Where the Sun Don't Set // Zach

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I glance down at my watch, it reads 2:33pm. My eyes roll back with annoyance, another 27 minutes to survive. However, a bright smile forms on my lips as another customer appears in view, ready to give me items to scan at the till in front of me. I hate my job as a shop assistant; it's dead-end and boring, all it's good for is paying bills - and it barely does that.
The time passes slowly, dragging along. I feel myself disintegrating from boredom. Eventually, I see my last customer rise like an angel.

#"Hi, how are you?" I ask the new stranger. The young, teenage looking girl grins back at me, excitement clear in her expression.

I'm good, thank-you. So good. So, so good." She rambles on at me, the grin not quaking. I smile back, curiosity sparking my next phrase

Wow you look excited." I say leading-ly.

Yeah, sorry. I must look like an absolute fan-girl right now." I just nod my head at her, scanning her items. "I just can't believe that I'm going to meet them!" She tells me.

Who is that, may I ask?" I begin to pack her stuff into a plastic bag.

Did you not know that Why Don't We are doing a small meet and greet in the library next door?" The girls asks, my heart stops beating momentarily. I freeze, but have to snap out of it quickly.
No, no I didn't. How come?" I try to act as normal as possible, despite my sudden racing heart."Oh, they are releasing their second book. I read the first one, when that one came out, back in 2018. Now it's been 6 years and they've finally done another one." She spills out her words to me. Six years, it's been that long?

Wow, so you're a long term fan then?" I ask, whilst she scans her card.

Yep, I remember watching their YouNow lives and the when they first went on tour- sorry I'm rambling again, I'm very nervous." The girl giggles before waving me a goodbye. I stand frozen to my till. Though it's 3 o'clock, the end of my shift that I would normally be running out of as quickly as possible, I don't move. I can still remember the Younow lives, and when they first went on tour. I remember when they released their first single and EP. And when they all first moved in together. When they all moved away from their home towns to LA. When Daniel left Oregon, Jonah left Minnesota, Corbyn left Virginia, Jack left Pennsylvania. And little baby Zach left Dallas, Texas. Where I am now.

Eventually, I make my way to the back to collect my coat and bag. I walk down to the car park, my eyes get tangled up in the long line of girls and boys lining up to meet WDW. There are all sorts here, tall, short, big, small, thin, pretty, unusual, male, female, all of the above. My eyes roll in their sockets at the sheer noise of them all, I push past certain ones on my way to my car. Finally, I get to it and pull out my keys. The key-chains dangle about, my eye catches onto. The bright shine it used to have, has faded to a low, dim, rustic look. I bring it up between my fingers. My eyes scan it. A soft smile grows on my lips, I remember when I was given this. I was 17, and my boyfriend of the time gave it to me on our first date; the key-chain is of a delicate flower. It used to be so shiny and bright. The memory saddens me, and the corners of my mouth droop slightly. Suddenly, I wrap the keys back up in my hand and march my way back over to the line of noisy girls. The queue sees to have gotten shorter, which means I wont be here for as long. Quickly, I pull out my phone and text my roommate, saying I will be late home.

As the line decreases in length, I feel my hearts beat per minute increase.     

Happy birthday Y/N." A boys voice says from behind me. I turn around in the dinner hall, Zach, a boy in my class, holds a piece of paper in his hand. Zach is friends with like half my year, mainly the boys who he plays soccer with though. He's cute, my friend Emily had a crush on him last year. But she never said anything. A blush begins to form as he passes me the paper. Why is a boy talking to me?

Thanks Zach." I say, a shy grin on my lips. He grins back just as shyly before scooting back over to his friends. I turn back around to my table and open the folded note. 'Dear Y/N, happy 10th birthday. Love from Zach H.' It read. Quickly, I told my friends who sit around me. All my friends gather around it, as if it is a special secret.

During last period, I peek over to find Zach on the other side of the room. He's already looking at me, I smile. And he smiles back. Though, instead of holding the gaze, I shy away back to my original stance. Throughout the rest of the period, I lean and look over to Zach.

Come on Y/N, we need to hide from Becky." My friend tells me, whilst running away. I follow her direction. I race all the way past her, hiding behind a tire. Becky won't find me. A tap to the shoulder, makes my head turn around with a snap.

"Y/N, hi." It's Zach. He found me.

"Hi Zach, Thank you for the note yesterday. I showed my mom and she thought it was really cool." I tell him, pretty confident sounding.

Sweet." He pauses in his speech. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He suddenly asks. Taking me by surprise, I take in a gasp of air and throw my hand on my heart. A boy just asked me out. And it's Zach. I nod my head before words come out yeah, I do

Otay imma be making some long oneshots cause I get sister bored

1057 words 🤕🏀

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