The Rumors Of The Truth Spread

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It has been a week since the kiss on the riverside, and so far, you and Jack haven't said much to each other. Jack shows no signs of remembering the day, and you kept it to yourself most of the time, not even telling Alice as she would freak out.

You were at your locker exchanging out your history books for your gym clothes. It was your gym class for third period, which also meant dealing with the pesky bitches who treat you like absolute shit. They know of your past and hardships and use it against you, their intentions on making you feel way worse that you already feel.

However, you did make acquaintances with a dude in your class, who, when he notices, stops the girls from bothering you. However, it was still a pain in the ass. As these girls would swoon over him and completely ignore what he had to say. They hit on every guy they saw and were snobby to people they thought didn't have perfect standards.

Speaking of the devils, the three girls that usually bothered you came waltzing up to you, to which you stuck your face in the locker a little more, hoping they wouldn't notice.

Unfortunately, your locker wasn't such a great hiding spot.

"Oh look, it's the attention whore who probably cut herself some more last night, this time probably for a player to give her some love" Vora, the main "star" of the group said, her eyebrows raised and a smirk plastered on her lips. She was truly disgusting and the embodiment of the devil.

"What the hell do you want, Vora?" You spat, lowering your eyelids just slightly and raising an eyebrow, showing how much you could care less about her existence. She only snickered.

"Oh, just checkin up on the image you portray yourself in, you know, for the attention." Her voice was high pitched and sounded like she was going to snap at any moment. She had some real anger issues. If one thought she was bad now with her insults, then no one has obviously ever seen her in full on anger. She could get scary and violent. But that didn't stop you from stepping up to her, if anything, it fueled your anger and hatred for the little brown haired brat.

"Wow, you obviously need some hearing aids because no matter how much I tell you that that is no where near the reason, you never get the memo. Go make yourself pretty and earn some petty cash so you can buy yourself one."
Vora gave you a menacing glare, basically snarling at you as she flipped her hair.

"You think your hilarious, don't you. When we all know you're some crazy bitch willing to spill blood for someone to give you a glance. You refuse to admit it though. But it's okay, I'm here to help you spread the message. Oh, and don't try and hide the fact that you slept with Jack on one faithful school evening. We all know what you two did." You rolled your eyes exasperated.

"Why don't you and your squad of mistakes go and screw each other as you guys are basically glued together. Someone who is actually worth something wouldn't go being a 2 year old and bullying other kids for the stupidest shit." Vora gave you a hard stare, but before she could say anything, her taking in a breath before she spoke, you cut her off.

"Oh, and save your breath. We are all gonna die someday and I would rather not be buried knowing that your disgusting breath has touched me, plus the fact that if you disliked me so much, you wouldn't be around me 24/7. I know I'm popular around both genders, but I'm only gonna reserve myself for me and someone who knows how to brush their teeth and care." Vora furrowed her eyebrows as you smirked, closing your locker and walking down the schools hallway to gym class.

——————Time Skip———————

You were throwing basket balls into the hoops trying to get the score the teacher assigned the class, until a certain someone slammed into you, causing you to fall face flat on the ground, and basket ball bouncing to the farthest part of the gym.

With a growl, you slowly sat up, furrowing your brows to show your irritation and the person who knocked you over panicked.

"OH MY GOD Are you Okay?!?! I'm so sorry!" He lent out his hand, looking down at you. So you took it with a smile.

"Thanks, Mark. Means a lot to me. And It's okay." You forgave him and showed him a bright smile, to which he giggled softly and brushed his brown locks to the side and smiling. Damn his voice could get deep even when laughing.

"Sorry again. I'll watch out next time" He scratched the back of his head, to which you nodded and playfully pushed him.

"Better be, or else" You faked a threat, yet smiling. He knew immediately and ruffled your hair, which caused you to giggle.

"Hey," Mark said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Does that mean we are.... Officially.... Friends....?"

"What?" You said, raising an eyebrow. "I thought we were technically already friends"

"Oh, well, I apparently have no idea how friendship works" He laughed, shaking his head. Then he showed you his hand, more like, gave it to you to shake. "Friends?"

With a roll of your eyes, you laughed and took his hand in yours firmly, nodding.


——Time Skip———

The end of the school day came as quick as when it started, which was surprising as school was usually the longest part of your tormented day. You were on the bus, sitting next to Alice as she rushed question after question at you, not ever giving you time to answer.

"So, what happened between you and Jack?!, people are saying you two went off together, what of that?!, Did he ask you out?!, Did you make your move?!, Was he hot-" You stopped her mid-sentence, placing your hand over her mouth to shut her up before any more crap could spill out.

"Alice, Shut. Up. We didn't leave and no I have not made my move yet." You lied, very reluctant on telling your best friend what happened, knowing her. Yet she always gets details of something from somewhere about a subject you are keeping from her. She is like the gossip and rumor queen.

Alice pried your hand from her mouth, the second your palm was off of her lips, she started talking again. "(Y/N)! You can't hide it from me, I know you went somewhere, as you weren't in History! You never miss History because of the way the teacher lectures you when your late! I see you in the morning, but not in the afternoon?! On the day girls are talking about you and Jack ditching school?! I know something happened!"

You rolled your eyes, finding it hard to keep the secret at bay. "Alice, look-" She cut you off with a grunt of annoyance.

"(Y/N) stop it! You can tell me you know, half the kids already know anyways!" You sighed in defeat, knowing that the more you try, the harder she will push until she eventually gets her way. You might as well give up now.

"Fiiine. Yes, me and Jack ditched, but only to get out of the school and skip some rocks to relieve some stress. NOTHING else happened." You tried to convince her.

"Nothing?" She raises an eyebrow, then after a second, wriggling them, implying what you know to be dirty thoughts. You pushed her lightly.

"EW NO. Stop it I said nothing happened!"

"Fine fine. I'll leave it be for now. But you have to tell me when you and Jack hang out again, EVERYTHING about what happened."

"I don't need to tell you crap"

"Oh but you will, bestie" She gave you a cocky smile and giggled, ruffling up your hair and, as the bus stopped, got off for her stop.

You leaned back in your seat, closing your eyes to gather up your thoughts.

This was gonna be a long rest of the year if things are gonna keep going as fast as they are....

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