Chapter 1

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The sun was shining through the window and past the curtains. It was a beautiful day in Cuba, the beaming sun light hit the boy in the light blue pajamas face. He covered his face from the sun. He had lived in Cuba for years, he has friends, a loving family. But recently the family wasn't doing too well with money.

"Lance! Get down here. It's urgent" Veronica yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Veronica is Lance's older sister, because she acts more mature than him. Only because he would act childish sometimes. Lance slowly climbed out of bed like a slug, he hated getting out of bed just like any other teenager. He rubs his eyes and yawns, as soon as he reached the bottom of the stairs. His younger siblings were running around, Macro and Luis, Veronica was sitting at the table with mama and papa.

"Lance, Mom and Dad has to tell us something important.. come here and sit." Veronica said calmly.

Lance nodded and crouched down to his brother's eye level. "Luis, Marco, go into the living room to play for a bit. I'll be there in a bit to play with you guys."

Lance stood up and walked toward the table. He pulled out a chair and sat on it, him and Veronica gave their parents their undivided attention. The Mother took a deep breath, then looked at her husband. They were holding their hands tightly.

"Lance, Veronica... as you know we aren't doing to well with money. But we have to move, I know it's not the most ideal idea but.." the Mother didn't know what else to say, so then Father took over.

"What your mother is trying to say is, we are losing the house. So what we thought of to do was that you two move out of the house. So we could get the money to keep this house, I mean you guys are eighteen." He stated.

Veronica and Lance were shocked to what they were hearing. They shared a look with each other, then Lance spoke up.

"B-but I can help, Veronica could get a job and help you out with the money. You guys could take extra shifts, and I would cook for Marco and Luis. It's perfect. " he said a little scared, he didn't want to leave his family. He didn't want to Marco and Luis to grow up without a older brother.

"Lance, my precious son. We don't have enough money, if you aren't here then we would be saving up money. We would be giving Marco and Luis food on the table, if we have enough we will let move back in or we will move to where you are. " his mother had tears forming in her eyes. Her voice cracked a couple times while talking.

"We understand mama, when should we leave?" Veronica said while conforming Lance who also has tears forming.

"I think the best time for you guys to leave is tomorrow. I know it's not enough time to spend with your siblings but make the most of it, you
can send letters. " the father says.

As soon those words left the father's mouth, Lance's heart broke into tiny pieces. As they said it wasn't enough time, Lance was worrying about how they would react or what he would say to them. As soon as all the information was sinked into Lance's brain, he stood from the chair and wiped his eyes. He then walked into the living room to play with Marco and Luis as he promised.

"Don't worry mom I'll take care of Lance, him and I are just shocked about the news." Veronica very calmly said.

Mama and Papa nodded at the sametime, they were holding hands hoping that everything will be alright.

Lance's POV

As I was playing with my little brothers in the living room,  I couldn't stop thinking about what Mom and Dad told Veronica and I two minutes ago.

"Lance! Lance! Hello? Lance look, look. " Luis spoke.

I shook my head and looked at what Luis was trying to show me. It was a drawing of the whole familia, Veronica, Me, Mom, Dad, Marco, and himself. It made me almost cry a bit, then Marco was calling my attention. I looked at him and he showed me a picture that he drew, it was a lion that was colored blue and a lion that was colored red.

Just A Boy From Cuba ~klance~ Where stories live. Discover now