Chapter 17

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Ella's P.O.V.

I sat on the couch after taking a bath. It was really scary . Even just thinking about earlier I'm having goosebumps! It feels disgusting as I took too much water. But I don't understand what the boy was saying! Did someone really loosen the rope? But why! Why would anyone do that do me? I can't remember of someone hating me this much! He might be wrong as he was already so scared!

I turned to the ringing of my phone to see it's Lisa. Oh! She has a good sense of time! I picked it up.


"Hello! Lily! Are you okay?!" She exclaimed from the other side.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just slipped. I don't remember much. It was so sud...." I was cut off by her.

"You didn't slip, that bit.h did this! She untied the rope!" She yelled.

My eyes widen to what she just said. I almost got frozen.

She started again. "She intentionally did this to.." she was cut off by me

"LISA!... Stop!..." I took a breath. "I don't want to listen."

"But Ella!"

"Please! I'm done with these things. And I don't want you to do anything!" I yelled

"But she nee.." She was cut off by me.

"If!.... if you don't want me to leave this country as well then just forget it. Forget about everything you saw or you know! You promised me that you'll let me live on my own and won't interfere! So please just let it be. I don't want to know who the person was nor do I want you to do anything. And don't let dad know about this! All this will end in a week anyway! So!..... Please!..  Okay?" I asked but she remain silent. I know she must be going crazy out of anger.

"Answer mee!"

"Okay." She said. I can hear her breathing heavily out of anger.

"Good! Now take care. Okay?"

"You too."

I hanged up the phone and turned to see Jihoo standing there.

"You alright?" He asked curiously

"Yeah! I'm fine." I smiled.

He looked at my phone and then to me. " There's a party tonight for our camp members. Won't you attend?" He asked as he leaned over the door

"Oh, yeah. I remember." I smiled. "I don't know. I feel too lazy to go! I would prefer sleeping!" I bit my lip.

He laughed. "No wonder! But let's go." He came to me. "At least you can accompany me, won't you?" He looked into my eyes.

Oh, that look! That smile! Those can make me do anything! I couldn't but nodded yes.

"Alright then! Get ready. Okay?" He raised his brows as he smiled.



Ella's P.O.V.

We went to the club to attend the party. The music is way too loud. Looks like everyone enjoying it. I would've enjoyed too if I didn't hear from Liza earlier. That's why I always ask her to stay away from me!

Someone hates me here too.! Ugh! I'm done with this! I don't understand why people keep hating me! I feel so bad thinking about this !

I really don't want to keep running from here to there! And again I'm worried about others than me cause if my dad or my brother get to know about these things they'll make unnecessary chaos and cause harm to that person. I really don't know what they'll do to them. They're so much ferocious! One if the reasons I left UK! If I'm with them I'll somehow be in the centre of attention and it'll threaten so many people trying to cause harm to me! And again if they get to know they'll ask me to go back which I don't want at all!

"What are you thinking?" I turned to see Jihoo sat beside me.

I smiled. "Nothing!" I turned to the crowd. "Everyone is enjoying a lot!"

"Yeah! After all they had been working hard for all this time." He said

"Hmm." I nodded.


I turned to him. "Yes, oppa?"

He mumbled to ask "Are you okay?"

I laughed. "Why do you keep asking that?" I tilted my head.

"Because..... I keep having this vibe that you're not!" He furrowed.

I smiled. "Mmm... What should I say! Should I lie or tell the truth!"

"Oh! Obviously, truth! Nothing but only truth!" He smiled.

I smiled back. "Well.... I'm actually a bit scared. "  I said as I demonstrated little with my index and thumb.

"Is it? A bit?" He also demonstrated in a sarcastic way.

"Okay!... a bit more! " I laughed as I widen the distance between index and thumb.

He laughed. "Okay. I'll agree on that..... why are you scared? For the water incidence earlier?" He asked curiously.

"Heii!.... No more questions,..... please!" I said as I hold his hand and looked into his eyes. " I don't want to lie to you.... "

He smiled. "Alright. I'll let it go only for this time."

"Ella! What are you doing here? Let's dance. " somin said holding my wrist.

"I don't want to..."

"Uh! Let's go! It's fun" she pulled me.

"Okay, just a minute." I turned to Jihoo.

"Oppa, why don't you join us?"

"I'm fine, you go!"

"Ani! That's not gonna happen." I held his hand. " Didn't you bring me to accompany you? It's your time to accompany me"  I made a puppy face.

He smiled. "Okay"


Third P.O.V.

Jin ae: "Min seo! Did you see? They came to the party together! And now dancing with oppa! Looks like nothing touched that girl!"
She furrowed.

Haeun: "How can she be so indifferent! What are you gonna do?"
She said turning to min seo

Min seo: "Don't worry! I've already planned everything."
She smirked.

Haeun: "Really? Sounds fun! What have you planned?"

Minseo called someone not replying to her.

Minseo: " Are you guys ready?.........Good!" She hanged the phone.
She waved at the waiter. She took out a small packet from her clutch and mixed it with cola.

"Give it to that girl in purple dress." She said.

"But, Ma'am.." he cut off as she showed her money. He nodded.

"Eleanor, you'll regret it!"
She smirked crossing her hands.

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