Horny teenage|Z.H

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A/N:it's a little dirty and it was requested  by my bsf Basicallywdw

I walk into the restaurant, late as usual; a reason why Zach and I connect so well. However, this time, Zach got here before me and has already sat down waiting patiently for me.
"Wow, it's about time you showed up." Zach complains.
"I'm so sorry baby, the traffic was bad." I apologise quickly to him. A grin disperses onto his lips as he rubs my thigh as I sit down opposite him.
"Yeah, yeah, 'the traffic'. Are you sure you didn't put off getting ready until the last minute?" He asks me a smirk planted on his lips.
"No." I sarcastically lie to him but he laughs at me. Quickly, Zach leans over the table and kisses me. After a bit more playful banter, we order food and enjoy our little date.
"No, I guess I missed my bed a bit." Zach tells me as we discuss his time away. "Well actually I missed seeing you on my bed." He winks at me and my eyes just roll in their sockets.
"Wow, glad to know you were thinking of me whilst away." I chuckle at him before scooping more food into my mouth.
"I did miss you, I missed you so much Y/N. I missed your smile and laugh." The smile he is referencing to appears on my face at his sweet words. "But I also missed you, and your goddamn smocking hot body girl." Zach acts as if he is hot by fanning himself, I bat his hand and he giggles at me. "What I'm not kidding, it's hard not seeing you everyday, and being able to touch you everyday." I almost choke on my food at what he's implying.
"Zach! Stop, I'm trying to eat my food." I tell him off.
"Ooo, someone's getting a little fired up." Zach teases me, I can't help but shake my head and chuckle. Finally, we finish dinner and I pray that Zach would stop being slightly horny since we're going back to his house, and there will be people there.  The door to the Why Don't We pad swings open.
"How I've missed this." I say walking in, happiness sinking into my skin.
"Yeah, so do you want to go up stairs now... or...?" Zach questions as his eyes scan my body up and down.
"Stop!" I tell him again, taking my bag further into the house.
"Y/N! What's up, long time no see." Daniel comes into view and he wraps me tight in his arms.
"I know, I know." I reply, noticing Corbyn and Jack in the same room too I go over and hug them as well. I plonk myself in the couch next to Zach and Jack, between them. We all watch Corbyn and Jack as they attempt to win another Battle Royale on Fortnite. Despite this, my focus is centered in Zach's lurking hands that keep rimming the band on my bra; and hooking themselves on my belt loops, tugging on them gently. Also, his fingers seem to have taken a liking to my upper thigh, tracing a continuous pattern on my covered skin. Yes it's sweet, and sensual, and making me slightly turned on, clearly not as much as it is to Zach. But there are 4 other boys in the room with us. To quickly escape the situation, and to prevent myself from falling down that dark path, I excuse myself to get a drink from the kitchen (after asking all the others as well). I stroll into the kitchen, shaking my body slightly. Don't fall into the trap of horny, sexy Zach. I tell myself as I open the fridge. Suddenly, something presses itself against my back and ass. "You're such a horny teenage boy, oh my god, get off!" I giggle at Zach's attempts with me.
"Thought, you would need some help." Zach whispers into my ear. His hands rest on my hips. Slowly, he nibbles on my ear lobe gently. Quickly, I slam close the fridge door.
"Well could you reach the top cupboard for me then?" I ask, bopping his body off of mine.
"Whatever you want, baby girl." Zach stands up onto his tiptoes to open the cupboard for me. I hate him for calling me 'baby girl', he knows it makes me go weak at the knees. After he grabbed me two glasses and placed them on the island, I begin to make the drinks. Zach's hands find my hips again, one of them traveling down to my thigh. He kisses my neck from behind. I can feel myself going.
"Zach, stop, you horny bastard." I tell him with a giggle. "I refuse to do things with the others in the house, you know that."
"Yeah, just because of how loud I make you scream." His words tickle my ear and I freeze momentarily. I swallow thickly and take a deep breath. Don't fall, don't fall into the trap. I turn back to the glasses of liquid. "Oh come on Y/N, I miss you." Now Zach has turned me around to face him. His puppy dog eyes make me weak, so I keep my eyes placed on the floor. "I miss you bad." He takes my hips into his hands and pulls them towards his hips. My eyes are forced to gaze into his (not really forced, I just have to look at them because I'm definitely horny right now, as well as Zach). "I miss your lips." He kisses my lips slowly.  "And your cheek, and your jaw, and your neck." There is a kiss planted at each body part. "I miss your ass." He says with a smirk as his hands squeeze it tightly. All I do is loosely wrap my arms around his neck and pull him into another kiss. "I just miss you." Zach mumbles against my lips. He meshes our lips together again. I allow him to take over the movement of my mouth. We take a short second to breath.
"I miss you too Zach." I tell him quickly, kissing him once again.
"Well, lets, go, and, fix, that, issue, then." He says, a kiss after each word. I moan lightly at the pure thought of us two together, against his lips. Zach grabs my hand and leads me towards the door. Suddenly, it swings open. Corbyn stands in the doorway, noticing us, our swollen lips, an undeniable smirk on Zach's lips, and a blush on my cheeks. A smirk grows on Corbyn's lips.
"Oh, sorry to interrupt you two, I was just coming to see where our drinks was at; but now I understand." Corbyn laughs a little before stepping out the way for us two to get out. The blush on my cheeks expands all over my face. However, one more look at Zach and his lustful eyes and my embarrassment has disappeared. We race together up the stairs to his bedroom. I quickly slam the door shut, watching as Zach lingers towards me. Suddenly, my hands are linked with Zach's, and are above my head as my back presses against the door, and Zach's lips dominate mine in our kiss.
Bang! I feel something attack the door I'm attached to. It comes again and again, breaking our make-out. I frown at Zach and he looks just as pissed.
"What do you want?" Zach asks whoever it is.
"You two are too young to be doing that!" Jonah shouts from behind the door.
"Stop it right now!" Daniels voice chips in.
"Zach this isn't fair, I don't see Gabbie for another week so you two can't do anything now!" Jack shouts also.
"What the hell Jack, no." Jonah says in annoyance. I can't help but giggle. Zach also lets out a chuckle. I gaze up at him, his eyes lock with mine and he nods. I kiss him gently.
"Well you guys have all ruined the moment now, so well done, congratulations, we aren't having sex." Zach applauds slowly and sarcastically.
"Good." Jonah says.
"Yay, ha ha." Is all I hear from Jack; I swear he's more of a child than Zach sometimes. We don't open the door for them, we just wait until their footsteps have left us in peace.
"Well, I guess that's that then." Zach says with a breezy chuckle as he lays down on his back on his bed.
"Hell no, screw them lot. I'm fucking you right here and now." I tell him before running and jumping to straddle his body. Zach's surprise at my change of heart towards the subject fades quickly as he realises what that actually means.
"And don't be afraid to be loud, baby girl, because they are gonna hear you scream and wish they never said anything." He smirks at me before I lean down to kiss his lips.

1489 words 🐵🎲

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