Jelly legs//jonah

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A/N: in the uk we call 'jello' 'jelly', so when it says 'jelly' i don't mean jam. also this is kinda dirty?

My legs feel like jelly as my feet touch the floor. The sound of a door opening fills my ears, but all I can focus on is trying to stand up.
"Babe, what are you doing?" Jonah asks sweetly, laughing a little at my strange stance; I'm bending over with my feet constantly adjusting themselves on the floor. Finally, I look up at him. Pain and concern weave their way into my eyes.
"I can't stand up." I tell him. A short laugh falls from my mouth, at the pure ridiculousness of the situation.
"What do you mean?" My boyfriend asks, walking over. He loops his arm around my shoulder and pulls me to stand next to him. My knees buckle, and I try grip onto his bare skin. Quickly, he holds onto my waist, so that I don't rip his skin off.
"I've got jelly legs." I tell him as he sits me down again.
"Why?" Jonah asks and my head snaps towards him. I tilt my head to the side almost questioning him. 'Really?' I silently ask. I can witness the cogs turning in his head. What could of possibly made Y/N's legs stop working all of a sudden? Suddenly, an enormous smirk grows on his lips. The memories of last night must have finally reached his brain. Then he looks at me, a grin on his face. "Seriously?" He lifts my leg and I groan at the sudden, strange movement. "Oh, shoot, wait for real?" He asks again, not being able to believe the state he's put me in. Jonah laughs a little.
"Well I'm glad you find it funny." I tell him, despite the small smile on my lips.
"Wait, are you mad?" Jonah asks quickly. "I'm sorry, baby."
"Why are you sorry? It was the best!" I tell him. "Good things just often have bad consequences." I laugh a little before attempting to push myself off of the bed again. Jonah stands with me, his arm around my back. I lean onto his bare chest, trying not to stare too long at his gorgeous body.
"What can I say?" Jonah says proudly. "I am just the best."
"Pretty much." I say before kissing him. Before I know it, we are sat back down on the bed, making out. Jonah's hands are on my waist and neck, constantly moving. Mine are up in his hair. Quickly, and passionately, Jonah's lips make their way down to my neck. I lightly moan. He kisses down all the little red marks from the night before, whilst making more in the process. He pulls away for a breath.
"You ready for one more round?" He asks, the husk making his voice sound incredibly sexy. I can't breath enough to speak, so I just nod my head before kissing him again.
About an hour later, I sit in the shower since I'm not able to stand properly, still and especially because of what happened moments ago.
"Jonah!" I call out, my mouth moving with the water distorting the words a bit. The door to the bathroom opens and my boyfriend walks in, he's now clothed and ready for the day. He smiles and grabs my towel for me. My arms wobble a little as I push myself up towards him. Jonah's loving arms wrap me up in my towel and helps me to sit on the toilet lid. Suddenly, a buzzing and music like sound come from his back pocket. He pulls out his phone.
"It's Daniel, I need to take this quickly."
"That's ok, Thank you." I say sweetly. Jonah leaves the room, and me to dry myself and get myself ready for the day. Today, the WDW guys have a radio interview and I'm meant to be going with them; if I can get there that is.
"You ready to go?" Jonah asks me, standing by the door with his keys swinging dangerously around his finger. I nod as I walk over towards him. He giggles lightly at my wobbly waddle.
"I look like such an idiot." I tell him. I expect to answer or at least him to say something, so when he doesn't I look at him. He just bursts into laughter. "Stop! I can't help it."
"Well you're gonna have to do something about it, the boys are going to see." Jonah hold my hands as we walk out the door towards the car.
"Oh shit, no!" Worry and dread fill my mind at the thought of the other boys. They're definitely going to make fun of me.
We arrive shortly at the radio station. I see a big rabble of people (mainly girls) near the entrance, which means the others are already here. Jonah opens the car door, as quietly as possible. The thing is, we are late, not late to the interview, but late for the time their manager said we had to be here for. But I blame Jonah for being so damn irresistible. So we need to sneak around the back, to avoid as many fans as possible, and hide from management. He opens the door for me, and I hobble behind him. We manage to not be spotted by the huge crowd and only by two girls, who only look a little younger than me. We stop and I take a picture of the girls with Jonah, his grin is so cute. I try to walk as normally as possible in front of them, I don't want them to get the wrong impression of me or Jonah. Eventually, we make it to where the guys are relaxing for a bit before the actual interview. I check my phone and were only 15 minutes late.
"You guys are so late!" Daniel complains as Jonah takes me to sit with him on a couch.
"We're not that late." Jonah tells him. Daniels eyebrows raise as he looks down at his phone.
"I mean, you're later than me... so..." Zach tells us. I laugh lightly.
"Why were you so late?" Corbyn asks. "Come on, Jo, you're meant to be the organised one." The blonde grins at us.
"What about me?" Daniel asks, slightly offended.
"We just slept in a bit, that's all." Jonah shrugs. I nod my head, attempting not to blush at the thought. Jonah gets up to go to the bathroom, he kisses me cheek before leaving me with the rabble.
"Now Jonah's gone, what's the real reason you're late? Did Jonah take too long getting ready?" Corbyn asks eagerly for the answer, wanting to know the latest dirt on his handmade.
"Or was it because you guys were getting up to something?" Jack asks excitedly. Immediately, he prods my neck. My eyes widen and my cheeks flush red knowing what he's staring and poking at; it hurts. 
"Holy, shit!" Zach states bluntly. To get away from the situation, I stand up.
"No." I lie. "We just slept in, like Jonah said." I begin to walk over to grab a water bottle, completely forgetting what a mess I am when I walk. Fuck. I'm already too far into the journey to turn back, so I carry on.
"Oh, so you always walk like that then?" Jack asks sarcastically, I can tell he's having fun with this. I squeeze my lips together, turning to face them.
"What's wrong with the way I walk?" I ask, trying to style it out.
"If I'm being honest Y/N, it looks like you and Jonah were late for a reason I can't mention due to Zachary's young, innocent ears." Jack tells me formerly.
"Hey! I'm 17." Zach states, proudly.
"And the deed was done multiple times." Daniel quietly says before sipping his water. My mouth drops, I don't know what to say, or what I want to reply. Jonah's head pops into the door.
"Guys we gotta go." Jonah tells them all, and they all stand up. Immediately, Zach wobbles around, doing an impression of me. The boys all laugh at him, even Jonah.
"Babe! You're not meant to find that funny. You're the bloody reason." I tell him, however I can't help but laugh too as all the others join in, after cheering for me admitting it.
"Congrats Jonah." Daniel claps his back as Jack shakes his hand. I shake my head whilst laughing. I follow them all down to the studio room, Jonah comes to kiss me before entering the room.
"Sorry about that, babe." He giggles into my ear.
"It's ok, have fun. I love you." I kiss his cheek.
"I love you too, you're the best." Jonah quickly tells me before being dragged through the door by Corbyn.
"Surely you've told her that enough already today." Corbyn's words make me and Jonah blush but laugh too. The door shuts, and I can still hear them laughing about my god-damn jelly

1505 words 🍒☀️

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