Chapter 8: Spirit Claims Cammy

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He ached for her. He has dreamed night after night that she was exploring his body. Giving him pleasure and him buried deep inside her body. He felt her rubbing her core against his cock and thought he needed to stop this. She wasn't ready. She was high and he wanted to take her when she was sober and knew exactly what he was doing to her and that is was him and not Falcon. Then he heard her say. Spirit one day, I want you to take me to your bed. At then my cock had a mind of its own. I gripped her hips and shoved my cock against her core and said. Cammy when I take you to my bed you will be sober. You will know exactly who's bed you are in and who is giving you pleasure, making love to you. You will scream my name over and over all night long. But not now. Not yet. I will know when you are ready because that will be the time you come to me.

He stopped rubbing his cock against her. He said. You will be so wet, and I will be exploring your body and find all your sweet spots. I have already found one. And honey I can get you off by licking and sucking your neck. I want to reach down and shove a finger or two in your pussy, lick and suck your clit until you cum screaming my name now. Then I will put my cock inside you and have you Cuming three or four more times before I shoot my cum into you. Cammy felt herself become wetter hearing Spirit say those words to her. She lay with her head on his shoulder. Her breath slowing back down to normal. Cammy was at the Viking club celebrating a new year. It is now 1/1/16. In 4 more months, she will have been here for a year. Spirit walked over and handed Cammy a beer. He has kissed her only two or three more times since that night at the club when she was high. He knew that she still thought about how she caught  Falcon making out with one of the club whores then was basically rejected. Now she guards her feelings and heart closely.

Cammy, can I talk to you? Sure, she said. They walked to a booth in the back of the room where it was quiet. Spirit said. Cammy, do you love Falcon? She sighed and looked at her beer. No she said. But I refuse to go back to the clubhouse. Even though I don't have to be there. My step-father is the VP we live across the street. I have an apartment above the garage. My living room looks out at the club and the garage he works at. I can't see him working every day knowing that he rejected me and feel I was not good enough for him. Spirit, you're a man. Spirit grinned and said. Last time I looked. She looked at him her face red. Can I ask you something? Sure, he said. Did I do something wrong ? Spirit said. Cammy listen to me. I don't know what happened and what he was thinking but let me tell you. After hearing everything. I can tell you that you did not do anything wrong. If it would have been any of the single men in this club including myself. 

We would have not been making out with a club whore if we had the chance to be with you. Shit Spirit said. If a man is lucky enough to have you as their Valkyrie they don't need a club whore. And do not ever, and I mean ever think your not good enough. She said. Thanks. I feel better about myself. But to be honest. I don't think I can let myself trust another man and what he says. I understand Spirit said. But I wish you would give me a chance. I understand that it took a lot for you to learn to trust Falcon, but he doesn't deserve you. Believe me when I say this. If you were ever to come to me just know that you will never leave. I won't let you. Do you understand what I am saying?

Let me put it plain. If you come to my bed, you will remain in my bed. No one else's. And you better believe the next morning I will be claiming you as my Valkyrie if not the same night. So, get through your head right now this minute. I am not Falcon. He got up and Cammy watched him walk away. Steve and Elizabeth walked over and sat down. Steve said. I take it Spirit let you know his plans for you? Sort of Cammy said. What exactly did he say Steve asked? Cammy told him and Steve grinned. Cammy he is giving you the choice. If you want him go and get him. Take what is yours. But be prepared to stay with him. Once he has you, he is not going to let you go. Be sure. You couldn't make a better choice. I trust him with your life, and you know I don't fully trust many people with you. Elizabeth said. Cammy, I know you are developing feelings for Spirt. I see how you watch him. He feels something for you as well. He is a good man. He will take care of you. Steve said. I have known him since we were kids. He doesn't have sex with the sluts, and you know that. He has waited a long time to give his heart away. The minute he saw you he asked my permission to get to know you. He said to me. Steve, I've found the woman for me but. She has been hurt and has good reason not to give her trust to any man. They walked away to mingle with other members.

 Cammy sat there watching Spirit. he laughed and talked with everyone, but he also held part of himself back. Cammy was thinking. Could I learn to love him she asked herself? Yes, she could. Would he treat her, right? Yes, he would. Does she care for him? Yes, she does. Then what are you waiting for? Cammy stood up and walked to the bar. Standing beside Spirit she asked for a beer. The bartender handed it to her. She sat beside Spirit and looked at the clock. The crowd started the count down. As it hit the new year, she grabbed Spirit by his cut turning him towards her. She leaned down and placed her lips on his. Spirit brought his arms up and brought her closer. He nibbled on her lip and she opened her mouth allowing him to kiss her. She grabbed his hair and pulled him closer. She moaned and Spirit deepened the kiss. Cammy, he said against her lips. Are you telling me that you trust me enough to take care of you and that you understand if we take this further, I will never let you go? Yes, Spirit. I am telling you that I trust you. I also understand that you will never let me go. You will be mine he said. I do not share. I don't share either Cammy said. He said. Will you be my Valkyrie? Yes, I will. 

Shut up, everyone. I have an announcement to make. He stood up on the bar. Steve, he yelled bring that box to me. Ok half pint come here. He said. This VP is officially off the market. I found my Valkyrie. Half pint agreed to take me as her man. He opened the box and brought out the cut. It said. Property of Spirit and Cammy's road name is Half pint. He put the cut on Cammy and grabbed her kissing her thoroughly. Everyone hooted and howled and congratulated them. Cammy was now off the market. She was claimed by the Viking VP, Spirit. They did not know it but a few prospects from the Rough Riders had walked in the door and had videotaped the whole thing. They forwarded it to Doug their VP. Doug opened his phone and played the video. He was laughing and saying good for her. He yelled shut up everyone. He said. I have something to show you all. He said Turk hook my phone to the tv. Then hit play. He was watching Falcon's expression as the video played. As everyone saw Cammy accept the claim of the Viper's VP Spirit, they heard a bottle hit the wall and that son of a bitch can't claim her. She is my woman. Hawk said. She is not your woman. You did not claim her. You let her walk away. His claim is valid. Falcon realized that he had lost Cammy for good. He grabbed the nearest club whore and dragged her to his room. He was going to lose his virginity by fucking the club whore. He lost is chance of losing his virginity to the woman he loved. Cammy.

She moved into the house across from the Rough Riders MCWhere stories live. Discover now