You're Not Alone

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The morning light shown through your eyelids into a deep orange yellow woke you from your slumber. You slowly opened your eyes, peering at the window that allowed the light source in. Apparently, the sun came up early.

Sitting up with outstretched arms as your muscles gradually relieved from their tension and your bones cracked, you looked at your alarm with a sigh. It read 6:20, which gave you 40 minutes to get ready for school. You, however, only ever needed 10.

Getting dressed into a comfy set of black jeans, black shirt that was a size too big, with long sleeves and draped over your butt, along with your white socks to contrast the black.

Sighing, you grabbed your phone and slowly walked downstairs, each stair creaking to your weight. Everything downstairs was silent, and all the lights were out. Everyone must still be asleep. Grabbing yourself a bowl of cereal and water, you check your phone for any new texts. The very first on your list of contacts was Jack.

Tapping on his name to reveal last nights messages, you felt a sudden pang of guilt. You had to tell Jack you guys couldn't hang out tonight because of your mom. This was true, yet you felt like you could have done something to change that. You were such a coward in that you couldn't convince your own mother otherwise.

What if Jack just wanted to hang out because he had no family of his own? He had his buds though, right? Maybe they were busy. Either way, you felt like a total bitch. You wanted to say sorry once more, even though a thousand sorry's still wouldn't make the situation better.

Tapping the bar to type, you swiftly moved and tapped your thumps over each letter, spelling out, "I'm sorry about last night" in a matter of seconds. Then you hit send. The message read delivered, then immediately changed to read and a text bubble showed up indicating that Jack was typing.

Jack: What are you Sorry for?

Me: For not being able to hang out tonight

Jack: It's okay, I know your busy

Me: Yeah.... Is next week still good?

Jack: Hell yeah. And hey, wanna meet up in lunch?

Me: Yeah sure. But what about your buds?

Jack: They just sit there telling dirty jokes, nothing important.

Me: Okay. See you in science?

Jack: Totally. Bus is coming so gtg

Me: Okay. Bye

Jack: Bye

You didn't feel any better, but you were glad Jack understood. He was never usually one to pry into things.

You went into the bathroom and brushed your teeth and hair. While looking in the mirror, you noticed your eyes extremely puffy and red from crying all of last night. You didn't look very pleasing.

You splashed your face with cold water and dabbed it with a towel. Your eyes were still puffy, but not as red as before. That was a start.

Grabbing your bag, you rushed out the front door and to your bus stop, making it just on time for your bus.

————Time Skip—————

You were in science and you and Jack were sitting next to each other as usual, chatting and laughing as you guys did your project. It was a group effort, so you and Jack paired up and easily got the project mostly done through the first 20 minutes of class.

You had finally built up the courage to text your mom and ask if you could stay after school, after spending a long time guilt tripping over Jack. She evidently said yes, which drove a lot of your worries right off your shoulders.

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