Younow Terror|J.A

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Summary: You go to the WDW house and scare Jack by climbing through the window while he's on Younow.

Warning(s): Breaking into house, scaring someone

You didn't know why you were doing it. Well, actually, you did. You were a fairly popular Youtuber, and you had a series on your channel where you would try to scare your boyfriend. Most of the time, you failed miserably. A lot of your fans thought your attempts were hilarious, but this time you were determined to not fail. You had to succeed just once. One time, and then you'd be satisfied.
That's how you ended up outside of the WDW house in the dead of night. You were dressed head-to-toe in black. You had parked your car at the end of the street, and walked to the boys' house. You prayed none of their neighbors would call the police about some creep wandering around the neighborhood carrying a camera.
When you got to their house, you walked over to where Jack's room was. You peaked through the window, seeing that Jack was alone. You crouched down under the window, explaining to your camera that the boys' always left their window unlocked and that you were planning on sneaking through and scare the living daylights out of your boyfriend.
You stood back up and lifted the window open. You could hear Jack talking to himself—he was probably on Younow. Trying to stop yourself from laughing and giving yourself away, you began to climb through the window. Your feet hit the floor, but Jack didn't hear you. Or, if he did, he didn't react to it.
You snuck up behind Jack, wrapping your arms around him and whispered "boo" in his ear. He let out the loudest scream you ever heard, pushing you away from him as he ran out of the room.
You began to laugh, shouting, "Jack! JACK! It's just me! Come back!"
You chased him through the house, laughing as he hid behind the couch. You crouched down beside him, saying, "Jack, chill, it's just me."
He glared at you. "That wasn't funny, Y/N!"
You giggled. "I disagree—I thought it was hilarious."
The two of you got up, returning to his room. He sat in front of the camera and said, "Sorry 'bout that, guys. My girlfriend thought it'd be funny to give me a heart attack."
You grinned. "And it worked! If you want to see the full video, it'll be uploaded on my channel tomorrow!"
"No no no, don't watch her video! Don't support her!" Jack argued, giving you a playful shove.
"Oh, you know you love me."
"I mean, I guess," Jack said, leaning in to give you a kiss.

459 words ⛄️🌏

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