Not His| D.S ft. J.A

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Key: Y/D/S/N - yours and Daniel's ship name,    Y/J/S/N - yours and Jack's ship name
A/N: this imagine was originally based off of another one I read and loved (sorry I don't remember who wrote it) also it's mostly Jack and Y/N in the imagine xxx

(Brief) summary: Y/N joins a live with Jack, he accidentally lets something slip. Daniel comes to find Y/N.
The door shuts behind Y/N's sweating body, she's glad to be out of the blazing LA sun. The girl frowns slightly at the quietness of the Why Don't We house, it's an unusual occurrence. However Y/N continues her path to find her boyfriend, Daniel Seavey. The two had been going out for a while now, for about 7 months. They had bonded over a guitar In a local music shop; he had heard somebody playing guitar and went to see who was so good. It turned out to be Y/N, he began to sing quietly to one of the songs she began to play, she heard his amazing voice. They both were amazed by each other, and began talking, and talking, and talking. Before they left the shop, they exchanged numbers and then the shop owner was annoyed that neither of them actually were buying the guitar. On their first official date, Daniel showed up with a guitar, and gave it to Y/N. At first she just thought it was a guitar, turned out to be the one they bonded over the week before.
Y/N smiles at the remembrance of that guitar, as she passes one in the corridor. A huff leaves her throat since she knows it belongs to the Corbyn. Finally, Y/N reaches Daniels bedroom. She pokes her head around the door.
"Daniel?" Her voice comes out quietly. A curly haired boy lies on his stomach on top of his tidy bed.
"Oh hey Y/N!" Jack waves to her. She quickly notices that he's doing an Instagram Live stream.
"Oh sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you." Y/N tells him, before backing out of the room slowly.
"Wait, come back, come join me." Jacks voice follows her out the door. "Can't you tell I'm lonely, I'm talking to a screen!" Jack exclaims, making Y/N chuckle. She walks around the door to look at him. The two had become quite close in the past 7 months. Their friendship obviously formed through Daniel, but it was genuine and sweet. Y/N also became quick friends with the other members of WDW and a lot of their team that they work with, since she spent so much time with Daniel.
"There are people behind the screen you know." Y/N tells Jack from the doorway, still reluctant to enter the stream completely. Jack glances back at his phone.
"Awe look, even these guys want you here." Jack coos sweetly, making Y/N laugh.
"Fine, only for a bit though, I'm starving and need to find Daniel." Y/N waddles over to Jacks bed and lays down next to him, also on her stomach. Jack does a mini cheer, proud of his persuasion. "What were you talking about before I came in?" She asks, so that a conversation will quickly begin.
"Uhh..." Jacks eyebrows draw close together as he wonders. He checks the comments, to see if they remember. "Oh yeah, what I like to eat in a sandwich." Y/N laughs at the randomness of the topic, before quickly quoting her favourite. The conversation sparks into more food ones, leading to other random subjects. Before she knows it, about half an hour of pure laughter and randomness and stupid-ness with Jack has passed. Y/N wipes her eyes of tears from previously creasing at Jack.
[omg Daniel and Y/N are my OTP]
[i ship Y/D/S/N so hard]
She smiles down at the screen. "Awh, I ship me and Daniel too. Glad you guys are happy for us." Y/N says grinning.
"You and Daniel are actually so adorable together, like genuinely." Jack tells her, staring seriously at her. She laughs before pushing his arm. "What? Y/D/S/N is so cute." He says confused by her laughter.
"Oh my god guys, I think Jacks fangirling over me and Daniel!" Y/N exclaims to the phone camera. "Are we now your OTP?" She questions with laughter. He doesn't respond, he just laughs and turns back to the comments. "Well I ship Jachary." Y/N boldly proclaims, making Jacks head swing towards her, a dead look in his eyes. She bursts out laughing.
"Fuckssake." Jack mumbles, he looks back at the comments that have now blown up with #Jachary ones. "Oh my- Y/N look what you've done now." Jacks voice only makes Y/N laugh more.
"Sorry, Jachary is just so cute." She says, mocking Jack from earlier. He shoves her lightly, making her tip over, which causes both of them to laugh even harder. As she calms down, Y/N looks back at the incoming comments.
[tbh I ship Y/J/S/N more]
[i feel for Daniel rn]
The comments brush past Y/N's view and she reads the others instead. However Jack notices them bluntly.
"Y/J/S/N," He mumbles, just reading it. "Nah I wouldn't go for Y/N." Jack states, the girl spoken about turns to him in curiosity; awaiting friendly abuse. "Well firstly she's already taken, and trust me I'm pretty scared of angry Daniel so I don't wanna be messing with that at all." He chuckles at himself, Y/N joins in at his honest truth.
"Awe, are you scared of lovely Daniel." Y/N grabs his cheek momentarily, patronising the boy obviously. Jack pushes her arm away quickly with a grin, before turning back to the phone.
"Secondly, I would never be able to live up to Daniels boyfriend standards." Y/N grins at this.
"He is pretty great, isn't he." She smiles warmly thinking about him. "You know he made me breakfast in bed the other morning, I was so shocked. I didn't even know he could cook a proper breakfast." Y/N explains the story to Jack and the other thousand people watching.
"See!" Jack stares at the camera. "I go near a toaster and it breaks." He declares, causing more laughter from Y/N. "Oh and thirdly, Y/N is way too pretty to date a guy like me." Jack adds in the last point of his list. A frown lands itself upon Y/N's brow as Jack happily continues to read comments.
"Where've you got that idea from?" She asks him. He just shrugs without looking at her. "You're fine, you've got your noodles." Y/N laughs slightly tapping his head of hair. She turns back to reading comments also now.
"Y/N is the most gorgeous amazing beautiful person to live oh my god." Jack reads out from a comment, a laugh landing on the end of it. "Awe that's so sweet."
"It is sweet." Y/N tells him and them. "But it's highly untrue." She opens her mouth and begins to list all the reasons for her not being the most gorgeous amazing beautiful person to live. " if you saw me in person it would bother you. Plus I'm so annoying, half the time I wonder why these guys hang out with me-" Jacks hand hits his head before he slaps his hand over her mouth. Y/N immediately bites his fingers.
"Ow!" Jack moans taking back his hand to nurture his fingers. "What was that for?"
"For putting your hand on my mouth." The giggling girl tells him.
"Well you were talking a load of b.s, so." He says to her whilst turning back to the screen. Y/N opens her mouth to try to argue back. "And don't even try to argue with me, you are the most gorgeous, amazing, beautiful person alive, or whatever it said, so there,." Jack tells her, catching her eyes and looking into them intently. "Everyone loves you, Y/N. Especially me." Y/N's mouth drops a little, and blood rushes to her cheeks, making them swell red. Jack, too, blushes like a mad man, quickly turning back to face the screen, wanting to avoid all eye contact with his best friends girlfriend, who he just called the most beautiful woman to live. His eyes scurry around the room like an annoying fly, as panic sets into his skin.
"Um..." Y/N clears her throat and looks back at the screen, attempting to ignore what has just been said and established.
"Y/N! I thought I heard your voice up here." Daniels voice says from behind the two. Suddenly, their heads both spin to see the boy stood there with a happy grin on his face, oblivious to the scene that just occurred.
"Hey, babe." Y/N replies, sitting up onto her knees as Daniel walks into the room. He notices the phone filming the three of them now, on Instagram, so he leans down to kiss her forehead. His hands rest on Y/N's shoulders and she holds onto his wrists as his arms slink around her neck. Jack stays quiet, trying to draw minimal attention to him. However, Daniel begins to read the comments to try and figure out what they've been doing. Though, all he can see are comments like:
[y/n dump daniel, jacks better]
[it was at this moment, jack knew he fucked up]
Jacks eyes wander up to see Daniel reading them. His own eyes bulge from his head, more worry and panic causing tsunamis in his blood. Daniel takes in a breath and opens his mouth to speak.
"And I think I'm going to wrap this up now guys, thank you guys for watching and for Y/N and Daniel taking part. See you soon, love you all." Jack quickly finishes his live, picking up his phone and gripping it tightly. Y/N and Daniel both stare at the seemingly unstable lad. The room falls silent again, the only motion being Daniel's thumbs gently massaging Y/N's back now.
"Um, babe you wanna go grab some food now?" Daniel's voice cracks into motion, and his girlfriend looks up at him. A small smile stretches onto her lips.
"Yeah, sorry I didn't find you earlier. The fans caught me on Instagram, and apparently love me." Y/N tells Daniel as he helps her to stand from the bed. He chuckles.
"Of course they love you, who wouldn't?" The blue eyed boy asks her with enthusiasm and adorable excitement. The couple begin to walk out of the room. "See ya, buddy." Daniel tells Jack.
"Yeah, thanks for letting me intrude on your Live." Y/N says to him, he still avoids eye contact with them and smiles closed mouthed with his eyes screwed shut. He looks back down at his phone.
"It's all good. Now off you two lovebirds go, I'll see you later." Jack tells them, happiness emitting from his tone. Though, Y/N can hear it's fake nature. Daniel squeezes her hand before exiting the room with her.
Jack hears the door close. Immediately, his phone flies across the room, clattering and banging onto the floor. Anger protrudes from his ears in smoke; the hatred for himself is unreal right now. He basically just admitted to the world that he is in love with Y/N, his bestfriend/bandmate's girlfriend. Everyone's going to see it, the rest of the guys, all the fans, and Daniel. Daniel is going to see it. Who knows what he'll do, if anything? Ignore him, keep Y/N away from him, yell at him? All because he couldn't keep his god-damn mouth shut about how he's been falling in love with her since Daniel introduced them. Jack lets out an enormous sigh, it gushes from him as he drops face first onto the bed, his face buried into it.
Suddenly, the door opens and Y/N walks in. Slowly, she steps towards the bed to retrieve her phone that she accidentally left. Noticing Jack, her heart melts; she feels awful, but there's nothing she can do. She picks up her phone, Jacks head instantly looks up; he obviously hadn't heard her before. He begins to sit up again. Her eyes catch his, and they stare into each others, apologetic sights in both pairs. Y/N makes her way back towards the door, not dropping the gaze. She blinks, looking down at her shoes.

I'm sorry, Jack." She mutters, not knowing why she's apologising, but knowing why she is sorry. Jack takes in a breath.

I'm sorry too, Y/N." He tells her quietly, playing with the rings on his fingers. She nods her head before leaving the room once again. The door closes and a large, throaty groan escapes Jack as he flops back onto the bed. He is completely defeated by the fact that Y/N will never be with him, that they will never be together, that she's not his. He's completely and utterly defeated by his god-damn unrequited love for her.  

2218 words 🐬🦋

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