I Wish It Were That Easy

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Looking up into those deep blue eyes, your body stiffened. You didn't expect him to be there. Hovering over you. Especially with worry filled eyes.

"(Y/N)?" He asked. "Are you alright....?" You could only stare, mouth agape, making you appear to be the stupidest person alive. But yet, he didn't take his eyes off of you, to your shock, they grew softer, his shoulders sagging just slightly. It didn't seem he cared that he was worrying over the most agonizingly boring and worthless girl in the entire school. Which only made you hurt. Because no one has ever felt for you. Which could only mean one thing, it must be a hoax. He could be planning his next move to destroy your character, crumble you into little specs of dust, that are impossible to put you back together. Your already a cracked glass, just waiting for someone to see and punch straight through you. However real this thought of Jack, THE Jack ever doing this, the possibility, cracked you even more. You didn't know what was going on inside of his head, so who were you to judge his character.

You suddenly felt your friend punch your arm. Turning your head just enough to peer at her, she gestured with a nod of her head to the man before you, she couldn't make it any more obvious. Shaking do to your extreme anxiety, and social awkwardness, you slowly turn your head back to Jack, eyes slightly downward, yet his eyes still on you. Why wasn't he leaving?
Sighing, you take a small gulp. "Y-Yeah. I'm f....fine" You managed to get out, and instantly his face showed signs of disbelief, yet you ignored it. You didn't believe yourself either, and the pain was clearly showed on your face. Although, he didn't really have a right to pry into your life. Why would he care now after all the pain you've experienced before? Was he just playing you? Trying to convince you that he is a better person than what is behind the seems, even though he really seems like a loving and caring person, only to pry and tear you apart later.... Possibly.

"I-I'm Just tired" You explain to him anyway, trying to convince him of believable lies to where he won't question you. You felt his hand remove itself from your shoulder, while you suddenly realized you miss that soft feeling and the warmth of his hand seeping into your skin through your shirt. You look up to Jack, and he looks straight into your eyes too, ocean blue meeting pale (E/C) ones. He nodded and gave you a soft smile that you didn't deserve. It only made you feel worse.

He turned around and slowly started walking away. As he did you watched, him taking small steps to his friends table. They all gave him a dirty look. They must have been wondering why he even came up to you in the first place.
"What a gentleman" You sigh, rolling your eyes. Alice suddenly grabs your arm with a huge smile on her face spread from ear to ear. "(Y/N)! He approached you! You should have made your move!"

You made a dumb example without considering your consequences of Alices response. "What, by getting up and kissing him!" You instantly cover your mouth, flushed and covering your face with your sleeves. Once you look up, still flustered, Alice is nodding her head viciously.

"Exactly! If you'd done that, he would have fallen for you easy!" You gave her a disgusted face, hiding the temptation for that to be true.
"No, Doofus! This isn't one of your romantic movies you watch over the weekend and cry over!" This caused her to laugh.

"No, but most love happens like it is!" At this point with her joy filled expression and jumping up onto her toes constantly, you couldn't help but think she might be high or something. Alice is sometimes like this, but she doesn't usually temp this hard.

"Alice! He would be creeped out like shit!" She rolled her eyes, copying you only dramatically.
"Yeah, but guys are easy! They would jump at any opportunity!" Her comment made you gag. Jack would never do such a thing, would he?
"So that's it, you think I just want to have sex with him, that all my desires pertain to sex. Even though you KNOW that that is the LAST thing on my mind! Alice, I don't want to be some TOY to him and not the other way around!" Alice scoffed, shaking her head.
"That's not what I meant. If you had JUST LISTENED then you would have understood. Whatever, but I will say one thing. Your missing your opportunity to hook up with him." You laughed at this. What did she know about hook ups?! She dates basically every guy she passes by! She doesn't know the first thing about a true relationship, and she KNOWS that you have no intention of someone using you or you using them. It was a really stupid idea to even do or think such a thing anyways, no one is a toy.

You sighed deeply, you didn't know if you would ever get it through Alice's head. She was keen on trying to get you to try new things out, without ever actually thinking of the consequences or the actions. She just.... Did. While you sat around waiting for the right time, which sometimes, did make you feel worse, lonely, and pertained to your low self-Esteem. But you imagined you would feel and be a lot worse if you participated in those reckless actions. Whatever. With a shrug, deep in your thoughts, you turn away from her, glad you guys didn't continue the conversation.
Just as you turned, your (E/C) eyes landed on Jacks. He had been staring at you. You didn't know the reason why, but it sent shivers down your spine. Sincerely, you didn't mind, but what you were really worried about was what Jack could possibly be thinking.

Suddenly, the bell ring, making you jump out of your seat. You were lost in his eyes for a good minute so the bell was unexpected. You saw as Jack did the same, but took his eyes off of you, turning to his stuff and picking it up to put on his back. Sighing, you did the same, and headed to your next class, which was the same direction Jack was going. But you two were a good distance away so you didn't have to worry about making new friends. "Great, Advisement For 20 Minutes, Then Math" You let out yet another long and dreadful sigh, not even close to finishing off the day as it will only be 6th period. Groaning, you leave for Advisement, Missing the presence of the Green Haired yet perfect sparkling blue eyes lad.

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