Worry Is Eating Me Away

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You were stuck.

It has only been about 5 hours since you last texted Jack, and it felt like your whole world stopped. Time wasn't moving, voices so muffled and low they were just small echoey whispers that tickled the back of your mind. The wind barely swept over your skin, your heart beat was unusually slow. The environment was quiet and had a low hum every now and then.

This place felt so unfamiliar.

You stood in the middle of your house, tapping your arm slightly with your small fingers that were slightly chubby and short. Your eyes staring straight into one area, stinging slightly as you refused to blink, tears threatening to gloss over your eyes, yet you couldn't feel or see a single thing.

Your hair draped over your shoulders loosely, little strands of (h/c) hair shadowed over your face, creating small shadowy shapes and patterns that spread across your features.

You hummed a soft melody, waiting ever so patiently yet fruitlessly for Jack to come back. Your voice echoes in your head, bouncing off the empty walls of your skull, vibrations shivered their way down your spine, a tingle causing your back to shift. You licked your lips constantly, wetting them so the sound of your delightful hum could escape smoothly, your shoulders sagged and arms crossed.

You could stand in the middle of your house for 10 days if you had to, ignoring food, water, and air if you must so you could replenish with the one man that made you happy. Or, as you tried to make yourself believe.

Mark had tried his best within the last couple of hours to get you to be productive, but with every recommendation he offered, you blatantly refuse.

You understood he cared for you, as bazar as it seems to you, he really did. He wants you to stray away as far as you possibly can away from the hole that threatens to take your life and twist it into a black liquid to be thrown in to a dark and endless void.

You felt like an annoyance, a nuisance around him, and you really didn't want him to feel that he had to watch and control every move you make.

Sure it's out of kindness and care for you, but you knew that there was more people out there that meant much more than you ever could.

However, Mark was relentless, he wanted every bit of you and your tainted soul to survive the hard and boiling and despair driven world around you. He admitted that he would do anything for you, and with your consent or not, commit to his actions if it meant you be safe. It didn't matter how many times you told him to leave you alone, to find something better to do, he always ran straight for you first, swatted your words away and stayed by your side every step of the way.

He knew how much you were going to miss the doofus of a friend that is Jack, he understood that you were having trouble coping while fighting with your inner self. So he always brought up inspirational words or phrases, or just sometimes hug you until you fell asleep in his arms.

He felt bad, even though none of it was his fault, as a matter of fact, it was no ones fault, but he still blamed himself and kept that as a valid argument.

You however, taking your mind off of Mark, have not texted Jack since you did a few hours ago asking where he has been. You didn't want to seem like one of the needy and "Needing To Know  Every Place He Has Went To" kind of person. You wanted to be laid back, enjoying your time alone, and spending time with Mark, yet, you just couldn't find a place to rest. You were running a race you couldn't beat. Your legs are tired and are on the brink of collapsing, your mind racing and your body twitching uncomfortably. You just wanted to know if he was okay, and if he missed you.

You still stood in the middle of the house, shuffling through every thought that was written in your mind. It was growing chaotic.

Mark had let himself in your house, considering your door was unlocked, how stupid of you.

"Hey, (Y/N), you feeling okay?" He asked, his fluffy head poking out from the frame that separated the entrance from the living room.

You noticed the deep brown floof atop his head and immediately smiled, his dark, wispy brown eyes glowing with delight upon seeing you, a smile splitting his lips. You couldn't help but grin, the edges of your lips stretching far across your face. You were always so happy to see him.

"Y-Yeah.... I'm okay. Just thinking." You replied, looking down ever so slightly, trying to avoid his dark eyes. You heard his footsteps grow closer to you, shoes clicking against the ground to meet your bare toes.

Suddenly, you felt a hand upon the top of your head, and ruffle your (H/C) hair, knots quickly forming.

You giggled softly. He heard the small laugh and smiled brighter. "Thinking, eh?" His deep voice rumbled, sending shivers down your spine.

You nodded, lifting your head to meet his deep brown eyes that glistened as the light caught them.

"Yeah. I'm just.... I think I'm.... Getting too attached" You said, pursing your lips slightly and averting your gaze. You heard his little laugh.

"It's okay.... This is normal. You miss him, you found someone who likes you for who you are and for them to just up and leave is confusing and painful, but it is normal to miss him. You'll be okay though. I promise" He said, pulling you into his arms and squeezing you, giving you a reassuring hug.

You hummed in response, then shrugged your shoulders.

"Wanna try and sleep? You look pretty exhausted after all that worrying." He asked, letting you go.

You nodded, suddenly feeling as if a brick was placed upon your eyelids as they drifted shut, just to open as your body jerked.

You walked to your couch, knowing your mom was in her room, sleeping so she wouldn't think you came in late drunk just to pass out on the couch, considering Mark was there and she wasn't present.

You laid your body on the couch, and the moment your head hit the arm rest, you immediately drifted into a sweet slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2019 ⏰

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