Chapter 11

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In this one everyone is going on the trip. It's the song Lance was playing in the car.

It's still Monday, Lance and Veronica are placing there bags in the car for the fourth time. They both hop into the car to head over to Romelle and Allura's House.

"Lance just pick a song!" Veronica yelled.

"I did, I like this one. It's called Amercian Cinema." He spoke confidently.

Veronica rolled her eyes and gazed out the window, blocking out Lance's loud singing. But she was happy that she gets to spend time with him. Minutes went by and they pulled into the driveway. Then they both got out of the car, leaving the bags in the trunk. Before they could knock, Romelle opened the door to invite them in.

"Romelle you could've at least let them knock. It was common courtesy."

" you want to do it again?" Romelle asked.

Allura rolled her eyes and grabbed Romelles wrist, to bring her to the couch. "We are just waiting on a few other guests, do you guys want a drink?" Allura said.

Veronica shook her head but obviously Lance didn't. He stood up to get a drink from the fridge. While he was getting a drink, Veronica decided to ask the hosts who were attending this trip.

"Well if you must know, Pidge, Hunk, Eva, maybe Keith-" as soon the name Keith came out of Romelle's mouth. Lance dropped his water bottle. He froze in front of the fridge for a minute. "Lance? Are you alright?" Allura asked.

All he could do was nod. He then picked up his bottled water and sat back down on the couch. All three of them were staring at him, wondering why he was acting that way.


(At the Takashi house)

"No, I will not go on this stupid beach trip. That I won't even enjoy, sand is messy and it gets everywhere. Plus I don't even know who's going. You are not changing my mind Shiro." Keith stated while folding his arms. He turned his head away and closed his eyes.

Adam and Shiro looked at each other and they had the same idea. "I think Lance is going. I bet you don't want to miss out seeing him in a swimsuit." Spoke Adam. Keith opened his eyes and his cheeks were turning pink a bit, he was blushing.

"You guys are very evil. This shouldn't be allowed, this is technically peer pressure." He said storming away to his room to pack his bag. While he was stomping his feet on the stairs, his parents were giggling and high fiving each other.

When Keith was packing he turned on his stereo and played his playlist on spotify. The first song that played was "wish you were gay" by Billie eilish. His brain started to think about Lance and his smile. Then all of a sudden he started to sing along to the song. His parents downstairs, stopped talking and listened to Keith's singing.

Once he was done packing, the song died down and he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. He then decided to change his clothes. He took off his original shirt and put on a grey shirt, then a fake leather jacket, dark blue Jeans, and lastly a pair of white Vans. He took one last good look at himself and then left the room with his bag over his shoulder.

"Wow, Keith you didn't need to look nice for this. Did you bring a swimsuit?" Said Adam.

"Honey, he's trying to impress Lance. Just like when I was to you or vise versa." Shiro shrugged.

Keith rolled his eyes and placed his bag on the couch. His parents stood up and hugged him since they aren't going to see him for a couple of days.

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