Dangerous women|C.B

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A/N:  a song imagine & no shade at limelights (sorry its so short)

"What do you say?" Corbyn asks me, rubbing my thigh gently whilst sat opposite me on his bed. I just shrug my shoulders.
"The thing is, it's fine for you because people have already decided that they love you, like all your fans know who you are and shit like that." I tell him. "But for me, I'm a new human who they have to judge." I explain to my boyfriend the reasoning behind my stress. Corbyn and I have been dating for like 4 months and it's solid. We are both totally loving it; I know he is because of how often he tells me and all the little cute things he always does. Anyway, he thinks that during one of his shows I should come out to be introduced to everyone because he doesn't want to do it over social media, or just by letting people find out because he says I'm 'too special to be found like that', which he tells me with a laugh and a kiss each time a show comes creeping around the corner.
"Come on Y/N, I want you to be seen by everyone." Corbyn tells me. "I want to be able to share this part of my life with the fans, because I love this part of my life." He scooches closer towards me. I quickly sweep past the fact that he could of just confessed his love for me, since that isn't the point of the conversation, despite my growing heart rate.
"I know baby." I sigh. "I love it too, but your fans are scary." I giggle lightly at my comment.
"They're not that bad." He tells me with a smile. I look at him with a 'really' expression on. Corbyn just laughs.
"Like what if they stop liking you because of me, like they get hella jealous becuase of how beautiful I am," I say with sarcasm (ok like mood and don't take this seriously cause I think everyone beautiful soo bye now) as I brush my hair over my shoulder. "No, I'm joking. But seriously what if they go off at you because of something I do, or just becuase of me- I don't want that Corbs."
"Y/N stop worrying. Like I don't know, but in the words of Ariana Grande 'something about you makes me feel like a dangerous woman' Y/N." He tells me with a stupid grin on his face as he rests his hands on my shoulders. I laugh and hit his chest lightly. "And I'm willing to take the risk of some teenage girl not liking me because of who I am dating." I smile at him. "I don't care, honestly, it's not their decision to make. I made the choice to date the most beautiful woman on the planet." Corbyn's smile causes mine to expand as he speaks. I lean up and kiss him gently. However, we topple over, so I lie on top of him with out lips still attached. We end up giggling too much from the fall to continue in cuteness and kisses. "So you gonna come on stage tonight?" He asks finally after we stop laughing. I smile and nod my head.
"Yeah, I guess." I shrug. Corbyn's head tilts to the side and his eyebrows raise at my uncertainty.
"Come on." He says, leaning in to kiss me again. The passion he brings to the kiss shows me how much he wants this, instantly making me more sure of him.
"Yes, I will." I tell him certainly as we take a short break before he kisses my lips once again.
"Yay, thank-you." He mutters through lips.

627 words 💝🔎

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