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Jack's kiss had struck you speechless. You could still feel his soft lips pressed firmly against yours, tongues battling for dominance as his warm hand cupped your cheek, your hand awkwardly tangled in his hair. It was a blissful moment, however when it ended, you couldn't help but feel immobile when his slow returning smile struck you after the kiss. When you guys parted, breathless and taking in gulps of sweet air as that saliva bridge connected to your lips was the only thing left connecting you two pertaining to your lips. When your noses were touching, eyes meeting ocean blue orbs, he let out a breathtaking smile, so bright it beat the sun.

Your eyes were glued to his, the most pure and innocent gaze he held struck you motionless. That was until you heard buses pulling up to the school, ready to pick up the kids, including you. That's when you realized, you and Jack had just skipped the rest of the school day as you had gotten too carried away with Jack. You started to panic. Your mom was going to kill you.

Quickly getting up off the ground, escaping Jacks hands that you had forgotten were still holding you and gathered up your things, Jack staring at you in shock. He clearly had forgotten what time and how long you two stayed outside, ditching school. You meant to only ditch two periods, instead, ditching 4.

"What's wrong, (Y/N)?" He asked, genuinely concerned.

"We skipped the rest of the school day. My moms gonna kill me!" You exclaimed, genuinely terrified. Jack looked hurt, as his eyes dropped down and his mouth curved into a frown.

"We didn't have to ditch.... "He slowly stated, looking regretful.

"No, this isn't your fault, I agreed and I loved the experience. I just got carried away and stayed longer than we should have. I loved hanging out with you. I'll try and reason with my mom. But don't even think that any of this was your fault!" You explained, trying to reassure Jack. He didn't look convinced but he nodded.

"So, no after school today?" He asked, understanding why.

"Yeah, I will definitely stay tomorrow, though, if you can" He nodded, the bright and warming smile that you dearly loved returning to his lips. Just his smile and gaze made you feel a whole lot better.

You smiled back, about to race to the buses when Jack stopped you. "I'll walk with you. The school hasn't dismissed us or the students yet"
You nodded and walked slowly beside Jack, replaying the perfect moment you two shared together only minutes before. It was truly perfect and amazing, and you'll never forget the taste and shape of Jacks lips fitting on yours like a puzzle piece. He felt like the missing puzzle piece that made you who you are slowly growing in to. You knew that such a rare moment for you could never possibly happen again, still unsure about how Jack felt about the kiss.

—————-Time Skip————————

The bus dropped you off at your normal bus stop, which was just a block away from your house. You knew what you were coming home to, a raging mother who just found out about your attendance. She was strict and unforgiving when it came to the fact that you could or are skipping class and missing "important information" that you may supposedly need in the future. Plus, your grades, which were the biggie. She terrified you sometimes. She even got to the point where she was abusive and threatening while following along with that threat. She could care less about you and more for herself.

Once you made it to your door, you slowly pulled out your keys, worry filling you up within seconds. Your heart started pounding, your blood rushing to your head as adrenaline to run started to kick in, your eyes wide with real fear. You felt sick. You could feel the prick of tears threatening to fall, daring you to become a bitch and cry in front of your family that knew you as a disappointment. Feeding them with your pathetic cries. Your breathing restricted and your chest tightened. You were not ready for what was behind that door.

Pushing your key into the lock, you slowly turned, and did the same to the other lock, until the door was free to slide open and pull you into the hell that awaits you.

Stepping into the house, it was early silent, which was never a good sign. You put your book bag down before the stairs and placed your shoes on one of the steps leading into the living room. Then, with a great amount of courage, you started to walk up the stairs.

That's when a floor board creaked, and your body tensed up.

Within seconds, an ear shrilling screech came rushing into the air, filling your ears and making you wince.

"(YYYY/NNNNNN) (LLLLLL/NNNNNNNN)!!!!!!!"  She carried out your name, stating both first and last. Just saying your first name alone was bad enough. But now you knew things were about to get serious.

You stopped in the middle of the stairs, not having time to reach the landing when your mother suddenly bolted from the right of the doorframe to your stairs and screaming, her face a deep shade of red, and her eyes extremely dark, eyebrows furrowed to a beastly look with a low growl deep in her throat. She was bound to murder you. She looked like a rabid animal.

She suddenly lifted up her phone, revealing your attendance. You knew what was up.

"What In GODS NAME is THIIIS???!!!!" She shrieked, her breathing uneven and voice cracking, her knuckles were turning white from clenching her phone so hard, it seemed the phone might break to pieces if she clenched just a little bit harder.

"I-It's my.... A-Attendance" You stuttered out, teeth clenching and eyes holding back the tears that were just about to fall.


"U-Uhm.... I-I'm not.... I-I'm not s-sure....-" She cut you off instantly, her anger swelling.
"NOT SURE?! NOT SUUUURE?! YOU CAUSED THIS TO HAPPEN AND NOW YOUR GRADE IS GOING TO BE SLIPPING AND YOU WONT HAVE THE RIGHT MATERIALS TO GET ME IN A COLLAGE THROUGH YOUR PROGRAM-" You cut her off, which you instantly knew was a bad idea, it's one of the things she hates the most.

"But Mom, It doesn't work like that-" She returner the favor in cutting you off as well. She also hated the fact of being proven wrong.


Before you could say anything, your mother came rushing down the stairs, grabbing you by the hair and dragging you up the rest of the way, only to open the guest room door that frankly had nothing but a desk in it, and slammed you on the ground. Your lower back shrieking in pain. You let out a pathetic cry.

"YOU CAN STAY IN HERE AND THINK ABOUT YOUR WORTHLESS SELF, ABOUT HOW YOU MEAN NOTHING AND ONLY LIVE BECAUSE OF ME!!" She slammed the door right after that, making you wince, that's when the tears finally fell, a waterfall of regrets streaming down your cheeks. You wished you were never born, you wished you had just been an abortion or left out on the streets instead of living in this shitty lifestyle. It broke you and you couldn't fix it.

You had friends but none of them were true friends that were there by your side. You were close with Jack, but you knew he couldn't and would never be there for you when you needed him the most, they were all like that. Especially him.... Right....? You didn't really want to judge him quite yet, but they all turned out the same in the end....

With a great sigh, you lower down on the hard wood floor, wincing at every movement as your back screamed in agony. You don't know what you did to your back, but you had no painkillers to lighten up the pain or any way to get to a doctor, so you had to suffer through the slow healing process. Taking in the musky scent and squeezing onto your phone. No doubt your mother cut the Internet. So now you couldn't use the phone. You hated games on the phone and your only past time was texting Alice and Jack. But now, you couldn't even do that. Your mother loved seeing you suffer and the only reason why she chose the house with the extra room was just for this purpose, to trap you in here and hear you suffer. It was her greatest achievement.

You closed your eyes, happy memories of the riverside, especially the kiss, lulling you to sleep.

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