Least favourite thing|J.A

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Sitting bored on the tour bus, Zach turns to face the couple next to him. "What are you guys going?" A frown develops on his face watching Y/N poke at Jacks chin.
"She's trying to tickle me, but it's not working." Jack says, ignoring his girlfriend sat on his lap.
"Ugh, you were ticklish here before I swear." Y/N says, telling Zach and Jack and herself. Zach suddenly has an idea in his bored head, a smile stretches onto his face. He whips up Instagram onto his phone and swipes left to film a story.
"Y/N what's your least favourite thing about Jack?" He asks eagerly. Jack frowns at the sudden question, noticing the camera. Y/N just chuckles quite devilishly.
"Well, sometimes he forgets to kiss me before leaving, he pretends to hate me for most of the time, he is in a relationship with you Zach, #Jachary," Y/N grins down at Jack giggling the whole time, he tries to get words in but is too slow. Zach is laughing from behind the camera. "And he doesn't admit to having a daddy kink." Y/N finishes her list, leaving Zach in hysterics and Jack with a lot to say.
"I don't! Oh my go-" Jack tries to defend himself.
"I'm joking, I'm joking don't worry." Y/N pokes his nose patronisingly, shutting him up temporarily. She turns to the camera again, assuming Zach is filming another story, and mouths 'I'm not joking'. However Jack sees this.
"Ok now it's my turn!" He sits up slight, jolting Y/N from her comfortable position laying on his chest. Zach posts the story, and gets another one ready for Jack.
"And Jack what's your least favourite thing about Y/N?" He asks, trying not to laugh half way through after only just recovered from Y/N's go.
"She's a bully, she can sing better than me, she thinks I have a daddy kink, which I don't," Jacks eyes glare down the lens of Zach's phone. "She always makes me eat food with her even when I'm trying to diet, she always plays with my curls, the list goes on and on with this girl." Jack states, Y/N laughs whole heartedly, her entire body shaking, along with Zachs.
"This is what I meant by when I said he pretends to hate me!" Y/N exclaims, the words being caught on the finale seconds of the Insta story before Zach posted it.
"Well you bully me, so I think I have to right to be mean to you." Jack tells her, loosely wrapping his arms around her. He flicks his curls out of the way, in a sassy like manner.
"How do I bully you?" Y/N asks. "Zach do I bully Jack?" She turns to Zach after not getting a quick enough reply from Jack.
"Don't get me involved in your relationship issues." He chuckles before rapidly walking down the bus to his bunk.
"The only thing I bully you about is your daddy kink." Y/N simply states, earning a huff from Jack whilst she just laughs. "Nah I'm kidding, I'm sorry." She leans down to kiss him, as a small apology. Jacks curls tickle her forehead and nose, whilst his arms hug her tighter during their kiss." Sorry daddy." Y/N whispers after pulling away fro a millisecond.
"That's it! I'm done!" Jack immediately stands up and follows in Zachs direction leaving Y/N in stiches of laughter. Awh it is fun to bully him sometimes, especially when it's true, Y/N thinks with a smirk on her face.
605 words 🏵⭐️

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