It be alright|D.S

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A/N: btw you're the bad person in this & the names i picked were random lol
Based on "Be Alright" by Dean Lewis because it's a really good song (:

Hey baby." I call out into my girlfriends apartment. "Where are you?" My hand slips the spare key she gave me back into my jeans pocket. There is no answer, but instead a sniffle. Instantly, I rush towards the sound of crying into her bedroom. Scattered all over the floor are clothes, pillows, bed sheets, the entire bedroom on the floor in a pile of mess. My eyes travel up from the ground, all the way up onto the double bare bed. In the middle, she sits with her head down. "Y/N." My weakened words fall from my lips as I step over to the edge of the bed, placing myself onto it. Her eyes catch mine as she looks up, only to snap her head in the opposite direction. The water mark is evident around her eyes and upon her cheeks. I stretch out my hand, attempting to tilt her head to mine with my fingers. She brushes me off. There's something she's trying to hide, her eyes avoid mine once again. I reach for her hand, my fingers turning to ice at one touch of her cold hand. She pulls away again, slower this time. What's on you mind, Y/N?  I want to ask her so desperately, but can't. I see her mouth open, then shut, indecisive on whether to speak and what to say.
"I made a dumb mistake." Her voice creeks out of her throat, breaking as she speaks. My mind races with thoughts. Her lip begins to tremble, then her hands, then her whole body. Instinctively, I shuffle up and wrap my arms around her body. She pushes me back, shaking her head violently. "I know you're going to hate me, I hate myself too right now." She tells me, spluttering out the words.
"I could never hate you Y/N, what's going on?" I gently say, trying to remain calm whilst inside a tornado. She just rattles her head from side to side again. I don't know what to do, her shaking body is next to me with tears falling like a waterfall from her eyes.
"You remember the cigarettes on the counter you found the other day?" She asks, gasping for air as she sobs viciously. I remember them, but before I can answer she continues. "They weren't Annabel's, they were Jason's." Y/N splutters out her words, while the cogs in my brain twist. Jason, my middle school best friend Jason? Jason who I met up with last week Jason, who said he was staying in town for few days Jason, who's now left his cigarettes on my girlfriends kitchen counter Jason?  I feel the colour drain from my face. A silence falls, heavy and thick, confusing my brain. "Daniel," Her voice stings my ear like a frozen breeze. "Daniel?" The voice repeats itself. Though the sounds are just muffles; the foggy silent air making it hard to hear. Tears prickle at the corners of my eyes, stinging like wasps. One drops. It pools in the bag under my eye. "Daniel, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I can't believe I did it, I don't know why I did it, and I hate myself, I hate myself-" Her words purge from her lips in frustrated apology. With haste, I stand to my feet. I need to get out of here. I begin to walk away, without looking back, all the way to the front door, I walked through with happiness only moments ago, to be leaving as a broken man.

My eyes fixate onto the screen, again. Reading the messages, all of them. From the day we met, until the day she told me we needed to talk and that I should come over. I wish I hadn't. Reading the kisses, reading the 'I love you's' at the end of every night, even when we were in the same bed, reading the 'I miss you's' and not truly knowing the feeling without her, until now. Now, is when I should be texting her 'I miss you' and 'I love you'. But I know she won't reply.
Typing her name into my Instagram search bar, again. Seeing her page, her new profile picture, without me. Her whole page revived without me, not one post. The only aspect of me, are the likes she can't get rid of on every one of her photos; dating back to her first post. I click on her last post, re-reading all the comments I've already seen. Looking at the guys commenting, with her reply. She's moving on.
And I know I shouldn't keep looking back, it's been over a week since I walked away. But I just want to stay, keep the memories in my mind for as long as possible.
I just miss her. I miss her so badly. And I love her still. God, I love her so much. Just to be with her again would mend my heart. But, I can't.
It's not even the fact that she kissed him, or the fact that she slept with him. It's the feeling of betrayal. Why? Why did she do this? I thought we were tight, I thought we were in love. I thought she was the one.
Obviously not.
I look back at all the 'I love you's', a tear trickles down my pale cheek.

"Daniel? Daniel?" Jonah's voice echos around the room, I hear a door close. I feel the bed sink besides me, but I can't tear my eyes away from her beautiful face. A sigh leaves Jonah's mouth. His hand wraps around the corners of my phone, instantly grabbing my attention. "I know you love her, but put the phone away." Jonah takes the phone from my hands, placing behind him. I watch as her beauty leaves my sight. I glance up to see Jonah watching the stray tear dripping off my chin.
"I miss her Jo." I tell him, not hiding my feelings, they're impossible to hide anyways. His arm wraps around my shoulder.
"I know bro, and it's never easy to walk away." He tells me. "It'll be okay." Jonah slowly leads me to find the others, who are all sat around waiting for me. Small smiles grow onto their lips as I enter the room.
"Danny boy." Jack says. I also smile, I haven't seen them for a while; I've been in hiding. I take a seat next to Corbyn.
"Sorry I haven't been around you guys." I tell them. Corbyn blows dry air.
"Bro, are you kidding it's absolutely fine. Nothing heals the past like time." The blondes supportive words make me realise how much I need these guys right now. Jonah strolls back into the room holding a large bottle and five small glasses.
"Thanks." I reply whilst he pats my back, in a manly fashion.
"And just remember, no one can steal the love you're born to find." Jonah reminds me. The cheesy quote is brushed off, it actually softens me a little. I turn to Jack, knowing I need his help now, more than ever.
"Jack, be brutally honest with me, and tell me how it is. I need to hear it." I ask in desperation, knowing it will hurt.
"Well, I know you love her, but it's over Daniel. The subject doesn't matter, she doesn't matter anymore. It's gonna hurt for a bit of time. But let her go and it'll be okay in the end." Jacks honest words make my heart cease up in sadness. Being told is almost worst than knowing, it's affirming thoughts.
"You'll find another girl." Zach chips in. "Look at you, you're a fine man Daniel." His attempt to make me feel better is endearing.
"You'll be just fine." Jonah passes him a shot glass, another to me and the rest of the guys too. I don't want to know what's in the glass, so I don't look.
"Let's just forget it all tonight!" Zach says cheerfully, raising his glass. We all follow suite, I raise mine with the help of Corbyn lifting my arm higher than anyone else's. "Bottoms up!"
"It'll be alright." Jonah says taking his shot.
"It'll be alright." Zach copies taking his shot.
"It'll be alright." Corbyn continues taking his shot.
"It'll be aright." Jack finishes taking his shot. I look down at my glass, nothing heals the past like time, and no one can steal the love you're born to find. I sigh deeply.
"It'll be alright." I state, taking the shot.

1452 words 🗝📞

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