Chapter 10

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I placed this song here because it's how Keith feels. It's just Lance is very clueless and it's my fault but I like it. Plus I did say Keith does listen to Billie Eilish sometimes but same goes for the other artist he listens to. This song isn't her coming out it is just basically she liked a guy and wishes he was gay, I guess.

Lance's POV

The sun was shining through my window. It was lighting up my whole room. I got up and got dressed what I wore was a pair of light blue ripped jeans. A plaid red and black shirt tied around my waist, a plain white tshirt, and black Van's.

I felt very calm and nostalgic. I almost wanted to cry, I felt that way because Veronica wasn't here and neither was Keith. Hold up a minute McClain. Keith? Why him, I mean he is kind of cute. Stop it you have a girlfriend. My mind could only think about Keith at the moment.

I went downstairs, past the kitchen and the living room to go outside. I needed a walk to clear my head.

"I do miss everyone, but I needed to see my family. Even though Mom wasn't proud seeing me home. She more upset than happy." I said to myself.

I knew it was hard for her to say goodbye, but it was hard on me to say goodbye to my brothers. Am I hurting them more than helping? That question was stuck in my head for a while and then it hit me. That I would have to leave tonight, because if I stay any longer then Marco and Luis would think I'm staying for ever.

I jogged back to my house; told my mom that I have to travel back to Miami and get my education done.

"Wait, why don't you sit down and talk to me about your life. What's been going on?" Mom said.

I pulled out a chair and sat down with my arms folded. I started the conversation with talking about Eva, because she is a person that I care about very deeply to my heart. But then I told her about Keith, which confused me that I might like him.

"Well honey, it sounds like this Eva makes you really happy. Does she not?"

"Yes she does, but then I never thought of Keith in that way. I mean he is a very good artist and I catch him staring at me sometimes." I say trying to figure out the clues.

"Honey, honey, stop over thinking. Listen, he likes you, he is just too nervous to tell you. Maybe this Eva girl isn't the right one, but if you feel that she is then I can't stop your heart from liking her." She told me while she reached for my hand.

"You might be right Mom, I'll follow my heart like I've always been doing. Take care of Marco and Luis."

"Are you telling me how raise my kids? I don't think you've realized your father and I raised you and Veronica, we are perfectly fine raising two more. Also, don't randomly fly home without a notice, or if you aren't planning to stay for a long time." She stated.

I nodded, then we both got up and hugged each other. I heard my mom cry on my shoulder, it broke my heart. I knew I was hurting her if I came back. This was a mistake. "Mom, it's going to be ok. Veronica and I will come back, both of us. I promise." 

She nodded and pulled away, I wiped her tears away then hugged her again. Then all of a sudden I heard Luis voice cracking in the distance.

"Are you leaving us again big brother?" He said with a single tear forming. 

Seeing my little brother starting to cry, broke my heart even more. "Yes, but Veronica needs me. I'm a superhero, I came here just to see if my family is safe. But my powers are growing weak, so I need you to have my power to keep this family safe while I'm helping Veronica. Got it?"

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