Can't leave|J.M

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A/N:  I don't really like this oneshot but I got 44 reads in a night so thank you so much guys xxx

(Brief) summary: y/n isn't feeling too good, Jonah and her argue a bit, but then she tells him a secret (:
The bathroom door closes behind me. The blood has drained out of my face, leaving a white sheet. The whole words swirls around me, making me dizzy and more nauseous. I stare at the my feet, to try and make the world stop spinning. It's spiralling our of control, a bit like my life right now. Slowly, my hunched over body drags itself to the nearest chair, to make sure I don't faint and fall over. My hand rests upon my brow to check my temperature. It seems to be adjusting back to normal now with my seated stance. I take in deep breaths. The attempt to forget it and calm myself is thrown out the window as I just think what about: Jonah? Instantly, my heart begins pumping blood at 100 miles an hour, my head throbs with pain, my stomach clenches into a sea of cramps. I bend over and rest my head upon my knees, a tear pricks my eye.
"Hey Y/N." Zachs voice appears from behind my body. Though, I'm in too much pain to react to him. "Whoa, are you alright?" He asks clearly worried about me. A weep escapes my lips despite my efforts to keep it in. "Oh shit." Zach mumbles quickly before I feel his arm wrap around my shoulders. His hand gently rubs my arm and it distracts me slightly from the aching. A quietness forms over us, though broken occasionally when Zach rubs my arm with a small 'shh' and also the deep breaths mixed with cries from myself. "Should I go 'n' get Jonah?" The youngest boy in the group asks me whilst removing himself from my body. Instantly, I jump up (pain rattles through my body at the sudden movement) and grab his arm.
"No, no." I say in hast and desperation. "Please, not yet." My volume dials down again as I wrap his arm around my shoulders for him.
"Why not, he's your boyfriend and the one who should be comforting you. Not me, your boyfriends annoying friend." Zach chuckles lightly at his comment, although it is funny, I don't laugh, I don't even smile. Still, Zach pulls up a chair to sit next to me. He sits with me while I calm down.
Eventually, he has to go and I'm left alone with only my thoughts for comfort. And they are the complete opposite.
One week later and my anxiety has built. The door to the Why Dont We household closes behind me. I take a breath before taking a step.
"Hey Y/N, haven't seen you in a while." Corbyn's voice greets me as he wanders through the house holding some cookies.
"Yeah, hi." I say shortly with a forced smile.
"Cookie?" He offers his hand to me, though I turn him down. "Oh Jonahs outside if that's who you're looking for." Corbyn tells me.
"No, I'm right here." My boyfriends cheerful voice echoes into my ears. I freeze. A forced smile grows on my lips as Jonah strides over to me, wrapping his strong arms around my body. His lips kiss the top of my head. I wrap my own arm around his torso as I watch Corbyn's smile beam at us. Jonah leads us outside and sits us down together on a sunbed. He lays down and begins to stroke my hair. My head tilts back slightly at the soothing motion. "You look gorgeous by the way." Jonah tells me. I smile down at him, it being a real one for once.
"Thankyou." I reply. "I don't feel it though." I mumble to myself, just a bit too loudly.

Aw baby, do you need me to help you feel as gorgeous as you look?" Jonah's hand leaves my hair and rests itself on my upper thigh. A lump gathers in my throat. I shake my head from left to right.

No, it's ok Jonah." I tell him. The use of his full name makes his eyebrows squeeze tightly together quickly.
"Why not? We haven't done anything for a while, and..." He drags out his words.

I'm going away the day after next, so... and I'm not going to see you for maybe up to a month." Suddenly, he's sat up straight and is kissing my lips.
Snap! The realisation kicks in: Jonah isn't going to be here. Panic weaves itself into every structure of my body. Immediately, I pull away from his touch.

What's up with you?" Jonah now seems slightly annoyed, though that's the least of my worries. "I haven't seen you all week, you've barely replied to my texts and calls. And now you don't even seem bothered about me leaving for tour." Jonah huffs at me. My head snaps towards him.

No, no, no. I am bothered. No, Jonah please don't go. Don't leave, you can't leave." I say in sudden hysteria. My confused boyfriend jumps back slightly at my change of emotion. Still, he stands up in front of me.

Why are you so bothered only now that I've mentioned it. You have been all week. Have you gone off me? Are you with someone else?" Jonah asks as his hands slide through his hair, annoyance clear in each breath.

No, oh my god, I'm just insanely stupid and only just remembered that you aren't going to be here." I tell him in a frenzy, my legs jig relentlessly up and down and my hands ruffle my hair. "And I'm going to be left all alone." I say slower, a tear pricks my eye and gently falls against my cheek.

Wow, way to be selfish Y/N? Do I not come into the equation at all? Is all that you can think about is being lonely? What about me? I'm going to miss you too!" Jonah throws his hands up into the air. Despite the sweetness of his speech, I can feel the lump in my throat tightening.

No, Jonah you can't leave." Quickly, I stand up and grab his arm. Instantly, he swiftly lifts it out of my reach, wanting to get me away.
"Y/N we always have this argument

whenever I go away. You want me to stay and I don't want to go, but I have to, blah, blah, blah!" Jonah tells me the truth. "But I thought we had gotten over that by now, we're both adults." I gulp thickly at his words. Still, tears gush from my eyelids as I can't bare the thought of being by myself for the next few months.
You can't go Jonah!" I tell him bluntly. His hands are thrown up in the air again as he begins to walk away from me, back into the house.

No, Y/N! I can't deal with you right now. You always say this, you always say 'oh don't go' but it's my job. You know that as-"

I'm pregnant!" I burst out. Immediately, Jonah turns back around. An angered expression that isn't angry is painted on his face. I swallow the lump that was formed in my gullet, though it's hard to. "I'm pregnant with your baby, Jonah." I tell him, quietly. My eyes can't bare to look at him, so the land on the floor. I wipe the tear drops from my cheeks as I sniff.

You're pregnant?" Jonah's voice is timid as he takes a step closer to me.
"Yeah." I say. He takes another step so that he's directly in front of me. "That's why I've been avoiding you all week. It didn't occur to me until just now that you aren't going to be here." I gulp and eventually lift my eyes to meet his. Surprisingly, he doesn't look angry or sad, or even worried. But happy, his beautiful smile has reached his eyes as he looks down at me.
"Are you kidding?" He asks with a short laugh. Jonah takes my hand into his, gently rubbing his thumb on my skin. "I'm going to be here as much as possible, for every scan. Even if I do have to miss some shows." His hand squeezes mine.
"No, but you're going all over the world. I don't want to stop that." I tell him.
"Well, we can figure it all out, don't worry." The smile still has not left his mouth. "For now, can we just focus on the fact that I'm gonna be a Dad, and you're gonna be a Mom." The excitement in his voice is undeniable and I can't help but reflect his grin. His hands grab my sides and he pulls be closer towards him. Slowly, he kisses my lips. "Wow, oh my god! I'm gonna be a Dad! And you, you're gonna be such an amazing mom."
"Really? You think?" I say in worry.
"Of course, you're basically Zach and Jacks mom." He says with a short laugh, the smile rejoins my lips again.
"Well, even if I'm terrible. They've always got their amazing Dad." I say to him. Jonah just grins at me. "Are you sure you're ok with all of this?" I ask.
"Come on, Y/N. We're gonna be parents. We're gonna become a little cute family. I'm going to have a child that is the most beautiful thing in the world, becuase you made it." His words melt my heart as I lean upwards to kiss him again. The weight on my shoulders lifts as Jonah's left hand wraps around my back and the other places itself on my stomach.
The next 9 months or so are going to be hard, I know that. But the reward is a family, a child. And all this is going to be with the love of my life, Jonah. And now, I can't wait for it.

1673 words 💰💡

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