Part 6- How To Be Little In Public!

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1. Be playful and silly, your friends and family are probably more familiar with your little side than you think. Joking around and being goofy is a great way to let your little side out

2. Wear something that makes you feel cute. My little side really likes pastel colors

3. Have a cute water bottle with you. Drinking water or juice out of bottles is very simple way to feel small. 

4. listen to music that makes you feel little, or listen to an audio book

5. Download some cute little apps

6.Eat food that makes you feel little. When im out in public i like to eat fruit, especially if it's cut up. I also like juice boxes, cheese sticks, graham crackers, teddy grahams, gold fish. Just about any snack will work, but i would not eat actual baby food out and about. If you want something similar apple juice is a great alternative 

7. Fidget toys 

8. Bring a small toy or stuffie with you in your bag it is a a big comfort to know that you have a soft friend with you wherever you are!

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