Part 13- Bathing your little

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To start, make sure the water is not too hot or too cold, hot water will burn the little and cause him/her to cry and cold water will cause her to be cold. I recommend using a baby thermometer that can be found at most stores.

Next add a suitable bubble bath. I recommend using something that is good for sensitive skin. Next remove your littles clothes and place them in the tub. Next, use a cup or shower head to rinse your little one. Next use your hand or wash cloth to apply soap to the outer skin. Again with the soap use something for sensitive skin, i recommend Johnson and Johnson's baby soap for sensitive skin or Baby Dove. Either one works. Lather the soap then gently rinse. Lastly, wet the littles hair. Result in this may cause the little to cry, just remind her daddy/ mommy is there and that everything is ok. Littles don't like soap in their eyes that burn, so a tear free shampoo is a good option. I recommend using Swave kids tear free shampoo. It comes in many great aromas such as Coconut, Orange, Blueberry, and Strawberry, perfect for your little one. Lastly, rinse but don't take your little one out of the tub yet, littles like to play more than anything, so letting them have some bath toys is a good idea.

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