When She Loved Me|C.B

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Summary: Songfic for When She Loved Me from Toy Story 2

Warning(s): Not that happy?? Kind of a sad ending?? Idk, let me know if there's anything else.
He never in a million years thought that the two of you would break up. He fell victim to a childlike innocence that swore you'd stay together forever. When you left, he didn't know what to do, how to function. He tried to go on with his life, but he hadn't realized how much you had seeped into his life until you were gone. Corbyn was hopelessly in love with you, but you no longer shared the same affection.
Sometimes, he'd fool himself into thinking that you might come back, say you'd made a mistake. Most days, he had to remind himself that you weren't coming back. You didn't love him anymore, he'd think. I should do the same.
He tried to move on. He really did. But you were everywhere he went. He'd think of you at the store, when he saw your favorite candy. He'd smile when he passed the park the two of you frequented. He'd laugh to himself when he went into the little cafe you loved, hoping that he might run into you one last time. His friends worried about him, wondered if he was okay. They wondered if he would ever be okay. They'd convince themselves that he just had a bad break up, that he'd be back to his old self in no time.
Months passed, and summer turned to fall. Corbyn stopped praying that he would see you again, win you over, and have you in his arms again. His friends rejoiced when he stopped pining over you. They didn't know that, every once in a while, he'd still walk by that cafe and try to see if you sat at that wobbly table in the corner you loved so much.
One crisp September day, he went into the cafe. The barista, an older woman with kind eyes and a thousand stories to tell, grinned when she saw him. I haven't seen you in forever! she said. How are you and Y/N? He wanted to tell the truth, say that you'd been broken up for a while. But he didn't want to break the woman's heart, so he told her the you were great, acting like you had never left.
He got his coffee and sat at the wobbly table in the corner. He finally understood why you liked sitting there. He had a perfect view of the cafe and could people-watch without looking weird. He stayed at the cafe long after he'd finished his coffee. But he almost went running out when he saw you come in, the bell above the door ringing as you opened the door. He stared, wide eyed, as you walked up to the counter.
You got your coffee and turned, walking towards your table. You froze just a few feet from him. Corbyn gave you a small smile and started to stand.
"I was just leaving," he said.
"No you weren't," you said. You could always see through his lies. "Sit down, Corbyn. We can sit at the same table without things being weird, ya know."
He nodded, sinking back into his seat. You took the seat across from him. He didn't know what to say, so he stayed silent.
A few minutes passed. Then you said, "Ya know, I've never sat on this side of the table before. It's..."
"Different?" Corbyn said.
"Yeah." You looked down at your coffee then back at him. "A lot of things are different now."
He didn't say anything.
"I've missed you, ya know," you said. "I wanted to text you, but I...I didn't know what to say. I was afraid you didn't want to talk to me anymore."
"Y/N, you can't say stuff like that." He cleared his throat. "I was just starting to get over you."
"Is that why you sat at my table?"

He stood up. "I have to go."
You frowned. "Can I text you later?"
"I'd prefer it if you didn't."
He left the cafe. He didn't dare look back. He knew that, if he did, he would've gone running back to you. He missed you, really did, but now he knew that nothing would ever be the same between the two of you. If you even tried to be friends, things would always be awkward. There'd be a weird boundary that neither of you would know how to go around. No, it'd be better if you didn't try at all. No awkwardness, no nothing.
Still, he dreamed of the days when he held you in his arms. He dreamed of the days where you loved him. He dreamed of the days that you never left.
He never knew that you dreamt of the same things.

816 words 🐙🧣

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