Chapter 3

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When Lance and Veronica got to the hotel. Veronica was talking to her brother about Allura, she thought maybe she could help him find a girl that was perfect for him.

"For the last time Veronica, I don't need your help on finding a guy." He rolled his eyes, not wanting to continue the conversation.

"Guy? I said girl." She spoke curiously.

"Yeah that is what I said, I don't need your help. I can find my own relationship."

"No Lance, you said guy and I said girl. That is a slight difference, is there something you aren't telling me?" She asked him.

"Veronica just drop it! it's nothing really. It doesn't matter, it's whatever." He stormed off into the bathroom and locked the door. Both of his palms were on the edges of the sink, his head rose and he was staring at his reflection.

"Lance? Are you ok? I didn't mean to  push you. I'm sorry.." she admitted. Eventually Lance unlocked the door and laid down on his bed, he was facing away from his sister. But Veronica felt terrible that she begged her brother to tell her something that he wasn't ready to say. She wanted to make it up to him, but the best thing was to leave him alone for right now.

Before Veronica went to bed, she left the room to get something to eat. Since she hadn't had dinner yet, once she found a place that serves snacks. She put three dollars in the machine for some snacks, it wasn't much of a dinner but at least it was something to eat. By the time she got back to the room, Lance was fast asleep in his school clothes. She ate some of her snacks, then put on her pajamas and went to sleep. (I just realized they went to sleep the whole rest of the day after school. 😂)

~Time Skip it's six fifty five a.m.~

Lance woke up before Veronica to get ready. He decided to change out of the outfit he slept in last night, for School he Picked out some comfy black sweatpants, with a white and blue tshirt, (his usual shirt from the show) he had some comfy sneakers to complete the look. Minutes later Veronica woke up, she sat up and stretchs followed by a yawn. She wiped her eyes then looked at her brother, straight into his eyes.

"Come on, get up, we are going to be late." He spoke calmly.

She lifts her body off the bed and grabs the clothes that Lance set out at the end of the bed. She walks into the bathroom to change, she put on a a pair of light blue Jeans, a floral shirt that was off the shoulders, a necklace that had a arrow on it, and lastly a pair of long black boots. While she was doing her business in the bathroom, Lance was sitting on the edge of the the bed with his head in his hands.

"I miss you guys so much, I promise I'll come back home." He said to himself, a little tear was forming in his dark blue eyes and was falling down his cheek. He disliked being away from his family but he had to go, but once his family gathers up all the money they need. There is no doubt in his mind he'll go back, he would do anything do see his little brothers again.

Lance heard the bathroom door open, he wiped his tears off his face as quickly as possible and stood up. He grabbed the keys to the car and left, he didn't want to talk to Veronica, since she always bugs him to tell her everything. Lance was sitting in the passenger seat with his hand in a fist supporting his head, looking out the window.

Veronica POV

I got into the drivers seat and looked over at Lance who has no intention of talking to the whole ride to school. Once we arrived at school, I parked the car and started to unbuckle my seatbelt. But while I was doing that, Lance had already left the car. My expression changed from calm to confused and a little hurt, I tried to not let it bother me that much but it did.

I was walking to my class and I saw Allura and Romelle walking towards my classroom. I yelled for their names but I didn't get a response, why is everyone ignoring me? This is only my second day and I hate it, I want to go back to my family.

"Are you lost miss?" Asked a tall white Male with black hair and a strip a white, his smile was welcoming. His eyes were a black color but I wasn't sure. Even though I knew where I was going I wanted his help, so I nodded. I handed him my schedule and he studied it.

"Ah you're to Mr. Coran's class (don't judge I don't know if he even has a last name) he teaches science, but he gets off track sometimes so you have to redirect him most of the times." He said with a smile. "Oh if you need me I'm Mr. Shirogane the therapist of the school, sometimes I'm the gym teacher. Can I get your name?"

"I'm Veronica McClain, my brother is Lance McClain." I stated. Then Mr. Shirogane nodded and walked away, he was attractive and very welcoming but I can't date a teacher because mama would kill me. But whomever he is with must be lucky.

~Time Skip it's still school~

Hours went by and it was finally lunch. Lance was sitting at his usual place, with Pidge and Hunk. They were all laughing and then it was silent.

"What's the matter Lance?" Hunk asked. Pidge followed Lance's gaze and it was towards Keith. Pidge then asked him why he was staring at Keith, but he denied it.

"Fine...I'm staring at Keith. I'm looking at him because he's interesting. I just have so many questions I want to ask him but I know I won't get a response from him. I want to ask when did he start closing everyone off? Why does it do it? Was he always like this?" As Lance was rambling on and on about Keith and what he wants to ask him. Pidge held up one finger to stop him from talking.

"Ok, calm down Sherlock Holmes. The only way to get answers to your questions is to go talk to him." Hunk agreed with her, but Lance knew he wasn't going to get a response from him as he said before. But that was his only option, so he stood from the table and walked towards Keith's lonely table, then he sat down.

" I don't know if you remember my name but I'm Lance McClain." As he response from him, but that didn't stop him from asking his questions.

Keith wasn't answering any of Lance's questions, he was just drawing his life away. Like was signing a waiver, he was covering his sketch book so Lance couldn't see any of the drawings. While Keith was drawing and not responding that just made Lance more curious about him.

Lunch was over and Keith quickly gathered his art materials and left. Hunk and Pidge left their table and walked over to Lance and asked him if he got any answers, he shook his head. Then stood up and went to class and so did his friends. When Lance was in class, he wasn't really paying attention to his classes. He was more focused on Keith and why he was closing himself off from the world.

The bell run and school was over
(In case anyone was wondering, they have seven classes everyday but they drop a class it's a rotation thing) everyone was leaving their classes to get to their cars to leave before the buses. Lance hopped into the car and Veronica was already in the car with it started.

"Veronica I'm not mad at you anymore, can we stop fighting? Also I know you said girl and I said guy maybe that gives you a hint."

" are you gay? Or Bi"

"Well I think I'm Bi, but I'm not sure."

"So what you're telling me is that you're half coming out." She asked. Lance nodded and thought that's stupid why even tell her if I'm not even sure who I'm into. "I just wanted to tell that I might be bi."

Veronica hugged her brother and told him that it doesn't matter who he's into but she still loves him for who he is. After that, they went to go find a job. (Long story short they got the job, I say that because I would forget that needed to get a job, they bought a actual car too and returned the rental.)



Alright, so I think the ending of this chapter is weird. I just had to put all that at the end because I would forget, I'm a very forgetful person. I hope you're enjoying the story and if there is anything you don't understand or if there is something I need to fix then leave a comment and I'll fix it.


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