Chapter 6

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Cheryl's POV

~next day~

I was at the hospital all day yesterday. When it got late, Toni's grandfather told me to go home. He said he would contact me if there was any change. He didn't contact.

I had gone to the shop and bought some flowers for Toni. They were beautiful roses. When she wakes up, I want her to be reminded of my love for her. I wanted to be able to comfort her. It was better than not doing anything at all.

I arrived to her room. Her grandfather was still sitting outside, waiting. I looked at him and put my hand on his shoulder. He didn't look happy. He looked tired. He was obviously worried.

"It's your turn. Go home. Get some rest. I'll tell you if anything changes." He nodded and gave a weak smile as he left. He must have been so tired, after waiting there all night.

I entered Toni's room and placed the flowers beside her bed. I sat on the chair next to her bed. I looked at her. She was all bruised. I was crying on the inside. I tried to stay strong in case she woke up. I put my hand on hers gently.

I didn't know what to do with myself. I felt hopeless. I felt useless. There was nothing I could do to help her. All I could do is be there. The doctors are doing their best, but she still hasn't woken up. I decided to talk to her. I knew she wouldn't hear, but I thought I would do it anyway. Maybe, by miracle, it would make her wake up. I could only hope.

"You know, you can't just leave me like this. I can't stop worrying about you, but I'm staying strong. I'm not going to leave your side. I swear. I love you Toni." I couldn't stay strong for long. I knew it wouldn't last. The tears were slowly forming. "I will keep coming every day until you wake up. And you will wake up. Because this is not how our story ends. We are going to have a happy future together, Toni. So just come back to me." I looked at her. It was heartbreaking seeing her like this. She had a tube coming out of her mouth to help her breathe. Her leg was lifted slightly, with some pillows supporting it.

What would make her feel comfortable? I tried to think of something. Something that Toni would appreciate. Something that would also help me. Then it hit me. Our song. I opened my mouth and let the notes flow.

"What a surprise gazing in to your eyes. I s-swear that I still get lost in the light. No ph-photograph could possibly show, the you I know." At this point I was struggling to sing. The emotion was getting the better of me. But I still tried. It may have been pitchy but I didn't know what else to do.

"No doubts, no more fears. I s-see you shine and the dark disappears. Then I know everything is gonna be fine, because you shine." I continued. This was our song. We loved it. We would always sing it. It was then, that I promised myself I would sing it to her every day until she opens her eyes again.

Authors note:

This probably isn't medically accurate and stuff, sorry. I'm not an expert. Feedback is appreciated.

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