RockDale Park

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It had been a month since you and Jack exchanged phone numbers. And ever since that day, you and the green haired boy have been texting every night, telling each other cheesy jokes, asking each other questions more about yourselves, and playing some stupid games. You both really seemed to enjoy talking to each other. He never was late to text you the moment you got home from school, and every word in his texts brought a genuine smile to your face. One that you didn't have to fake. It was a feeling you didn't ever think you could possibly feel. But Jack provided this for you, and he made sure to keep it that way, which warmed your heart greatly. He was so sweet, funny, and you were learning more and more about him.

You were walking home from the bus stop after getting off, and looked at your phone to find Jack texted you, which you instantly swiped to open the text and read.

"Hey, (Y/N)? How've you been?" It was such a simple but heart warming question. He was the only one you even seemed to care and only one that cared for your life and ever actually involved you in his life, and asked if you were doing okay. Sure, it was an alien feeling, but it was a feeling you were willing to adopt. As much as you tried not to believe that Jack is who he is, who you see, you can't help but think you might have found someone finally in your life. It brought tears to your eyes every night, both a mix of salty depressing tears that burned your cheeks, and tears of genuine happiness. Happiness that never visited. You didn't want to ruin the only thing that made you laugh and unravel you, so you always texted him back instead of ignoring him, as you do with most of your friends. The only thing you would just have to keep away from him was your body, your fat, and your hideous personality. He likes the one you are sharing right now, but he will never find out about who you really are.

"I'm actually pretty good. You?" It wasn't even a second after you sent it that you saw the text bubble show up, showing three bouncing dots that indicated Jack was responding. Either he was lonely, or he was just happy to 'hear' from you. Either way made you slightly giddy than your usual depressing self that disgusted you.

"I'm great. Uhm, But I do want to ask you something." You furrowed your brows in confusion. Was something wrong?

"What's up?" You text back, pursing your lips together as you await his reply. As usual, it only took him a second before his message popped up, lighting your screen.

"Uh, do you want to go to the park today? It's cold so there shouldn't be anyone there and I have nothing to do today." His response sent a shiver down your spine. He wants you to go to the park with him? Alone? Of course it couldn't have meant anything other than a friendly conversation, but it did worry you. He was usually with his pals. This was a change and it confused you greatly. Trying to think nothing of it, you text back, Now in front of your house door, key in hand.

"Yeah, I'll be there, just give me a minute to get ready." You closes your phone and hurried inside, determined to meet up with Jack.

You ran into your room, and dressed in more appropriate clothing for the cold you will be sitting in, neglecting only a coat. Grabbing your phone, and putting on your sneakers, you go to your mother, hoping she wasn't in a bad mood like usual today so she would easily allow you to leave.

"Mom, I'm going out with a friend for a while, I'll be back before dark." You got a hum and a wave in return from her, surprising you, but you took it as a yes and left immediately. You'd rather not question something when you had a mission to accomplish. You'd worry about it later.

Walking through the snow, kicking it up and creating foot prints as snow flurries flew around you, you eventually made it to RockDale Park. It was right down your street so it was quite an easy walk, but the wind chill was quite cold, wearing only a sweater didn't help, but coats looked stupid on you so you left it home.

The moment you set foot in the park, you spotted Jack, sitting on a bench under a snow covered tree. It was a brilliant sight. Black contrasted against white, with Jacks bright green hair included, it was a truely significant sight. And all you wanted to do was stare at it forever, until you saw Jack wave over at you, to which you complied with his invitation and ran over to him. He scooted over to reveal a spot for you, to which you sat on, the seat warm from his body heat seeping into it and warming the cold that was once there. He gave you a brilliant smile. You smiled back to the best of your ability, knowing you looked incredibly dumb, but he didn't seem to notice.

"(Y/N), glad you could make it. I just wanted to sit and talk for a while, since I love snow and the environment, I thought we could do it here." He looked into your (E/C) eyes, and you nodded. If anything, you were willing to talk for hours with this man. And he seemed obligated as well.

"So, what's up?" You asked, trying to sound calm, which was hard with your shivering due to the cold and your chattering teeth, but you didn't want him noticing. Which so far you were successful.

"Well, I've had a lot of things on my mind. And after meeting you, I feel like I should share them with you. It would make me feel better haha.... I Mean, Plus, I do have a reason for bringing you here to the park instead of my house, besides the cool and calming environment." He scratched the back of his head and looked down to the waving green grass a darker shade than his flowing hair, the grass dancing beneath him.

You continued glancing at him, awaiting his response with worry.

"Well, I Uh, I wanted to come here with you because so far, you've been listening to everything I say, while most of the people I know take it as a joke, so I feel that this would be some important information for me to mention. So, things aren't doing so well at home, My Mom And Dad are fighting. And I mean FIGHTING. They never used to be like this before, I mean, they never had many problems before, then one day they just started fighting like they were in a war. It's starting to scare me, so I wanted to get out of my house as much as possible. And I like talking to you, so I thought I would talk to you here." He glanced up at you, with hope in his eyes. It made you smile, the wind daring to cut through your skin as it came by like daggers. You understood completely. Your parents had gone through the same problems, your mom and dad never really did fight, until your father one day snapped at her and they continued for a full year, starting when you were 13 and your father leaving at 14. He made sure to let you know it was all your fault to, to which you took great regret for.  He would push and punch your mom, your mom returning the favors. And sometimes, it got so bad you had to lock your door so they didn't end up flying through your room. You never wanted to have your parents split up like that, but now it was to late and your dad was no where to be seen.

You gave Jack a long understanding glance, and pursed your lips, thinking of what to say.
"I.... I understand. My parents went Though the same problems. In fact, they continue to fight after a long year of constant fighting. It hurts, a lot, I know, but you can get through it, as I am so far" You place your hand on his thigh, with a soft smile. He looked down to your hand, then slowly to your smile, and then your eyes. His eyes glistened in the night, which helped warm your body slightly from the warmth he sent to you.
Suddenly, a large gust of wind came by, sharp like daggers it burned, making you shiver immensely, breaking both of your eye contact. Jack noticed this, and saw the scrunching of your face. He then took off his jacket, placing it on your shoulder. "Here, your cold. You need it" You tried to refuse but he insisted, of course he would. He was shivering too, but he didn't seem to care, he just stared into your eyes.
Just then, he moved closer to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders and bringing you closer to his chest, hugging you to keep you warm. You loved the warmth and it spread throughout your body, even though his skin was icy cold, he said he was used to it and just hugging you made him feel warmer. You took that into consideration and decided against arguing further. Cuddling closer to Jack, you closed your eyes, not acknowledging the cheesiness of the situation, but the fact that you didn't have to freeze to death but yet worry your mother for showing up way earlier than the time you told her you would. Hopefully she wouldn't freak out, you did warn her after all and she gave a reaction of some sort. But that wasn't important, what was important was sitting here and comforting both you and Jack, allowing one another to enter each other's lives and protect each other from the worse.

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