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"Jo isn't a word!" Jack argues back at me. Jack came back with me to my home town to stay with my family for the week after his long tour, before we go on holiday as a couple. This week is the first time we've spent time together since he's come back from tour. My mum just made us all play this dumb word game, which Jack surprisingly got very competitive in. It made me giggle since, not to be offensive, he doesn't always appear to be the most intellectual person at times.
"Jo is a word!" I tell him adamantly as we walk up the stairs into my old bedroom.
"What does it mean then?" He questions as he opens the door for me. I pause for a second. What does it mean? "See you don't know, that means you've made it up and it isn't real, and I'm right, you're wrong, I'm the best ever!" Jack completes his sentence, I can't help but roll my eyes and chuckle at him.
"No, it is a word." I say pathetically, annoyed that he's won the argument- for now.
"Sure." Is all he says before plopping down onto my bed. "Now, do I have to force you to show me what I get for winning that game, or are you going to come over here by yourself." Jack winks at me as he lies seductively with a dumb smirk planted on his lips, my eyebrows raise.
"Excuse me?" I say whilst folding my arms. "For one, why should I listen to you or do anything with you when I should've won. And two, I'm not doing anything your dirty little mind is thinking about while my family is in the house." I tell him. A frown grows upon his face and a pout forms.
"Well can you at least come over here and kiss me?" He asks with his bottom lip sticking out and shaking his floppy hair around; making himself look extremely cute. I shake my head from side to side, doing my best to ignore his efforts.
"You can stick your lip out and make those puppy eyes at me all you want, but I'm going to research what 'jo' means, because it is a word and I'm going to win this argument." I tell him before placing myself at the desktop at my desk. I hear Jack groan and roll back onto my bed.
"Oh my god, give it up babe." His adorable laugh follows his words and I turn around to stick my tongue out at him. I pull up the internet and google what 'jo' is.
"Ha! I'm right it's a word!" I exclaim and leap out of my wheely chair. Instantly, Jack sits up and stares at me.
"What? You're chatting shit." He says in disbelief. Again I shake my head and beckon for him to come and look.
"'Jo' is a Scottish term for sweetheart." I read the answer shown on screen to me with a huge grin. Jack blinks a few times whilst reading the screen also.
"So what? You're Scottish now?" He says sarcastically. I roll my eyes and lightly hit him. "Don't worry, I like Scots. Their accents great fun to work out." He softly chuckles, I add to the laughter.
"Well, I guess I won! I was right and you were wrong. Therefore, now I am the best." I state with my hands in the air. Slowly, I walk over to my bed and place myself on it, watching Jack as he finally looks away from the computer.
"I guess you did win." He shrugs at me whilst I grin at him. Suddenly, a frown scrunches my eyebrows together. Why has he given that win to me so easily? I question. I don't have to wait long for the answer though as Jack wanders up to me, standing between my legs, splitting them open. "And because you won, I think, you should get a reward." His voice is low and I can feel the increase of my heartbeat already. His hands travel from my thighs up to my waist, one hand strokes my arm delicately. Jack kisses my cheek, then my jaw bone, tilting my head up with his thumb. "Don't you, jo?" You would think that the term 'jo' would never sound sexy. But I was wrong, oh so wrong to think that. I don't reply; so Jack continues to kiss down my jaw and onto my neck, reaching my collar bone. All the while his fingers grip gently, etching and moving slightly to keep me on edge. Instinctively, my hands hold onto him. I swallow thickly, knowing I need to stop this, but not wanting to. A breathy moan escapes my mouth and I feel the smirk on Jacks lips as they press against my skin. Suddenly, I fall onto my back, bringing my boyfriend with me. He's on his knees between my legs as they are straddled but bent; his hands are placed either side of my shoulders. "You're so gorgeous, jo. And you're right, you are the best." His words are soft and light as I watch his eyes scan my face, eventually landing on my own eyes. Legitimately, I'm glued to the bed and the feeling of Jacks lips against mine. Getting lost in the feeling is one thing, but I'm on another planet as Jacks fingers slide down my side and play with the hem of my underwear. Just his fingers against the skin of my lower stomach is turning me on. We haven't done this in so long, I miss it so much. Jacks tongue dominates our kiss, I'm practically pinned down by my own submissiveness.
"OW!" The muffled yelp of my mum from downstairs, causes me to jump, breaking our locked lips. Suddenly, sadly, thankfully, annoyingly, this brings me swiftly back to reality.
"Jack, baby, we can't do this." I tell him a bit out of breath. As I speak, his fingers lay my underwear hem back on my skin. However, he kisses the side of my mouth as I speak.
"Come on jo." Jacks use of the new word sends butterflies to my stomach. He sounds weak with the phrase though. "I miss you." His voice is quiet as he looks down. I know what he's referring to, so I nod my head.
"I know, I miss you too, so damn much Jack." My hand comes up to play with his locks. "But not here, and not now." Guilt settles into my skin as I watch the smirk and smile leave his lips. "I'm sorry jo."
"I'm sorry too jo." Jacks eyes meet mine before he kisses me once more. Immediately, all the feelings come back and I suck on his lower lip. Jack laughs at me. "Y/N." He giggles, pulling away properly and sitting up next to me.
"Kids," My mom's voice emerges from behind the closed door. "Do you want to come and play another game with us?" She asks. Jack looks down at me with a questioning face.
"Yeah, we'll be there in a moment, thank you." Jack replies for us. He treats my parents like I do (but politer) since he's known them for so long. He stands up. "Come on then, jo." His hand lifts up for me to take, I grab it and Jack pulls me up. We lace our fingers together.
"I like the new jo thing." I tell him.
"Yeah, me too actually." He squeezes my hand. We walk out the room and head back towards my family. "Even though... it's not actually a word." He smirks at me as we enter the room. I let his hand go and my jaw drops. How dare he.
"What's up with Y/N?" My dad asks from the table that Jack now sits down at. Jack smirks smugly at me, knowing he's now got the last word so he's has basically won the argument.
"Nothing, she's fine." Jack pats the seat next to him for me to sit on. I shake my head before walking in and sitting down, ready to play a game; just so I can beat Jack this time.

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