Chapter 28

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Jihoo's P.O.V.

We reached home. Ella was silent the whole way. She's really very scared. I've never seen her like this. Indeed it was an incidence for behaving like this.
She closed her eyes and was stiffened the whole way. She even asked me to close the window. The girl who always enjoyed the nature was a complete different person right now! I wished to hold her hand and comfort her. I wished to say her that don't worry everything will be fine. I wished to hold her in my arms and say that I'm always there for you! I'll always protect you! And ill never let anything happen to you! But guess..... I've already made her go through so many things! So maybe........ Maybe I'll also add this one to the later list.

I got down from the car and opened the door for Ella. She got down silently. I held her arm trying to support her while walking.
She looked at me and smiled faintly.

"I'm not that much injured that I won't be able to walk. Just that...." she sighed. "just that I'm feeling down right now. " she said. I smiled.

We entered the house and Ella headed towards her room.

"You freshen up... I'll prepare the dinner." I said.

"I.... I don't want to eat. I want to rest for a while..." she said.

I know she's not in the mood to eat right now after what she has been through. Though she's trying hard to hide her fear but I do know that deep inside she's fighting hard!

"Nope! That's not gonna happen. You'll have to eat. At least a little portion.. Mmmmm. I'll order soup for you. Then you can fall sleep." I said.

"I really..." She sighed. "Okay.." she nodded. I smiled. Then she left for her room.

I ordered food for us and then freshen up. I was wiping off with my towel when I remembered that Ella's right hand is burnt. What if she needs help!
Should I go and ask? It's really too confusing these days that what I  should be doing!

I got ready and came out to hear the doorbell rang. It maybe the delivery.
I opened the door and received the food. I prepared the table.
Ella didn't come out yet. Should I go and check? I headed to her room.
I knocked the door and opened it to see Ella sitting on the couch beside the window slightly leaning and looking blankly through the window.
Her face looks pale and emotionless. She was so deeply absorbed in her thoughts that she didn't even noticed me entering. I really feel bad to see her like this.
Only if I could've prevented this!
Though I'm regretting a lot myself but I don't want to be selfish right now and get indulged in my own thoughts.
First of all I want to take care of her.

I sat on the couch beside her facing the window when she came out of her thoughts and noticed me with widened eyes.

"Your plants have grown well." I looked at her and smiled.

She looked at the plants and smiled weakly.

"Looks like this flower is going to bloom very soon." I pointed.

"Hmm" she whispered as she nodded.

I don't know whether I should comfort her about what happened earlier but I just don't want to bring that topic again. I clearly remember her scared look she gave me at the camp earlier.

"Let's have dinner." I looked at her as she too looked at me. "I'm so hungry. Guess you are hungry too." I smiled. "Let's go." I said.

She nodded.

We came to the table and sat down. I poured our bowls with soup.
It was death silence in the room. Ella didn't talk at all. I didn't understand how to break the ice so I was silent as well.

"I.. can't eat more.." She said helplessly.
As far as I've known her she doesn't like to waste food but she barely had half of the soup. I don't want to force her more.

"Okay." I nodded. "Let me give you the sedative. It'll help  you fall asleep." I said as I was about to stand.

"You finish your dinner first. " she tried to forbade me.

"It's fine. I'll finish it later." I smiled.

She laid in the bed. I held her arm. She looked at the injection and turned her face to the other side. Maybe she's scared of the injection. But kinda strange as she herself is a doctor. It's the first childish thing from her in the whole day. I smiled.

I gave her the sedative.
"Now sleep tight.. Okay?" I smiled.
She nodded.

I sat beside her bed.
"I'll leave after you fall asleep."

"No, no! It's fine." She forbade.

"It'll take lesser time for you to fall sleep because of the sedative... " I smiled. "Now sleep." I ran my fingers through her hairs.

She looked at me cluelessly for a while then closed her eyes. After a while she fell asleep.

I turned off the light and went for the dinner. After cleaning the dishes I went for my room.

I need to inform grandpa about this. I didn't tell him about earlier incidences because he'll worry too much as he adores Ella so much.
But this one is extreme. And again almost all the medicines and equipment in the store room were damaged. It's not something that can be overlooked! I'm eagerly waiting for the night to pass soon. I want to end this for once and all! For some reason I've a strong belief that it's the same person.
Only if I knew who dared to do like this! She didn't only was about to kill a person for her personal issues but also destroyed a whole lot of things that were to help the people.
My head is burning out of anger right now! The person who did all this will have to pay for this! Maybe I feel more angry for what happened to Ella! She's going through a lot these days!
I still remember about last night how restless she was because of those nightmares! Hope she'll have a sound sleep tonight due to the sedative......

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