Chapter 19: Spirit Joins Chapter in Florida

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Spirit arrived at the club in Florida. The weather was nice and hot. When he walked into the club he was greeted by Jim. Jim looked at Spirit and said. Welcome, brother. I heard you were a good VP but when it comes to keeping a Valkyrie you suck. That's true he said. I just couldn't keep away from the club whores and keep it in my pants. You have a second chance here. But don't screw it up. Stay away from the whores and you will be fine. Believe me, I learned my lesson there. Jim said there is plenty of willing woman in the different bars do the one-night stands and you're better off. So we have the swearing-in party tomorrow and I hope you are as good as Steve said you are. Grinning Spirit said I am. Jim said I am only going to ask once and only once and then we will never ask again. Do you mind putting the woman and you're children's pictures on the big TV screen nope He gave Jim his phone and Jim connected it to the TV? 

 Listen up Jim yelled. Spirit agreed to the request so take a look at the tv. This is or was his Valkyrie and his twins. Kyle and Christal. Several male club members whistled and said Dud what was wrong with you. How could you lose that fine piece of ass? Spirit said. By not keeping my dick in my pants. I fucked with the club whores. Something I swore never to do. But then I got busted getting head. Shit, he said see this scar pointing to his cheek. She did this with a whip. After striking me she flew that same whip across the room and wrapped it around the whore's neck pulling her off me. Let me tell you my hard dick went soft real fast. She the presidents, and the enforcer's woman caught all of us. They took their cuts off poured lighter fluid on them and set them on fire throwing them at our feet and claimed they were are divorced and no longer our Valkyries. Sorry that was to say the 351st time I had a club whore on her knees and it is not going to happen again. 

I might not get her back but she sure taught me how not to treat the next woman I might fall in love with. Kept track did ya someone yelled. No, I didn't. Someone text her a picture each time a whore was in front of me. She sent them to me. Hell, I didn't even know anyone was taking fucking pictures. A prospect walked over and said.  Pres your sister is outside said she wants to buy some. Tell her to come in. She won't come out of the shadow and she looks like she is shaking she keeps looking over her shoulder towards her little car. Pick her up and bring her in here kicking and screaming if you have to. Yes Pres he said and walked away. Then they all turned as they heard. My brother told you guys to never touch me. You're in trouble when he finds out. Put me the fuck down right now. Everyone was laughing as the prospect brought the girl in the Jim adopted as his baby sister. As the prospect set her on the ground she swung her fist and connected with his jaw. The prospect just looked at her and said. Good try little one but no cigar. She then stomped on his foot with everyone watching and then the Prospect yelled what the hell happened to your face. 

That stopped her from fighting and Jim walked over and moved her long hair away from her face that made everyone stop laughing and instead they started growling. Is that son of a bitch in the car?  Jeannie shook her head yes. He looked at some prospects moving his head towards the back door. They were going to come up behind the car since it is dark outside and hard to see. Jim yelled someone get her an ice pack. The whole right side of her face was purple from being punched in the face.  Jim said. I want him in the cells. Spirit sat on the bar stool watching the whole thing play out. Jim gently picked Jeannie up and sat her on another stool and gave her the ice pack. He said. No more. This is the last time do you hear me? Yes, she said. Good. Jim said, Spirit this is Jeannie I adopted her as my little sister the minute I laid eyes on her. She is never, and I mean never to be touched unless I give the order. The prospect who had carried her in said. Jeannie, I would not have manhandled you like that if I had known. Did he hurt your ribs too? No she said. He just hit me. Why this time. She looked down and said. Because one of my brother's friends said I looked nice. He said I was flirting with the guy. She laughed and said. Sure, I was flirting with a 17-year-old boy. The prospect started laughing. You flirt? Now that is a good one. You don't flirt let alone know when a man is coming on to you. 

She moved into the house across from the Rough Riders MCWhere stories live. Discover now