the door open, and the group looks at me strangely.

"Are you finished already??! I didn't know that you could fly the world that fast!" Tooth says. I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Tooth, the world has different seasons. I don't think it's necessary to fly the entire world. And by the way, I want to see Elsa. Now." The group looks at me some more. I scowl. Kangaroo rolls his eyes.

"Jack, you can't! She's in the moon's spirit right now, you can't just-" North was interrupted by the moonlight throught the window. It shown right next to me, and the voice spoke again.

"Jack, stay here. Everyone else, leave the room. And no peeking," it said. The Guardians gasped, and left immediately.

"What's this all about?" I ask the moon. Nothing. Then, the image of Elsa appears again. This time, she's white, not blue. Then the details come in. The strands of her hair become visible. Then her skin. Then her dress. Then the outline of some kind of makeup? Then, I see her face. She is more beautiful than ever. Her dress flows behind her, and it's extremely long. It looks like snow. Her hair is down, but also in braids. Her crown is like half of a snowflake. My jaw drops. I walk closer to her, and try to touch her arm, but it goes right through. D-did she stop believing in me?!? No, that's impossible. She's a spirit too. Elsa smiles at me.

"I'm sorry I can't see you in person, Jack," her beautiful voice says. She looks down, and pouts.

"Hey, at least I can see you. You look beautiful." I cover my mouth. Oh no. She look up at me and smiles.

"Thank you. So, why do you need to see me?" I look in her eyes. The eyes that are the only real color on her. They pop out from all the white, and it's mesmerizing.

"Uhm...I-I-I just w-wanted to know i-if you w-were alright." She smiles again.

"Yes. I'm perfect. Well, almost. I still miss my sister and you." She blushes. My own face gets hot.

"So what is Manny like?" I ask. She hesitates.

"Tell the Guardians that they can come in." I raise my eyebrows. I nod, and bring the group in. When they see Elsa, they all gasp, and bow. I copy them, and she giggles.

"Oh, your Majesty, you are so beautiful!!" Tooth exclaims. I raise an eyebrow.

"'Your Majesty'?" I ask. Tooth was about to speak, but she was interrupted by a voice who's source is not in this room.

"Yes Jack, you are looking at Snow Queen of the Moon," it says. North gasps again.

"My Lady!" he gets on his knees and bows. I'm speechless. I still don't really understand though.

"I'm sorry, can someone explain this to me??"

"Jack, Manny is about to pass away. His heir will receive all of his powers, including the moon. That heiress is Elsa," Bunnymund said. I look at Elsa, who is looking at me. So...she's...she's out of my league? I won't get her? That's...that's not fair!

I look down in sadness. Elsa walks up to me and whispers in my ear. Her whisper echoes, but no one else can hear it.

"Jack, don't think like that. I will be yours no matter what," her whisper soothes me, and somehow I can feel her cold breath on my neck. I look at her. She's blushing. I look in those stunning orbs. The pupils are shaped like the moon. The reflection makes it look like stars. I love you Elsa.

"I-I love you too..." she whispers. I take a microscopic step back.

"Oh, so now you can read minds?" I ask.

"Only if your thoughts are meaningful, and loud."

"I love you Elsa."

"I love you too." I want to kiss her, but I'll just go right through her. I try my hardest to hold back that tear that is begging to come out. I see tears on Elsa, however. So I let it slide. That single tear. She smiles, and Elsa disappears. The room is silent.

"What was all that about?!" Tooth said. I look at her and wipe the tear.


"Nothing?!?! It has to be important if the Snow Queen of the Moon shows up out of nowhere!!" Bunnymund exclaims.

"It doesn't matter! Why do you care anyway?" I scowl. This time, North speaks up.

"Jack, you know that that is the only time Elsa can holograph herself here? That is going to be the last time you'll see Elsa in two years."

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