Chapter 18: Club Members getting busted with Club Whores

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Tara and Doug rode their bike into Steve and Elizabeth's MC. Elizabeth was happy to see them. She asked how Cammy and the babies were doing. She is doing as well as can be expected they said. Elizabeth introduced Tammy to them. Doug walked over to talk to Steve. He said Tara wanted to come and visit with Elizabeth this weekend. As the three sat in the back booth with drinks Elizabeth said. You know what is going to happen tonight, don't you? Of course I dos he said. I came for the entertainment and so did Doug. So the club whores are out for revenge aren't they she asked? Tammy and Elizabeth grinned and said. Yes they are. This will be funny. The whores are going to get the men away from the party and the Valkyries are going to catch them.  They are tired of men who have Valkyries cheating on them. As the night went on and most of the men drunk no one paid any attention to who came and went. There were around five or six Valkyries that walked in and sat in the dark and they would receive a phone call telling them which room to go to. We watched as they all received calls about the same time and watched them walk down the hallway. 

Tara grinned and said. Let the show begin.  The next thing you saw was five bikers chasing their Valkyrie down the hall. The Valkyrie's stood together and poured the lighter fluid on their cuts and lit them on fire. They denounced their ownership by the biker and told them Go back to your whore. Don't come home accept to pick your shit up out of the yard or from the curb. they then turned and walked out of the club never looking back. Tara was laughing and said. I have to move here. It is very interesting what is taking place here. Then she said. How are you two girl doing? we are fine. They smiled. Our men have not gone near the whores but they aren't getting us back yet. Maybe a year or two. So where is Spirit? With a fucking whore as usual. They saw him walk down the hall zipping up his jeans. Tara stood in front of him. He looked up and said. Fuck me. Yes Tara said. Fuck you. I see you haven't changed. She then turned and sat back down.  Steve said. This dam club is losing their Valkyries right and left. Doug said. Maybe if didn't cheat it wouldn't happen. The men who had just lost their Valkyries were now sitting at the bar getting drunk. Doug said. Was fucking club whores worth losing the woman you love? Fuck no they said. Well he said. Cheaters always get caught sooner or later. Tara sent the video to Cammy and she laughed her ass off. 

Looks like 6 more bikers lost their women. Serves them right. The whores were enjoying themselves. Revenge is sweet they said. Serves the fuckers for cheating. They know what they signed up for but when a man has a woman they should not mess with club whores.  Word had reached the other clubs about what was happening and they hoped it did not happen in their clubs. However, the underground of club whores has it all planned out. They wait until all the cheaters in the first MC are caught then they wait six months for it to blow over and then it starts in the next club. They are going to teach the club members a lesson. They feel sorry for the Valkyries to have men cheat and they are telling on them. It's not that they want to become a Valkyrie they know what they signed up for. they prefer to take care of the single men not those with a woman of their own. The five other men who have Valkyrie's have stopped going to the club whores. They don't want to lose their family. They have become smart men. 

Spirit walked up to Steve and said. I want you to put me on any assignments that will keep me away from the club for a few weeks. Steve looked at Spirit and asked? Are you sure you want me to do that? Yes he said. I am drinking, smoking, and messing with the club whores way to much. Steve asked. Does this have anything to do with what happened between you and Cammy? Spirit looked at Steve and then over at Elizabeth and Tammy. At least you and handsaw still see your woman. Mine refuses to accept phone calls or talk to me and my luck really ran out five minutes ago. Cammy's mom saw we walk out of one of the rooms zipping up my jeans. Wow said Steve. Yes, I would say your luck ran out alright. Look Spirit I had hoped that you and Cammy would make it. But you are 22 and not ready to settle down even though you are the father of twins. You do need to take a break from this club. Why don't you go to work at the Club in Florida or Arizona for a while? Clear your head. I need a VP at both clubs. Decide what one you want and let me know. Hell, you might like the other club better. Ok, I will decide and let you know in the morning.

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