
21 2 1

You had stared up at the ceiling for a good 2 and a half hours, pondering in your thoughts about what had happened right before you walked into your home.

Jack had kissed you.... Again.....

You couldn't understand what was happening, it's like he wants to, but then says nothing about it. He leaves you to ponder what had happened.

But.... Last night was different than the first time. He went straight into the kiss, no leaning in slowly, no looking straight into each other's eyes for a couple of minutes, no, he grabbed your cheeks and pressed his lips onto yours.

You even felt a spark between the two of you. His kiss seemed eager and welcoming, like he has been waiting a long time for it, and finally achieved a lifelong goal.

But the fact that he wanted to kiss you of all people, the outcast, the worthless bitch, a sad case for a human being, confused you. Yet he kissed you, a depressed fool.

There must be something wrong with his head to choose you to willingly go in for.

Not to say you didn't like it, you loved the feeling, yet it also felt alien. You didn't feel like you belonged.

Your thoughts clouded your head, your eyes threatening to close as your eyelids were heavy, but your brain fought sleep to try and explain what happened.

——Time Skip————

You had woken up in the morning with a pounding headache and sleep deprived body. You struggled to get out of bed to just turn off the alarm, your arms felt like two ton weights.
Even though you had heaved yourself into school, and to your classes, dead tired and falling asleep every now and then, you still drowned in those suffocating thoughts.

You didn't remember it, but you fell asleep in science, your head tucked into your arms and hair sprawled everywhere over your part of the desk, apparently snoring lightly.

You had just started a light dream, seeing and hearing Jacks voice in a dark void, seemingly millions of miles away from you, before you felt a light object smack you in the arm.

It was about 50 times this object smacked you before you lifted you head, groaning and licking your dry lips. With eyes half closed, you look to your right to see that it wasn't an object that was smacking you, but Jacks hand.

He stared down at you, worried as your eyes were glossy, barely making out his expression.

"(Y/N), are you okay? You keep falling asleep, like you got no sleep, why did you-" You cut him off before he could lecture you more about your own sleep schedule, feeling slightly angry for him even trying to pry into your business.

"I'm fine, I got enough sleep, nothing important."

"It is important" He said, sounding astonished. "God if you don't get the sleep you need you know what that does to your body?" You rolled your eyes, exasperated at his tone.

"Jack, you sound like my damn mom. I'm fine. Besides, I'm sleeping now, isn't that good enough?"

"Yeah, sleeping during a class, real smart, (Y/N). I'm just worried"

"Over me? Pffffft nah, don't waste your time" You shook your head and went to lay your head back down. Unfortunately, Jack grabbed your chin and turned your head towards him, ruining your upcoming beauty sleep.

"Is this because of me? Did I keep you for to long? Did your mom get mad because of me and keep you up?" He seemed genuinely worried, his mouth tilted down at the corners on the beginnings of a frown. You sighed deep and hard, shaking his hand off of your chin.

"Jack, I'm. Fine. So many questions when you could be worrying over something that is actually important, or someone."

"Wha-" He sounded confused. "This is important. And what do you mean 'Someone' else that is important?" His voice was incredulous. "You ARE important! What is this all of a sudden? Why are you turning me down?" You furrowed your brows, growing increasingly angry as did he. His bushy eyebrows grew close together, those ocean blue eyes stared into yours, searching for an answer, which made you slightly weak. Damn those eyes were hypnotizing.

"I'm not worth your time, Jack. Just leave it be"

"No, don't say that. What the hell, (Y/N), you cant be serious. Your worth all of my time, and I don't mind"

"Yeah, and you'll soon regret it. You think you can handle my trash heap of a life, but you can't and you won't! You won't let me ruin you!"

The class turned their heads towards you, hearing as you raised your voice, but you didn't care. You needed to push Jack away, as much as it hurt to do so, you didn't want to ruin him like you did so many others.

"That's not true and you know it-"

"And so now your saying I'm lying? Wow, you really don't know me. Before you get caught up in my bullshit, my worthless body, then I suggest you leave! I can't ruin someone else! It would break me to know I ruined you, and your too good for me, so just freakin leave before anything happens!"

Jacks shook his head, grabbing your hand and squeezing. His eyes grew glossy. Was he seriously about to cry? "Stop saying those disgusting things! Your none of those!! And you won't tear me apart, I know you won't! Just let me in, I can help-"

You started to scream, tears streaming down your face as agony filled your body, your cheeks grew extremely hot and your chest heaved for air, wheezing and lips shaking as spit flew from your mouth as you screamed.  "NO, YOU CANT HELP ME!! NO ONE CAN!! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY LIFE! IM WORTHLESS AND A WASTE, WHY WONT YOU LISTEN!?!? YOU CANT HELP ME, STOP TRYING!!!!" You ripped your hand away from Jack, his eyes wide open in fright. You scared him. You were a bitch and you scared him. What the hell was wrong with you? That could have gone a lot smoother but you just dragged Jack down with you. What you were trying to avoid. There no turning back now.

Your eyes shown great pain, hiccuping and desperately breathing in air just to cough it up, tears hot on your cheeks, you stormed out of the classroom, avoiding eye contact with Jack. You couldn't look at him, not with what you have just done. The class stared at you as you stormed out of the classroom. The teacher called for you but you were gone before she could grab your arm in a hurry.

You rushed to a dark corner in the school, not wanting to go to the girls restroom and your ugly voice echoing for others to hear, or a room that didn't quite have sound proof walls and someone walk in to see you in your worst state. So you found a corner that was secluded and had almost no one ever walk by or into. Plus, it was covered by a wall that stretched down half of the hall, connecting to another wall that twisted to form another hall way. It would at least cover up most of your sobs.

You brought your knees close to your chest, hoping you didn't do anything to harsh, but knowing you had, and pressed your face firmly into your knees, hands wrapped around your stubby ankles and small back pressed against the cold black wall. You felt dead inside, and wished you were dead, now that you have created more chaos.

People have seen the way you looked in your worst state, so now the rumor of you screaming and acting like a total birch to Jack will spread. Maybe his buds will get an ear of the story and find you and hurt you.... badly. You didn't doubt it....

You hated yourself, you just wish you had never said anything in the first place when all Jack was trying to do was help....


Kind of a sad chapter. I'm sorry about that. I just felt like this needed a bit of a turn so you and Jack could grow closer when he finally experienced who your character is in this story. I promise, it's all part of a story arc that will get better in the future!

Anyways, I hope your enjoying so far! I really want this story to be good, with no mistakes and a good story arc!


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