311 11 2

2 D A Y S L A T E R

•K E L A N I ’ S  P O V•

I went upstairs to mine and Ki's room to see him watching TV.

I looked at him and he smiled.

I ran to him cause I missed him.

It's late as fuck and I haven't seen him all day because I had a photoshoot.

I jumped on top of him and he chuckled. "I missed you baby girl" He said as he hugged me super tight.

I gave him a small kiss. "I missed you too Ki Ki." I said and he chuckled.

"You still gotta call me that?" He said as he gave me a small kiss.

"Yeah." I said and he shook his head.

"Well I have to go shower baby." I said and he gave me a hug.

I went to the bathroom and took my clothes off. My scars were still there like they've always been but I've learned to love them. They're a part of me and I wouldn't be me if i didn't have them. They're there for a reason.

I got in the shower and I let the hot water hit my body for a bit before I actually started to shower.

It feels good when j shower because I can just relax and let the hot water hit me.

I took a long ass shower and I heard Kimetrius close the room door which means that he left the room.

A couple of minutes later I got out of the shower and wrapped myself up in a towel.

When I got out of the shower he was back and he had lotions. "Lay on your stomach." He said.

He took the towel off if me and covered my butt with it.

He put some lotion in his hands and slowly started to rub it on my back. He went lower and lower everytime but he eventually went back up.

I started feeling tired but I snapped back when he took the towel off if my ass.

He started to rub lotion on my ass and I let him. It felt relaxing.

"You make me horny." He whispered into my ears from behind me, rubbing his hardness on my ass. He still had boxers on.

He started to kiss my neck and nibble on my ear. "You're so fucking perfect." He whispered again as he continued to kiss my neck.

I felt him leave a trail of hickeys behind.

He went lower and lower with every kiss until he got to my ass.

Then he took off his boxers and started to rub himself on me.

He put the tip inside and started putting in more. I grabbed onto the covers and tried not to moan cause I don't want to wake up Gabe but it was so hard not to.

He started going faster and faster. I moaned louder and louder.

Why am I so in love with this nigga?

He slapped my ass and I'm pretty sure it left a mark.

It stinged the whole time but I couldn't feel it because of the pleasure.

He pulled out and turned me around. "You look so fucking sexy without clothes." He said out of breath.

He pulled me into a kiss before I could say anything back.

He started kissing me slowly and passionately.

He slipped in his tongue and he roamed my mouth.

His tongue touched every inch if my mouth.

He started to nibble on my lip before he started to suck on it.

His lips started to travel down to my neck and he continued to kiss my neck.

I felt him leave tons of hickeys behind but I didn't care if it left a mark or not. I was so lost in the moment that I didn't realize that Gabe was home.

I totally forgot about him but then I remembered that his room is sound proof.

I tugged onto Ki's hair as I let out a couple quiet and small moans. No matter how much I tried not to moan it always slipped out.

He went lower and lower until he got to my breasts.

He started to leave hickeys behind but not too many. He started to suck on my nipples as I moaned.

This felt so different compared to the other times. He felt more special like he loved me more than he did before.

He went lower and lower with every kiss until he got down there.

He started to suck on it which made me moan louder.

I grabbed on to his hair and tugged at it.

He started to move his tongue in circles which drove me crazy and he knows that.

I was a moaning mess.

He licked me up before he pulled away.

He laid down and I grabbed his length.

I slowly put the tip in my mouth to then I put more and more.

He moved my hair out of my face as I did that.

"Fuck." He said.

I continued.

A couple minutes later I felt him twitch inside of me.

I got on top of him and started to kiss him.

Then he got on top of me and started kissing my neck again.

He harshly kissed me but then it got slower and slower.

He moved away and slowly inserted himself into me.

I he had his hands on my waist as he harshly went faster.

No matter how much it hurt it still felt good.

I let out the biggest moan of my life.

He was going faster and faster and it felt like he was literally in my stomach.

He was hitting my g spot everytime. I couldn't help it anymore and I came.

He came inside of me a couple minutes later.

He laid won next to me and kissed me slowly and passionately. He cupped my cheeks and slid his tongue in.

I pulled away and I out some clothes on while he hopped in the shower.

I ended up falling asleep.

The Next Chapter Will Probably Be Longer
Please Excuse any mistakes

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