Chapter 30

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Jihoo's P.O.V.

All of a sudden I woke up from sleep. I put on the light and looked at the clock. It's only 3am.
I reached for my glass and had some water. I wonder how's Ella doing. Though I'm quite sure that she must be sleeping as I gave her the sedatives. But I'm worried about her. It would have been great if I could be there with her like last night. But she was drunk back then.
Let's go and check. It'll make my mind at peace.

I went out of my room to see the light in her room is turned on. But I'm sure that I turned if off before leaving. Is she awake? I thought to myself.

I went to her room to see her half leaned on the bed. I opened the door and entered the room when she turned to me shockingly. Her face looks pale out of fear. Did I scared her!

"Hey,.. " I smiled. why are you awake?" I asked curiously.

She mumbled to say, "Nothing!.... I ... I had something to do." She smiled nervously.

I could tell that was a white lie from that look on her face. I wonder why she's awake at this hour in spite of the sedative!

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah!.. I'm alright" she answered hurriedly nodding her head.

This made things more suspicious!
I walked to her.
"Are you sure? Remember You said you don't want to lie to me?" I asked.

She looked down and took a deep breath closing her eyes. She then looked at me and stared for a while. Her face turned red. Looks like she's trying hard to hide her feelings. She again looked down.

"I... I had a nightmare." She whispered.

"Nightmare?..." I sat on the couch. "Are you scared because of that?" I asked.

"Hmm..." She nodded lightly.

She was also having one last night and I do remember her suffering.

"I see..... You sleep then. I'll be here with you." I said.

"No no! You don't need to do that!" She shook her head. " You've been going through a hectic time because of me. I'm fine. You go to sleep." She said.

I smiled. "It's fine.." I stood up. " I'm okay with it." I walked to her and sat beside her on the bed.

"Please don't do that... I don't want you to suffer along with me! I'm used to it. But I don't want you to get used it!. You need to take rest." She begged.

"You stop doing this.." I held her hand. "Tell me honestly that you're not scared enough and don't want me by your side!" I smiled.
She stared at me giving me a guilty look.

" Don't give me that look.... It's nothing to be ashamed of. Achcha fine. If you're worried about me taking rest I'll sleep here with you. Okay?" I asked .

She mumbled to say something but I didn't let her.

"Now don't say anything! It's already quarter to Four! As you said I'm sleepy. Let's not waste more time!" I smiled.
She mumbled to say something but didn't. She rolled to the other side and laid in the bed allowing enough space for me. I laid down too.
I turned to turn off the light.

"DON'T!" She shouted..

I turned to her cluelessly to see her face reflecting her fear.

"Please... Don't put it off." She begged.

I felt so bad. She's really very scared.

"Okay." I smiled. "Now close your eyes and fall asleep."

She nodded. "If you don't mind may I say something?" She whispered.

"Yeah sure!"

"May I ..... hold your sleeve as I fall asleep?" She whispered.

She looks like a child right now who acts out of fear. I smiled. I held her hand and looked at her. She looked at me shockingly.

"I'm here with you. So don't worry." I smiled.
She nodded and closed her eyes. I stared at her innocent face for a little while and closed my eyes as well.


I woke up to some sound. I turned my head to see Ella weeping in her sleep. Tears running down from her eyes.
Maybe she's having nightmares. I wonder it's too often.

"Ella?, Ella?" I patted her cheek.

She's stiffened. "No!...... Please...... no!" She whispered in her dream. I don't understand what to do! This girl experiences vulnerable type of nightmares! I remembered last night I held her in my arms when she was having this. Should I do that again.?...... Guess I can give it a try.
I was about to hold her in my arms when she opened her eyes. Her face turned pale. She stared at me. All of a sudden she hugged me burying her head in my chest and started crying loudly.

I got dumbfounded for moment. Then I wrapped my arms around her holding her tight.

"Shh.... don't cry..... I'm here with you.... everything will be fine..." I patted her head.

Soon after she stopped sobbing she fell asleep. As days passing so many secrets are being revealed about her. I ran my fingers through her hairs.

I wonder why she said that she's used to it! Somehow I feel that it's not only the present but also something from her past that is haunting her. She suffers from these nightmares so often. Looks like I've a long to know her. But I'm glad that she's calm right now.
I placed a kiss over her forehead. I remembered that she said I'll have to be the one to kiss first. I wish she could see it!..........

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