Chapter 6

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It was Friday, a half a day and vacation was two days away now, and today was day that Lance would be going over Keith's house for dinner. Keith's parents were overly  optimistic that this would go well, but Keith thought other wise.

"So. What does Lance like to eat? Is he allergic to pomeranian or cat?" Adam said jokingly. "Umm I don't actually know what he likes. All I know is that he is from Cuba."

Adam shook his head, this was his first time not knowing what someone likes, in order to make them a delicious, perfect meal. Shiro placed his hand on his husband's back to calm him down, to reassure him that everything would be ok and that he would make the best meal no matter what.

"I'll see you guys at school." Keith told them while he was walking towards the front door. He opened his car door and started it up, he put it in drive and went on his way. The warm sun beating on his arm and his face; felt like warm sun kisses. He blasted his music up with the windows down. "Shot me down, raygun" (that was a lyric I tell you who it's by and song at the end) Keith's hands were drumming on the steering wheel; he pulled up to school and parked his car in the parking lot.

He walked into school; to the cafeteria for some breakfast. He liked going in there to just see Lance and his amazing personality. But he stopped in his tracks, Lance wasn't at his usual table. His sister and friends were there but he wasn't.

"Have any of you seen Lance?" Keith asked the group.

Everyone looked up and shook their heads. "He was working late, he didn't  come home last night." Veronica exclaimed. "What was he doing yesterday?" Said Keith.

"Keith. . . Why are you asking so many questions about Lance my brother?" She crossed her arms; raising one of her brows.

"I was asking because my- um never mind it isn't really that important. I just wanted to know because we have a project together in History." He explained.

"Mhm, are you sure about that? Because Lance didn't mention anything about a assignment that was due."

"Look, all I want to know is that if he is going to get his part of the assignment done." Keith said then stormed out of the cafeteria.

Everyone at the table was whispering why Keith was wondering and asking so many questions about Lance. After twenty minutes went by, the students went to their first class of the day. As the day went on, Lance hasn't showed  up all day. Keith was worried that he had to tell his excited father Adam that he wouldn't have to cook for Lance since he can't find him anywhere.

Lunch rolled around and Keith was sitting all alone, like how it use to be. It felt strange almost to him. He was too use to having Lance annoy him every second of lunch. But that didn't happen. What actually happened was that Evangeline was walking towards Keith; sat down and folded her arms. She rose one of her brows.

"May I help you?" Keith asked. He wasn't quite sure why she was sitting at his table. He wondered if she was going to ask him about where Lance was, but he knew as much as she did.

"Where's Lance? I know you know where he is." She said through her teeth. (If that makes sense)

"I don't know where he is. Why do you want to know where he is?"

Evangeline's temper slowed down, her eyes avoided Keith's eyes; fidgeting with her hands. She was trying to figure out the words to say. But she didn't want to sound to upset or worried. . . But she was.

"Last night. . . Lance was supposed to pick me up at Seven for our date."

"Ok and?"

"He texted me, saying that he couldn't make it. . . That he got held up at work. But I talked to Veronica, and she said that yesterday was his day off. Do you see how suspicious that is? It just doesn't make any sense. . ." She confessed. Her eyes were tearing up, but she wiped them away and quick as possible.

Keith was shocked, but was also wondering why he would do that. He also couldn't put the pieces together. He tried thinking back to yesterday, of what he said or how he acted. Then he thought about the days before that. He just couldn't figure it out.

While he was thinking he told Evangeline to not worry, that he would help her find him. (So this turned into a investigation, I hope it fights well with the story. Plus I'm trying to keep it interesting/keep you on the edge of your seat.) The lunch bell rung and interrupting their conversation.

~Time Skip to Keith's house~

Keith went home prepare what he was going to tell Adam and Shiro. He was pacing back and forth in the living room; panicking that what if Adam was going to cry or be upset that he wanted to cook for Lance and Evangeline. But he couldn't because Lance was. . . Missing.

Minutes later, Adam and Shiro came home to see Keith pacing around the room; stressing. "Keith? Are you alright?" Shiro questioned. Keith stopped in his tracks, his eyes were wide and he wasn't ready to tell them but he had to say something. "I think you guys have to come sit down."

The Shirogane's sat down in front of Keith. They grabbed each others hand, they were worried.

"So, Lance won't be attending dinner with us tonight."

"Why? Did you tell him that we work at the school. Or that we're gay." Adam asked confused.

"No no it isn't that. . . It's just no one can find him." Keith's voice was shaky; fidgeting with his fingers. Avoiding their gaze.

Adam and Shiro were looking at Keith then back at each other. They were confused, they were wondering if Keith was on any drugs. But he reassured them that he wasn't.

"I'm serious I'm not on drugs. Lance has gone missing, his sister doesn't even know where he went last night. I'm thinking that it's my fault. . ." Keith's eyes were watering but he tried his best to not let them show. But he was too late, the salty tears were running down his cheeks. He placed his head in his hands and cried.

Shiro and Adam stood up and sat on both sides of Keith. They hugged him and calmed him down, they told him that none of it was his fault. That everything will turn out okay. That Lance will turn up and his sister will be at ease.

"Everything will be okay. Lance will show up, none of this is your fault." Said Adam.

Keith hugged Shiro tightly and cried onto his shoulder. Then Adam and Shiro were staring at each other in the eyes, wondering what could have happened to Lance.



Ok, so I bet maybe some of you are wondering WTF. Or that you question about what happened to Lance. Which honestly, this is a surprise for me too. I didn't intend for this to happen, I just went with the flow. I will always put the artist first then song when I mention them.

Also if you guys could comment on things that I could fix, that would be a big help. But you can comment random stuff too not just criticism. And on that note I hope you like my story so far.

Hockey Dad - raygun 

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