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A/N: i hate the title and the ending to this, but couldn't think of anything else sorry lads xxx (also whenever i type the word 'corbyn' it always spellchecks to 'corbone ' and i died with laughter every time)

My old front door swings open, and already it's chaotic. My younger sister invited me and my boyfriend to her birthday party. Originally, I was going to say no because it is basically torture. But Corbyn went ahead and said yes for the both of us, claiming he wants to get to know my family better. I grab Corbyn's hand and lead him through the crowds of seven to eight year olds running all around the house. Finally, we make it out into the garden and I find my mom.
"Hiya Corbyn, it's so nice to see you again." She greets Corbyn with a grand hug, before she says hi to me, but whatever.
"Hi, Mrs Y/L/N, it's good to be here. Thanks for inviting us." Corbyn says to her politely, a genuine smile on his face. In some ways this interaction is making my heart melt for him just that little bit more.
"Oh it's ok, it was Y/N's sisters idea anyway. And please, don't call me that, you know my name, so use it." My mom jokes around with him and Corbyn chuckles lightly. At last my mom turns to me and thanks me for making it, knowing how stressful our lives are at the moment. I told her it was Corbyn's Idea, to which she frowns at.
"CORBYN!" The excited shriek of my little sister fills the entire garden as she races up to my boyfriend. As she gets near him, he lifts her up into a big hug.
"And how are you my little princess?" He asks her, placing her back down onto the floor.
"I'm eight years old now." She tells him proudly, showing him the big '8' badge she has on.
"Oh my gosh! That's so old, are you growing gray hairs yet?" Corbyn lifts up hair to check it out. She giggles but knocks his hand away.
"No!" She says back to him. "Look these are all my friends." She tells him, pointing around the garden.
"Wow, you have a lot of friends, miss popular." Corbyn gives her a new name.
"And guess what?" She pulls him into a whisper. "I have a boyfriend." Corbyn pulls a shocked face but grins straight after at her. "Don't tell mommy or Y/N." She makes him promise, despite the fact that I heard her. Corbyn crosses his heart and hopes to die, she makes him poke his finger in his eye and do the whole rhyme thing. I try not to laugh whilst watching the two, it's so sweet and amusing. Suddenly, my sisters name is called out and she races over to the friends shouting for her. Corbyn gets back up from crouching and walks back over to me.
"You're so sweet." I tell him once he's close enough.
"What?" He asks, his hands hold my elbows and mine rest of his chest. "I was just having conversation with her."
"Yeah, but it's really sweet. Thank you for loving my family, even when I find them annoying." I tell him with a laugh.
"How can you not love them, they're great."
"To be honest, I think they love you more than me." I say. He giggles.
"I mean, how could you not." He opens his arms out, checking himself out. I giggle and hit him lightly.
"Alright, you two need to stop the PDA. This is a kids birthday party." My mom taps my shoulder and tells us. My eyes roll but Corbyn immediately steps away from me, to my displeasure. "Look, some of the older guys are over there, why don't you go and talk to them." She asks with force. I roll my eyes again before Corbyn takes my hand and leads us towards the back of the garden, where it seems the 'cool' kids are hanging out. We arrive and some people let us into the chat circle; I look to see who there is. Making up the circle is mainly my sisters friends siblings; who are all roughly mine and Corbyn's age, apart from the few younger ones who seem to be chatting in a circle next to us. Then opposite me is my old friend from middle school.
"Oh hey Vinnie." I wave towards him.
"Hey, how are you, I haven't seen you in ages."
"Yeah, since like middle school." I laugh. "But I'm good thanks, well as good as I can be since it's an 8 year olds birthday party."
"Stop being such a party pooper." Corbyn nudges me with a smile. I roll my eyes playfully at him. I now realise I haven't introduced him.
"Oh yeah, sorry. Guys this Corybn." I tell them all with a grand smile. I watch him smile at them all, he's actually so adorable. Some of the people in the group state their names as we slide into casual conversation. About 15 minutes later and the group has halved in size, some people going to find food, or to talk to other people, basically I don't care or know where they are, they've just gone. Even Corbyn's gone off to the bathroom.
"Y/N, I have to say, you've had an amazing glow-up since middle school." Vinnie tells me. I grin at him.
"That's not saying much, I was disgusting in middle-school, I can't believe you liked me." I laugh whilst remembering what I looked like before.
"You weren't disgusting." Vinnie laughs along too. "You were pretty, but now you're..." His eyes scan me up and down, and I feel my insecurities screaming. "Hot, like all you are is just hot." He tells me with light laughter. I too chuckle at his actions.
"Well, thank you anyway Vinnie." I say with a smile. "You have had a glow-up too, I won't lie."
"No, I just grew up, you glowed up."
"What're we talking about?" Corbyn slips back into the circle the other side of me. I smile up at him.
"We're discussing how much Y/N has had a major glow up." Vinnie tells him. I nod my head, until I saw the sides of Corbyn's mouth twist slightly.
"Yeah, I was ugly." I tell him.
"No you weren't." Vinnie tells me. "You were the prettiest girl in our class." Corbyn's eyes flick over to the other boy. "And probably still are." Vinnie continues.
"Yeah, I bet you are." Corbyn mutters, completely zoned out and staring at Vinnie. I feel his hand rest upon my lower back and he subtly steps a little closer towards me. "So, uh, Vinnie, what do you do with your life?" The question in itself is a simple small talk question, but the tone my boyfriend uses is quite unpleasant.
"Um, well not much at the moment. I'm looking for a job though." Vinnie shuffles his feet, probably feeling slightly victimised by Corbyn.
"Oh I know of a job." Corbyn says, his fingers slowly creeping around my hips. "Yeah, our manager needs an assistant." I'm surprised at his sudden mood change, and Vinnie smiles. "Well, not really an assistant, just some guy that can pick up coffee and be irrelevant." Nope, his mood hasn't suddenly changed. "You'd be perfect for it." I elbow Corbyn lightly, why is he being so rude?
"Oh, cool." Vinnie says, slightly awkwardly. "So what do you do, Corncob?" Vinnie asks, a sense of the same attitude Corbyn had sparks through his words. "Sorry, what was your name again, Colin?" He asks, purposefully getting his name wrong for the second time. I hear the sharp breath Corbyn inhales.
"It's Corbyn, uh Corbyn Besson, and I am part of a band. That's what I do with my days." Corbyn tells him, I notice how tall he is standing. This is embarrassing.
"Oh a band, how exciting." Vinnie says sarcastically. "What are you called, 'Corncob and friends'?"
"It's actually 'Why Don't We'. Yeah, I'm pretty sure you can find us on Instagram. We're the ones with 3 million followers." Corbyn states. I'm sick of this. I step away slightly from Corbyn, so his arm falls off of me, into the middle between the two childish boys.
"You know we actually used to date." I tell Corbyn, pointing to myself and Vinnie. I refuse to look at Vinnie, he's most likely smirking or mocking Corbyn in some way.
"Wait, he was your middle-school boyfriend?" Corbyn's face seems to have dropped slightly. Then suddenly it springs back to life. "He used to be your boyfriend?" He laughs quite mockingly towards Vinnie. I stare at Corbyn, annoyance coursing through me. What the hell is going on?
"Vinnie, Vinnie, look at this!" A child's voice screams from a short distance away and thankfully Vinnie leaves the scene.
"Bye Vinnie." Corbyn says proudly and smugly. I frown at my boyfriend and look him up and down.
"Corbyn." I say, sort of questioning but also accusingly. His eyebrows draw close together, which means he's confused by my annoyance. I just look at him with dead eyes before marching off. I leave the back of the garden and make my way over to my mom and my auntie. The two stop their conversation as they see me storming up to them. "Oh my god, Corbyn's pissing me off." I tell them.
"Um, language." My mom taps my chin.
"Why, what's he doing?" My auntie asks me, ignoring my mom.
"He's being rude to Vinnie, and like putting him down to his face." I explain the situation and reason for my bad mood. "I don't know what's up with him, he's never, never, like that. Like never ever." I tell them.
"Yes that doesn't sound very Corbyn like." My mom says.
"I know, he's always so sweet and lovely. But as soon as another male comes into the equation, he becomes a dick."
"Language!" My mom repeats herself to which I roll my eyes at. "Well, Vinnie is your ex boyfriend."
"My middle school boyfriend. It wasn't a deep relationship, it was a middle-school relationship." I state, reminding them both of how dumb and annoying middle-schoolers are.
"Corbyn's probably just getting jealous, he's never seen him before. So it could be that." My auntie tells me, before turning to the lady next to her and discussing some other issue. I stand there, deep in thought. I've never seen Corbyn jealous before. Whenever we hang out with the rest of the band he's always so chilled out. Maybe it's because he knows how close to them I am, in a friendship kind of way. Plus the guys never flirt with me. Except Zach, but he's a child so it doesn't count... Is Corbyn jealous?
I swivel around on my heels and wander back over to find the group of people I was with earlier. Corbyn is no where to be found. A frown gathers on my forehead as I begin to search for him. Instantly, my heart melts. Corbyn's laugh travels broadly through the air as he, and a bunch of little girls, including my sister, bounce up and down on the trampoline. The girls are giggling messes as Corbyn chases them around trying to catch them, pretending to be a huge monster.
"AHHH I'M GONNA GET YA!" He yells. The girls screams ring through my ears. A smile grows on my lips, it's a goofy smile but I can't help it. Suddenly, Corbyn's eyes meet my body and a glowing smile lights up his eyes; making my smile glow too. He scares the girls one last time before complaining about being tired.
"NO YOU CANT GO!" One of the random girls shouts at him.
"CORBYN NO!" My sister shouts.
"Ugh, but I'm tired." My boyfriend sounds exhausted but still laughs.
"But it's my birthday." My younger sister says sweetly. Corbyn's eyes roll, but quickly he scoops up my sister in his arms and swings her around, once again growling like a hideous monster. He runs around with them for another few minutes before he looks completely and utterly shattered. I walk up to the trampoline.
"Hey guys, can steel Corbyn back for a bit?" I ask the children. They all stop bouncing and scowl at me: I don't think I've ever felt more intimidated by beings younger than me before now. My boyfriend begins to come over to me with a grin.
"Y/N you always ruin my fun." My selfish sister says moodily. I ignore her and the rest of the little girls bitching about me. Corbyn walks besides me, we seem to be heading back inside slowly. His fingers brush against mine, but i think he's too shy to take them into his. So I do it instead. I link our fingers.
"It's so sweet watching you with all them lot." I tell him, my heart still tingling with happiness. "They just piss me off too much." I say. He doesn't respond at all to my comments so I turn to him and Corbyn's not paying any attention at all. Now, his eyes snap up to meet mine.
"Sorry." He quickly apologises for not listening. "Can we talk for a second?" He looks serious. A serious chat with Corbyn? What? I nod and begin to lead him up to my old bedroom. The door closes behind us.
"So whats up?" I'm so awkward, oh my god. Corbyn places himself on the edge of my bed and I copy his actions. His mouth opens to speak. But then it shuts again. He takes in a breath a prepares himself again. This repeats about seven times. I wait patiently for him though, all those times he's listened to my problems; he's taught me well. Finally, he takes one last breath.
"Basically, I'm really annoyed at myself." Is all he says before breathing deeply again. I take his hand into mine.
"What do you mean?" My thumb rubs circles into his skin.
"Because I know you love me. And I love you too." Corbyn pauses again.
"Yeah, I do love you Corbyn."
"So why did I get so jealous of Vinnie?" He finally blurts our his problems. "Like I've never ever felt like that before. And it was like he was suddenly this huge threat who was going to come and take you away from me." Corbyn explains his though processes. I nod along. "But I know you love me so I don't know what happened."
"Aw baby, don't worry. Jealously is a natural thing." I explain to him. "I get a little jealous whenever you go on about all the girls you meet everyday. And it's just like you meeting my middle-school boyfriend today." His big blue eyed gaze into mine.
"Are you sure you're fine with this?" He asks me. And I nod with confusion. "Well, this means that I doubted your love for me." His cuteness is making me want to cry. He's so fucking adorable.
"Baby, don't worry about that. At the end of the day we love each other and nothing can come between us." I state proudly to him. Quickly, I kiss his cheek. "I love you Corbyn Besson." His face begins to glow with happiness again. He turns to face me.
"I love you too Y/N Y/L/N." Corbyn kisses my lips with glee.
"By the way, if that's how you deal with jealously, please fine another way. That was just so fucking annoying." My baby bean laughs off the mean comment, kissing my cheek and forehead, apologising again.
"Y/N, Corbyn! It's time for cake. So stop whatever you're doing up there." My aunties voice calls up to us. They probably think we're banging. I grin at Corbyn who squeezes my hand in his before leading us down to enjoy a slice of a rainbow unicorn head; knowing our love for each other is right as rain, and stronger than ever.

2689 words 😃😝

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