Its Only The Beginning

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You were having a harder day than most of the days you suffer through. You sat at your desk, head in hand that was upon your English class work for the day. The teacher was explaining a lesson that you could care less over. She was going over the details of a book you guys were reading, which you and your class had just started a week ago. It was only the fact that it was a required read for 11th Graders that made it extremely boring for you. More or less the content.

Your eyelids were threatening to close, as they felt extremely heavy, as if a weight that weighed a ton was resting upon them. It took every fiber of your being to keep them open, which, you could only keep open for a couple of seconds, small slits for your eyeballs to peep through, until they closed again.

A yawn escaped your mouth, breathing in the BO filled air, that you could swear was filled with the most disgusting germs.

You wouldn't call yourself a germaphobe, since germs never usually bothered you, but knowing how dirty half the kids in your class were just by thinking about what crap they did over the day to make them smell and look so bad. You didn't want to even think about what your lungs were collecting.

Your teacher suddenly slapped her hand in front of your face, on your desk. Jumping out of your chair with a yelp, you look up to your English teacher.

She was an old woman, Possibly in her 60's, with light gray hair with small white strands of hair that differed from the gray. She had a small face, with a bow in her hair, typically red. She was usually nice, always a small and quiet voice, unless, that is, if you got on her nerves. Not Many Did, but there was one particular dude in your class that purposely messed with her just so he could get sent out of class. His name Daniel. Although today he wasn't here so there wasn't any nonsense to keep you awake for the day.

When you looked up, you saw your teacher, Mrs. Gerald, Hold a stern but hard face that promised a talk after class.

"Sleeping in class, are we?" She Asked, a hint of anger expressed in her tone, but it was so subtle it was easily missed.

You only shook your head, and sat up straighter, hoping she would leave so everyone's eyes would leave you. Mrs. Gerald sighed and left back to her desk, shaking her head and getting back to reading the book.
You looked at the clock, hoping for it to be the end of the period so you could just get to lunch. However, upon noticing the positions of the hands on the clock, you sighed and leaned back with dread. There was still 30 minutes left of class. You could have sworn hours passed, Even though you knew there is "only" 40 minutes in a period. You just wanted to be able to go to lunch.

Although, you only had a few amount of friends, and most of the time they were on their phones.

But there was also a plus side to that situation, if your friends are on their phones, you could be to so you wouldn't have to worry about making eye contact with your secret, but sinful crush.

His name was Sean, but everyone called him Jack. He was a tall, but thin Irish boy, with a thick accent. He held the most beautiful, bright ocean blue eyes you have ever seen on someone. You could easily get lost in those blue orbs of his. He was 17 as you were, with faded green hair, as if he hadn't kept up with it, it toppled over his forehead. However, that look did make him the more cuter. He would usually wear medium T's, with skinny jeans that were so tight, you could see every muscle, and curve of his legs to the detail. He also sometimes wore a denim jacket that was pitch black, almost like a bikers, but made him look less dangerous. He had a small face, with a mustache that connects to a small beard and spreads along his jawline, which was rounded and soft. Every time you saw him, it made you shiver. But you knew the iota of a chance you could ever have with him would never happen. Plus it made you cringe that you are even thinking of these thoughts. He's too good for you. Plus, you were a fat and worthless piece of crap. As well as the fact that you had a girl that basically hung off of you every second of your day, calling you every name in the book and making sure every friend of yours knew who you are, which is why today you have a few friends. So you were sure Jack got The Message. And he could never gain feelings for you. You were friends with him, Well, more like the kind of friendship where you give each other a side glance to even acknowledge that fact that either of you exist. As much as you wanted to have him in your life, it was never gonna happen. Plus, you have always wanted to be a writer, and you doubted he even cared about such a profession.

While you were daydreaming all of this, you heard yet another slap upon your desk, this time making your papers fly. You jump with a scream, your eyes instantly landing on your teacher. Everyone was looking at you, the room went silent.

"Didn't we JUST discuss this, (Y/N)?!" She raises her voice at you, which only made you furrow your brows at her tone, one of the things you hate most about people, and look straight into her eyes.

"Sorry, I guess this class is just draining my energy right out of me by how much FUN me are Having"

Mrs. Gerald roller her eyes. "Give me that attitude one more time, Mrs. (L/N), And I Will Send you straight to ISS", she warned, But Yet you could care less, and with a huff, you drop yourself into your desk and stare groggily at your teacher, just wishing and hoping the period to be over soon so you could get another glimpse at that one man you had such a hard crush on.

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