Chapter 15

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This chapter contains: swears, attempt of suicide, and a car crash. Just a warning for this chapter. If you are triggered by any of these things then you can skip this chapter.

It was the last day at the condo. The sun was shining through the windows in the place. Veronica, Allura, Romelle, Keith, Pidge, And Hunk were already up, eating breakfast on the patio; listening to the ocean hitting the sand.

Veronica looked at all the seats and noticed that her brother wasn't there. She then proceeded to ask the group if they seen him but they didn't speak up. They just shook their heads, until Keith spoke up.

"He's probably waiting  for Eva to call because she picked up the phone yesterday at the carnival." He said with sarcasm because he was still mad about that night. He had his arms crossed, staring out at the ocean.

"Eva? Oh! Ohhhh shit" Veronica sprints inside and up the stairs to Lance's room. She bursts through the door yelling at Lance to drop the phone. "Do NOT call her or wait for her! Move on from her. I'm telling you, it's the right thing." She says pointing at him.

Lance doesn't drop the phone he just stares at her and continues to stare at the phone, waiting for a call.

"I won't stop waiting. She said she would call me back, she said she would think about getting back together with me. I'm a MESS."

Veronica rolled her eyes and launched herself onto his bed to retrieve the phone. Lance got out of her way quickly, still holding the phone in his hand. "No! You will NOT take this phone from me you Asshat!" Pointing to the object. Veronica quickly gets on her feet and chases her brother around the room.

"Give me that fucking phone! She won't call back I promise you. She moved on." She tried to convince him but of course he didn't believe it. A few seconds after that, Lance's phone started to buzz. He looked at his sister with the type of expression that says 'ha I told you so bitch'.

"Lance I swear if you answer that phone I'm telling mom you drank and got wasted."

Lance ran into the bathroom and locked the door before his sister came in. He then answers the phone shouting loud so that Veronica could hear.

"Why hello Eva! I'm glad that you called back. Did you think about what I asked you?"

"Yes, I did think about it. But I do think we should meet in person for this."

"Oh ok. Where?"

As Eva tells him the place and time he types it down in his notes and ends the call; exiting the bathroom. Revealing his sister folding her arms.

"Lance this is a bad idea. She is using you. I advise you to move on and leave this relationship alone ok?"

Lance walks by her shaking his head. "I might be getting a second chance here with her and I'm taking it. I'm not going to mess it up again ok. I love her and I always will." He said lying back down on the bed; hands behind his head.

Veronica shook her head; massaging her temple because of how aggravated she is. "Fine. But if she hurts you again don't come crying to me because I told you so." She walked out of his room slamming the door behind her, getting everyone's attention.

She stormed out onto the patio and told the group through her gritted teeth that she was going for a walk. They were confused about what happened in Lance's room. All they heard was screaming and running around. Keith was going to go after her, but he thought it would be better to just leave her alone.

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