Help Needed

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The sound of the bell ringing in your ears is what woke you up from your sleep upon your desk. Shooting your head up, you looked around in a daze, only to find your classmates getting up and grabbing their stuff to leave. This is when you realize class is over.

You get up from your desk, sighing, happy that the torture has come to an end for the day. Your teacher must not have cared that you fell asleep for the third time, so you shook it off and bolted outside the door leading into the jam packed hallway.

An eruption of voices blended together from the kids that piled in around you is what filled your ears. Friends meeting together, teens talking of their vocations, Everyone telling each other what they will do over the summer as it's only a month until the school year ends.
It has been a long School year, teachers that don't know how to teach, kids screaming and messing around, just like the good ol' days. You enjoyed only that much of the school year, the chaos. It made you feel more alive and pumped up. All the kids would get on your nerves, since you were an introvert and enjoyed your privacy and Usually were alone, but when they would mess around in class, disturbing a lesson and causing your teacher to gradually go from yelling to screaming, it was awesome. It always brought a huge smile to your face, knowing that you can go home with more memories of a chaotic day.

Pushing through the people in the hallway, you were determined to get to lunch. You never really ate the schools food, with their soggy and In- proportionate foods, half the time it made you gag. The taste was stale, and extremely greasy. You have never really been a fan of grease, and watching others stuff their mouths, It really didn't soothe your stomach.

As much as the food was a death sentence to you, it was your friends and Jack that really made you giddy for lunch. You felt safe among the comfort of your small group of friends, however surprised that they are even still your friends, and the gaze of those baby blue orbs belonging to a gorgeous Jack.

Not many know of your crush on Jack, it was only your three friends that really knew anything about your crush. They tried their damndest to get you to ask him out, considering he didn't have a girlfriend, but you could never do it. You would embarrass yourself beyond belief, and you weren't willing to make a first impression as an embarrassed freak.

Running down the stairs and speed walking to the lunch line, you pushed through the people, spotting one of your friends, Alice, as she grabbed her lunch.

"Alice!" You Shouted, waving your hand in order to get her attention. You watched as she snapped her head to the side, her eyes wandering over the line, until eventually her chocolate brown eyes landed on your (E/C) ones. You watched as a smile spread across her face.

"(Y/N)!!" She shouted back towards you. You pushed through more people, receiving curses and slight pushes back, but you didn't care, you were determined to reach Alice's side.
After about a minute of squeezing through the mob, you finally reached Alice, placing a hand upon her shoulder with a smile plastered to your face.

"Hey. It took forever for me to get here so you better treat me like your queen" She giggles

"(Y/N), That's not how it works! I'M obviously your queen" You slapped her arm and we laughed for a while while walking into the cafeteria together. Suddenly, you felt her punch your arm, getting your attention. You snapped your head to look at her, raising an eyebrow, only to see her pointing in front of you. You follow her arm, just to find that she is pointing to the one and only, Jack. You hitched your breath, as you found him eating and paying no attention to you.

"(Y/N), it's Jack!" You shake your head, and frown.

"I KNOW that's Jack," you whisper-yell. "I'm not stupid! Now stop pointing before he notices!" You grab her arm and pull it down, only for her to wrap her arm around your neck.
"But you need to go talk to him! You like him so much, why don't you ever confront the man!" This only caused you to slightly push her and give her a nasty look.

"You KNOW why I can't! I mean, look at me!" You gestured Over your body, causing Alice to eye roll.

"You look fiiiine! I'm sure he doesn't care about Looks! I Mean, your gorgeous! And maybe he likes rolls, you never know until you give it a chance!"

"I'll embarrass myself, Alice! And, what if he doesn't like rolls or my looks or my personality?! It would ruin me and I would be harshly picked on for the rest of my life, and you know how well that turned out last time!"
She shook her head at you, looking at you in disbelief.

"That was two times and a long time ago! Besides, the worst that happened was going to the principles! And yet you gave those girls what for! Look, just give it a chance one day, you'll see, Okay?" You nod, giving up because you knew she wasn't going to give up on explaining this crap to you. Although you didn't intend on doing anything she offered.

Sighing, you gesture towards the table, Trying your hardest not to make eye contact with Jack. Once you two sat down with two other friends of yours, Skyler and Lora. They were conversing when you and Alice sat down. But you didn't bother to eavesdrop on their conversation. You were too busy glancing from Jack to the napkins, to another table, then back to Jack. You wanted to stare straight into those eyes of his, but he would find you a creep if you had. It was hard containing these feelings for a dude that most likely had no feelings for you as well, mostly just by his looks. He may have a cute, and fun personality, but it wouldn't fit with your depressing and bipolar thoughts that constantly swam around in your empty head. You felt childish, so you stared down at the table, face in hands and clutching the hairs that dropped down from the front of your head. You were going through your thoughts again, about how you don't deserve to live, your life is a failure, you yourself are a failure, how much you hate yourself, and every flaw that exists in you. These thoughts took an abrupt stop when you look up to the feeling of a hand on your back.

You gasp harshly, because the first thing you notice are those beautiful, shining blue orbs that sparkle into yours.

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