Chapter 56*

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Hello everyone! These star marked two chapters are dedicated to all the readers who came upto this. I want you to know that I love you a lot. On a shiny day I decided to capture my imaginations but you guys made it successful. I wanna say sorry for being irregular but trust me I try so hard to work on it whenever I get time. I can't thank you enough for the support. Hope you'll support till the end. These two chapters are token of my love..... SARANGHAE...   🙆‍♀️💞

Ella's pov

My hands are still cold like ice thinking what happened earlier. I was at a lose of words. Didn't know how I should have reacted. If  it was someother situation I would have been confused but now I'm too determined. I wanna face what may come... for once and all I wanna end this confusion. whether its a yes or no I wanna ...... know...

The only thing Jihoo asked me after his reckless behavior is to give me a ride to home. Then let it be........


Third pov

Jihoo gave Ella a ride to home. Ella felt too awkward. Though she decided to act brave but couldn't. She looked outside just to avoid any eye contact with Jihoo. Since earlier her face was red out of bashfulness. On the other hand Jihoo was too happy. He understood the situation. However took glances at her with smile on his face. They didn't talk the whole way.

"Here, we've arrived. " Jihoo said.

They got down.

"Thank you oppa."

"The pleasure is mine. "
He said with his charismatic smile.

When their silence was getting awkward Jihoo started talking.

"I was worried. Or maybe... I should say scared.. about you leaving without any trace. I thought I might lose you and won't be able to see you ever again."

I'm sorry for making you worried. I had a situation back at home. Actually  my sister in law gave birth to a beautiful girl. So I had to leave."

"I see. Congratulations."


The letter box caught his attention.
"I was mostly confused by you returning the bracelet. I wanted to ask why you returned it."

"I didn't retunred it." she lifted her hand showing the bracelet. "Are you talking about it?"

He noticed her wearing it. "Then ..what was.. that" he was cut off

"now that you've mentioned I come to think about it, I actually left something for you. about my whereabouts."

"I'm sorry but I don't follow you."

Ella opened the letter box to see the blue envelope she left for him.
"Looks like you didn't try opening it."

Jihoo nodded. Ella gestured towards the envelope. Jihoo opened the box. Obviously it was empty. he opened the letter to read.

"Oppa , I've a situation back at home. so I had to leave. hope to meet you soon. its my contact number for uk ******************** if needed. Take care."

Jihoo looked at her dumbfounded. she smiled with a YOU CAN'T BLAME ME look.
"I also emailed grandpa."

Jihoo looked back at the letter nodding his head.
"I ..I was scared." he looked at her. "I was scared that you might have written something unpleasent. and I wasnt prepared for it. what if you wrote about leaving forever..... whatever it was I wanted to hear it from you but over a paper."

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