Chapter Eight

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Jack's P.O.V.

Ow, my head hurts. What happened? I open my eyes, and notice that I'm lying in a bed. It's not very comfortable, but it's comfortable enough. I sit up, and look around. I have no idea where I am. Then I realize-

"ELSA!!!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. Where is she?!?! I'm not in her her castle. I'm in some sort of workshop. I get up and run out of this bedroom door. I creep along the walls. It's a little dark in here. Then, I hear voices.

"Why did we have to kidnap him though? Couldn't we have just waited for him to wake up, and tell him?!?" It was a woman's voice. I don't know who it is though.

"Shh! No, he wouldn't have come with us. He would have followed Manny's chosen one. Believe me," this time it was a deep male voice.

"About that, who is she? Why did the moon choose her?" an Australian voice said.

"She is the next heir of the Snow Queen. Her name is Elsa." Gasps spread. That's it, I can't take it anymore.

"Where is she! Where is Elsa!?" I yell. I've got my staff pointed at them. In front of me is a big man in red, a girl coated in feathers, a kangaroo, and a...sandman? What the hell?!?

"Jackson, calm down," the man in red says. I raise an eyebrow.

"How do you know my name?"

"The Man In The Moon has chosen you for a new Guardian. Please, have a seat and calm down."

"Not until you tell me where Elsa is!"

"Elsa, son, is right now in the moon's spirit world. She is being prepared."

"Prepared for what?"

"An attack that will take place in two years."

"From who??"

"A man named Pitch Black. He plans to take Elsa for himself, and kill the rest of the world with nightmares."

"Why does he want Elsa?" He just looks at me, and he takes a step back. The moons light shines on the floor, and an image appears. It's like glitter, but blue. It rises into a life size figure of a woman. It doesn't have any specific details, like the face. It's just like a glitter shadow. I know who it is though. I can tell by the shape of her body. It's Elsa. She's raising her arms as if she's dancing, and the blue glitter dances all around her. The glitter blows and floats all around the room, like Elsa's powers do. It surround us like glittery ribbons, gracefully gliding. It's beautiful. She moves her hands around, and twirls. Her glitter dress expands and twirls with her. Above her forms a big snowflake. It's huge. It floats above her as she dances, shooting glitter everywhere. It's beautiful. Then, I notice that a shadow forms behind her. As she spins around one last time, she notices, and the shadow forms into an evil smile. The eyes are yellow, and the teeth are jagged. Elsa gasps, and the glitter around the room turns black, and spreads. When every ribbon of glitter magic is black and cursed, her snowflake turns red, and consumes Elsa. She screams, and everything disappears, except for a deep, horrifying laugh.

"NOOO!!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. The others gasp.

"Jack, it's okay, Elsa is perfectly safe right now, in Manny's care."

"I have to get to her!"

"I'm sorry, but you have a task. A Guardian task."

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